Chapter 847
"This seat can also consider giving you a happy death!"

"Hmph! It's up to you, old lady, whether he dies or not. He must die at the hands of my Tianximen!"

As soon as Lin Yaoyang heard the old woman's words, the master of Ximen just opened his mouth to answer. Looking at Lin Yaoyang, his eyes seemed to be able to spew out flames. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell how much he held grudges. Lin Yaoyang is gone.

The expression on the face of the old woman who was answered also changed slightly, and then she looked at the head of the Tianxi Gate with a sneer and said: "Don't you Tianxi Gate have a good relationship with this Lin Xiaoer, and you still help others Collecting stolen money on behalf of others, why do you want to kill people now? It’s really unkind to kill donkeys like this.”

"You!? My Tianxi Sect has nothing to do with this little beast," said the head of the Tianxi Sect with an angry face.

There was a gloomy look on Lin Yaoyang's face. These people didn't think about their own thoughts at all, as if they were already a lamb, and whether it was skinned alive or steamed was up to their wishes.

Lin Yaoyang said with a hint of evil on his face: "That's right, sect master, you and I had a good discussion at that time, why now you are acting menacingly, as if you want to kill me to relieve your hatred, behave like this But it's pretty dishonest."

The martial saints here are not fools, they know that there is probably nothing wrong between Lin Yaoyang and Tianximen, but they are still happy to see the master of Tianximen being disgusted.

While talking, Lin Yaoyang looked at the old woman who had spoken earlier with an unfriendly expression, looked at her and said, "Grandma, what's the name of your goddess?"

That old woman was used to being respected by others, but now that someone dared to address her like that, her eyes widened, and she was about to rush up and slap Lin Yaoyang to pieces.

But an old man next to him stretched out his hand and stopped him. The old woman looked at Lin Yaoyang and said with a distorted expression: "I advise you to release Ruoshui quickly, or I will let you know that it is worse than death." What's the matter."

The woman standing behind Lin Yaoyang looked like she didn't understand what was going on. What did Lin Yaoyang do? This irritating appearance actually attracted so many martial saint-level monks to come to him Trouble.

Did they catch someone else?Look at how many people have been arrested by this posture.

After Lin Yaoyang heard the old woman's words, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

After seeing Lin Yaoyang's expression, the old woman's heart suddenly dropped, and she cried out inwardly that it's not good, this devil doesn't intend to kill her, right? She just happens to be the first to do the surgery?

But her pride of being a martial artist couldn't make him put down his body to take back what he said just now to discuss with Lin Yaoyang.

So he still looked at Lin Yaoyang with a coquettish look, the expression on his face seemed to say, I know you dare not, let me release him quickly, otherwise I will make you look good.

The other martial saints also looked at Lin Yaoyang, wanting to know what he was going to do.

Lin Yaoyang moved his hand, a white light flashed in front of him, and a figure appeared in front of Lin Yaoyang.

(End of this chapter)

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