super decomposition system

Chapter 853 Inexplicable Figure

Chapter 853 Inexplicable Figure
His complexion also changed drastically. There was a woman standing behind Lin Yaoyang, so he couldn't make a big move to stop He Qingyuan.

Lin Yaoyang could only kick in a hurry, but although He Qingyuan was influenced by the strong skeleton man, his own strength is still the same, and it is impossible to improve too much.

Being kicked firmly on the body by Lin Yaoyang's foot, He Qingyuan spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew backwards.Extremely fast.

Seeing this, He Shuang moved his feet, and instantly appeared behind He Qingyuan and grabbed He Qingyuan in his arms.

Watching He Qingyuan check to see if there was any serious problem, He Shuang let out a sigh of relief. Although He Qingyuan was seriously injured, it was only a flesh injury. As long as he recuperates, there will be no sequelae left in the future.

Now He Qingyuan was a blessing in disguise, he returned under the protection of his elders, and completely escaped from the clutches of Big Devil Lin.

Those Martial Saints around looked at the skeleton man, and there was a trace of strangeness in their eyes. They were all Martial Saint-level monks, but none of them even felt what happened to He Qingyuan. He Qingyuan had already been subtly controlled by the skeleton man.

Although the skeleton man's head was just a skeleton, Lin Yaoyang clearly saw a smile from which skull.

I saw the skeleton man showing a terrified smile in some way, looked at Lin Yaoyang and said loudly: "Not bad, not bad, you are quite good, you can react so quickly, I didn't expect I met this kind of good seedling as soon as I came out of the mountain, and I still have such a good fortune, boy, if you want to worship me as a teacher, I will definitely not treat you badly."

Lin Yaoyang believed in this skeleton man at first, but after He Qingyuan's trouble just now, his trust in this guy immediately fell to the bottom.

Now you still say you want to accept yourself as a disciple?Why did Lin Yaoyang not believe it so much? Now Lin Yaoyang didn't quite believe what this guy said about using Luofu black gold to save his life. Although this guy said to swear, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that swearing has no effect at all.

If he wanted to go back on his word, it was something he had thought of, and he also said that he had such a good fortune... He clearly saw that he had taken the unicorn medicine.

After what happened with Guo Sihai, Lin Yaoyang became unwilling to believe any stranger who knew that he was a human emperor and wanted to approach him in various ways.

But Lin Yaoyang has no way to escape from the sky right now, Lin Yaoyang also wants to break his head now.

Which skeleton man was looking at Lin Yaoyang with that terrifying smile on his face at this time, as if he knew that Lin Yaoyang would never say anything to reject him.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the old woman opposite, as if he couldn't help but rush up to take his life away at some point.

The woman behind her was staring at him and waiting for his action. Lin Yaoyang raised his head and looked at the sky. He was already tightly blocked by the aura of these martial saints, and there was no way to escape.

Just when Lin Yaoyang was feeling hopeless, at some point, without anyone noticing, a figure appeared, standing beside him without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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