super decomposition system

Chapter 858 What's Your Name

Chapter 858 What's Your Name

He took the initiative to provoke Lin Yaoyang, the devil. As for the skeleton man

?The same is not a master to be provoked. Although the strength is not as terrifying as that old man, it is definitely not something they can think of.

The few people who were put down by Lin Yaoyang just now saw their elders walking towards them, and all of them looked at the elders with strange expressions and asked, "Elder, what happened? The big devil Lin was killed You were killed? Can you let me see his body, even if he is dead, I can't spare him so easily. "

After the elder heard this, he quickly reached out his hand to cover his mouth. Didn't this cause trouble for him? The elder looked at the disciple with a serious expression and said: "The matter of Lin Yaoyang has come to an end here, you guys Being able to come back alive can only be counted as your fate, if you still see Lin Yaoyang in the city in the future, remember, you must take a detour for me, and hide as far as you can!"

Seeing the elder's solemn expression, these disciples didn't dare to say anything more about disobeying the elder, they could only nod their heads full of doubts.

Several other elders also issued such warnings to their own family members, and then left here one by one.

After the third uncle left, Xu Ruokong finally walked out from behind Gao Hui. At this time, Xu Ruokong's face had long since lost that calm expression, and his back was already drenched with his own sweat. up.

Gao Hui was shocked when he saw Xu Ruokong's appearance like this, and quickly looked at Xu Ruokong to ask if there was anything wrong.

Xu Ruokong shook his head, his eyes sparkled, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

After Lin Yaoyang took the woman away, it was already a long distance away when she reappeared. After Lin Yaoyang got down to earth, he couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Although the time was not long, Lin Yaoyang felt that what he experienced just now seemed like several years had passed.

Lin Yaoyang recalled the time when the old woman was trampled on the head by the skeleton man, and still felt a little lingering in his heart. That strong man at the level of a martial artist was really not enough in the face of absolute strength.

Just stomping on his head so simply, he lost his life, and the death was really a little bit without dignity.

Lin Yaoyang, took a look at which woman, which woman still has some clothes that have not recovered at this time,

Lin Yaoyang looked at her, which woman seemed to have noticed Lin Yaoyang's gaze, looked at Lin Yaoyang and smiled awkwardly, then looked at Lin Yaoyang and said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to know such a terrifying strong man, if I It would be great if I could get to know you earlier, if I had the help of that terrifying existence, maybe my Youxue Dynasty would not have fallen so easily..."

Before she could say a few words, the woman thought of sad things again, and her mood began to sink. The corners of Lin Yaoyang's mouth twitched, but he couldn't say anything, so he stood beside him and changed the subject: "So It’s been a long time, we’ve been through life and death together, and I still don’t know your name?”

Hearing that she was going through life and death, the woman blushed a little.

(End of this chapter)

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