Passionately 0a

Chapter 27 Meeting in the cafeteria

Chapter 27 Meeting in the Cafeteria ([-])

The five of them quickly became one, no, at noon, the five of them, who were always consistent in eating, rushed to the most famous cafeteria of T University to line up for raw fried chicken.

Along the way, the five of them achieved a very high return rate.

Not to mention the good looks of the five people, who let our Miss Mu Shanshan be in the team? Everyone can't believe that Mu Qianjin, who has always followed the high-cold route, also went to the cafeteria. It is really a rare thing in a century !

The four people in dormitory 521 first sent Rong Xiqing to occupy a seat, and then the remaining three people queued up in three lines.

Such an efficient arrangement left Mu Shanshan dumbfounded.

This is obviously how it often happens, and it has become a habit for the few of them.

In my heart, I suddenly envied such a friendship.

As the daughter of the top wealthy family in Jingchang City, Mu Shanshan can be said to have been spoiled by all kinds of things since she was a child.

She has harmonious and loving parents, as well as a handsome and wealthy brother who looks paralyzed no matter where she is (of course, she didn't see Mu Shen's hospitality to Rong Xiqing~), and also has a bamboo horse who has been playing since she was a child , but there is only a lack of female friends who are sincere to her, or girlfriends.

She still clearly remembers a friend who claimed to be her best friend in junior high school, who even said bad things about her to other girls in the toilet, and heard that the purpose of her approaching her was only for her brother. They were all precautions. Although that girl's family had long since fallen, it left a great shadow on Mu Shanshan, making her think that it would be difficult for her to make friends with a girl who had no purpose to be friends with her.

And she is very glad now that she made the decision to switch departments.

The camera turned to the chaotic cafeteria again.

"Food is here!!" Ye Lingxi's loud voice stood out from the noise.

As expected of the most powerful person in dormitory 521, Ye Lingxi came out of the crowd with several meals alone.

With a messy look, he thought he had experienced some kind of battle just now.

The two people who were still in line were called back, and the five of them started chatting and eating.

"Look, it's Senior Yan coming!!"

"And Ling Qian from S University!! So handsome!!"

"That's right! Senior Yan is coming to the cafeteria for the first time!"

"They're both so handsome!! I want both to be swollen!"
The cafeteria that had been slowly quiet suddenly started to commotion. Hearing this movement, the extreme nympho Ai Jiaxin and Yao Yuzhu in the 521 dormitory were not calm anymore. He quickly put down his chopsticks and looked towards the door.

Ye Lingxi, who already had a boyfriend and was in love vigorously, didn't have much reaction, but she still raised her head and started to watch the excitement.

And Rong Xiqing noticed very keenly that Mu Shanshan, who was sitting opposite her, visibly panicked when she heard the movement, raised her head and looked in that direction, with an unstoppable smile in her eyes, and that smile, But suddenly disappeared from her eyes.

Rong Xiqing seemed to see something in Mu Shanshan's eyes.Sad?
 Have you guessed why our daughter of Mu Da has such an expression? ?
(End of this chapter)

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