Passionately 0a

Chapter 29 Meeting in the cafeteria

Chapter 29 Meeting in the Cafeteria ([-])

"Students, do you mind if I sit here?" Yan Pinchu asked them politely.

"Brother Chu, what are you doing?" Mu Shanshan's questioning voice came.

The rest of the people were surprised to scan between the two with their eyes, as if to see something.

Mu Shanshan's face faintly blushed.

"It's fine if it's inconvenient, I just want to treat classmate Rong Xiqing to a meal to express my apology."

Yan Pinchu answered in an extremely calm voice, as if he didn't see the naked eyes of the other people at all.

"Of course it's convenient, of course it's convenient." Yao Yuzhu was afraid that the two male gods would leave, so he quickly pulled the two chairs from the table next to him, and moved them to the side of the two male gods with a look of hospitality.

When did Pinchu change like this?Ling Qian couldn't help but wonder in his heart, but he immediately added,
"Then I'll be with you too." After finishing speaking, she still didn't forget to smile evilly, which almost made Ai Jiaxin lose control of her desire to throw him down directly.

"But, we are about to finish eating." Although Rong Xiqing, who was struck by lightning countless times in her heart, still pointed innocently at the leftovers on the table that no one of them swept up.

"It's okay, then I'll invite everyone to have dessert after dinner. There is a dessert shop over there. I'll buy what you want to eat."

Pointing to the dessert house not far away, Yan Pinchu said.

"You know what I want, Brother Chu", Mu Shanshan tried not to hide her little sister attitude, and said to Yan Pinchu with a curved mouth.

"I want blueberry pudding!"Ai Jiaxin answered without hesitation.

"I want mango sago dew!" Ye Lingxi also ordered her favorite mango.

"I want a durian cake." Yao Yuzhu said shyly.

The others took a deep breath and came again.In the past, every time Yao Yuzhu ate durian cake, the others had to open the windows to breathe.

"Then give me a cup of rose grapefruit tea, thank you~" Rong Xiqing's cold voice came.

Finally, when it came to Ling Qian, he pursed his lips and smiled, "I want a glass of rose citron tea, too."

After speaking, he glanced at Rong Xiqing lightly, and he really saw her staring eyes.

Yan Pinchu's smile that had been hanging on the corner of his mouth was lowered slightly for a while, but it soon returned to normal.

"Then you wait a moment."Then strode to the dessert house.

And our Mu Shanshan also shoulders the important mission of protecting the love of his brother and sister-in-law (ahem, she is completely self-indulgent), lowered her head, took out her mobile phone, and silently sent a text message to Mu Shen.

"Brother, are you at school?"

After a few seconds, he replied: "I'm not here, I'm at work, what's the matter?"

"Then I don't know if you can catch up, my future sister-in-law is eating with two handsome pots in the cafeteria~"

Sitting on the top floor of the Mutian Group building, Mu Shen frowned when he saw the news, picked up his clothes and left, leaving Guan Ning at the side at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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