Passionately 0a

Chapter 36 I Will Wait

Chapter 36 I Will Wait ([-])

Mu Shanshan's promise was truly lived up to, no matter how gaudyly the national media hyped Mu Shen, there wasn't even a shred of information about Rong Xiqing leaked out.
At this time, the 521 dormitory and Mu Shanshan are still discussing in the dormitory in full swing.

"Shanshan, is your phone vibrating?" Yao Yuzhu, who has a keen ear, caught the phone's vibration.

Sure enough, an unknown phone was persistently calling Mu Shanshan.

"Who is this? Is it a wrong number? Don't answer it." After finishing speaking, Mu Shanshan threw the phone away and continued to participate in the heated discussion.

But that number really didn't stop until it reached its goal, and it kept ringing.

Swipe the answer key.

"Hi, may I ask who you are?" Mu Shanshan asked impatiently.

"Excuse me, is this Miss Shanshan? I'm the waiter at the Xuanye Bar. There is a gentleman here who is drunk. We don't know where he lives. We took the liberty to check his cell phone and found that you are an important contact. You called, I wonder if you have time, come."

Before the waiter finished speaking, Mu Shanshan asked eagerly,
"Is he wearing a black Rolex watch?"


"Then you take care of him first, and I'll go right away."

Mu Shanshan hastily hung up her phone, picked up her bag and ran outside, "I'm leaving early!"

Before the others could react, they had already rushed out of the dormitory.

"What's the matter?" Ai Jiaxin asked with a puzzled look.

"It must be a very important person in Shanshan's heart," Rong Xiqing analyzed calmly, "The black Rolex watch is probably Yan Pinchu."

"Yanpinchu?!" Ai Jiaxin and Yao Yuzhu said in shock at the same time.

"It's probably him, Shanshan and him definitely know each other, there is no doubt about it", Ye Lingxi took the words, "And I feel that Shanshan's relationship with Yan Pinchu should have surpassed the relationship between ordinary brothers and sisters."After finishing speaking, he glanced at Rong Xiqing worriedly.

Rong Xiqing naturally received Ye Lingxi's gaze, and said calmly as before.

"Don't worry, based on my experience in reading novels, the two of them will definitely be together in the future, childhood sweethearts." She shrugged nonchalantly, "Besides, I don't have the slightest affection for Yan Pinchu, so I am very optimistic about them." .

(End of this chapter)

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