Common sense of Marxist philosophy

Chapter 2 In Search of the Nature of the World

Chapter 2 In Search of the Nature of the World

([-]) Ideal: "Think about ideals when they are beneficial", Future: "If you have money in the future, think about them"—the relationship between material and consciousness

The principle of dialectical materialism believes that matter determines consciousness, and consciousness actively reacts on matter. Advanced and correct consciousness guides people's practice and promotes the transformation of the objective world; backward and wrong consciousness guides people's practice and affects the objective world. Retrofitting hinders.Ideals and prospects are people's assumptions about the future, which belong to the category of consciousness. Interests and money are the relationship between people's material interests and belong to the material category of society.Therefore, the relationship between ideals and interests, future and money belongs to the relationship between consciousness and matter. There are differences and connections between the two. Ideals and prospects are produced on the basis of real material interests. Benefit.The reality of our country today is that it is in the primary stage of socialism and is advancing along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The common ideal and goal of our people is to realize socialist modernization, which is the long-term fundamental interest shared by the people of the whole country.It is this common ideal of the people of the whole country that guides the people of our country to work hard and strive hard, and promotes the continuous advancement of my country's socialist modernization.

Confusion of ideals with interests and future with money is a vulgar materialistic viewpoint in philosophy, and a money worship viewpoint in value. Using this viewpoint to guide life and behavior may lead to unscrupulousness for money, There are behaviors that harm the public and benefit private interests, harm others to benefit oneself, and even violate the law and discipline, and violate morality.So this view is not only wrong, but harmful.Contemporary Chinese youth are the successors and builders of the cause of socialist modernization. They should establish a correct outlook on interests, values, and ideals, put the interests of the country and the people first, adhere to the combination of personal interests and collective interests, and adhere to social principles. Combining common ideals and personal ideals, we strive to achieve the goal of socialist modernization.

Consciousness can react on objective things.Correct consciousness can guide people to effectively carry out practical activities and promote the development of objective things; wrong consciousness will lead people's activities astray and hinder the development of objective things.We must pay attention to the role of consciousness and the power of spirit, consciously establish correct ideology, and overcome wrong ideology.The purpose of our country to carry out the selection of moral models is to inspire people of all nationalities in the country to learn their lofty spirit, establish correct ideology, and understand the world and transform the world under the guidance of correct ideology.

At this stage, strengthening the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, strengthening the ideological and moral construction of minors, and carrying forward the Chinese spirit is to carry forward the national spirit with patriotism as the core, the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core, and adhere to the principles of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents" and the scientific outlook on development are the guides to build our country into a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country.

([-]) "How bold a person is, how productive the land is"—the relationship between objective regularity and subjective initiative
"How bold people are, how productive the land is." This sentence came into being during the "Great Leap Forward" period in 1958.At that time, the People's Republic of China had only been founded in 4.5, and a new country was in its infancy, with a lot of waste waiting to be rebuilt, and food and clothing for 1000 million people was the top priority.Some local cadres, for the sake of their "good" performance, have blown up a wave of exaggeration.Today, the yield per mu is 1200 catties, tomorrow it will be [-] catties...or even tens of thousands of catties of grain per mu, which is deceitful.As long as you have the courage to dare to think and speak (big words), you can produce as much as you want per mu.So there was the slogan "how bold the people are, how productive the land is". Some cadres put tens of mu or hundreds of mu of grain on one mu of land, and asked the leaders to visit to show their agricultural achievements. .

The "courage" in "How Bold Are People" refers to the subjective initiative of human beings, which is different from animals, and refers to the consciousness level such as human confidence, courage, wisdom, strategy, etc. The main thing is that people must have a sense of pride, a mental state of not admitting defeat in the face of difficulties.

Specifically, whether there is a positive relationship between gallbladder and production depends on various conditions, such as whether or not to respect the law, the result will be different; another example is whether to respect the objective conditions or to what extent the objective condition is respected, the result will be different. will also be different.What is emphasized is that people must give full play to their subjective initiative. The premise is that people have subjective initiative. The specific issue of production is not the focus of this proposition.Of course, it is absolute to understand the proportional relationship between "gut" and "production" only in theory, and blindly copying dogma is also harmful in practice.

It must be understood that it emphasizes that people should give full play to their subjective initiative, have the will to not admit defeat in the face of nature, have full confidence in the future, and see a bright future; intended purpose.If one-sidedly emphasizes the subjective side of "gut" and ignores or even ignores the objective side, you will fall into the quagmire of idealism, go to the opposite side, and misinterpret the original meaning of this proposition.

Law refers to the inherent essential connection and necessary connection in the process of the movement of things.The existence of laws is objective and independent of human will.Laws can neither be created nor destroyed.But it does not mean that people are powerless in the face of the law, people can understand and use the law for the benefit of mankind.The subjective initiative of consciousness refers to the practical ability and function of people to actively understand the world and actively transform the world.The dialectical relationship between the two: On the one hand, respecting objective laws is the premise and basis for exerting subjective initiative. Only by respecting objective laws can people's subjective initiative be better exerted.The more profound and comprehensive people's understanding of objective laws, the more fully their subjective initiative can be brought into play.If you violate the objective law, you will be punished by it.We know a saying - "If you don't cut firewood according to the pattern, you will die from exhaustion", which shows that the laws are objective, and the subjective initiative must be based on respecting the objective laws, otherwise, you will not be able to succeed.On the other hand, giving full play to people's subjective initiative is a necessary condition for understanding, mastering and utilizing objective laws, because objective laws are hidden inside things.To have a correct understanding must go through practice, rely on the exertion of subjective initiative, and use objective laws to transform the world.

In short, respecting objective laws and giving full play to people's subjective initiative are complementary and dialectically unified.We must not only respect objective laws, but also give full play to people's subjective initiative, and organically unify adherence to materialism and dialectics.

The methodological significance of the principle of the dialectical relationship between subjective initiative and objective regularity: if you oppose the denial of objective regularity and exaggerate human subjective initiative, you will fall into the quagmire of metaphysics, which is manifested as "spiritual omnipotence", which often leads to Beyond the stage of historical development.In politics, they will make risky and rash "Left" mistakes.Exaggerating respect for objective laws and denying human subjective initiative will lead to the error of metaphysical mechanism.It is manifested as "fatalism". In revolution and construction, it often leads to lagging behind the stage of historical development, turning back the wheel of history in politics, and committing "Right" mistakes.In socialist modernization, we must respect the objective laws of socialist construction, proceed from reality and seek truth from facts. At the same time, we must give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of the broad masses of the people and combine revolutionary enthusiasm with a scientific attitude. my country's modernization drive.We must oppose idealism and spiritual omnipotence that do not respect the laws of socialist construction and development, and we must also oppose the mechanism that bows down to the laws and denies the mechanism that brings the initiative and creativity of the people into play, so that we can do a good job in modernization.

([-]) Proceed from reality and seek truth from facts

In actual work, whether to proceed from reality and seek truth from facts, or proceed from subjective will and self-righteousness, this is the manifestation of the two opposing ideological lines of materialism and idealism.Everything proceeds from reality, that is, from the facts that exist objectively and are independent of human will.Starting from reality is to take the objectively existing actual things as the fundamental starting point for observing and dealing with problems, and to oppose subjectivism.Everything proceeds from reality. In the final analysis, we must seek truth from facts.Seeking truth from facts is the world outlook and methodology of Marxism, and is the essence of Marxism.During the Yan'an rectification movement, Mao Zedong borrowed the concept of "seeking truth from facts" and gave a new explanation in order to rectify the party's style of work.As early as July and August 1937, Mao Zedong wrote two brilliant philosophical works, "On Practice" and "On Contradiction", using the dialectical materialism of Marxism-Leninism to systematically expound the internal relations of objective things, The regularity of development, as well as the interrelationship and function of theory and practice. In May 7, he said in the article "Reforming Our Learning": "We must study Marxism-Leninism seriously, combine the theory of Marxism-Leninism with the actual movement of the Chinese revolution, and use the 'arrow' of Marxism-Leninism to , to shoot the 'of' of the Chinese revolution. This attitude is the attitude of seeking truth from facts." [8] He further explained: "'facts' are all things that exist objectively, and 'is' is the internal connection of objective things, that is, the law "Seeking" means we go to study." In this way, a new meaning is given to "seeking truth from facts".This means proceeding from the actual situation of objective existence, making thorough investigations, obtaining first-hand materials in detail, conducting scientific analysis and research under the guidance of the general principles of Marxism-Leninism, and deriving from the objective things themselves what is inherent in them and not fabricated. regularity as a guide to our behaviour.Seeking truth from facts is the essence of Marxist philosophy, integrating materialism, dialectics, epistemology and historical materialism.Proceeding from reality, seeking truth from facts is the fundamental requirement of the monism of dialectical materialism, mainly because it embodies the following principles of dialectical materialism: proceeding from reality, seeking truth from facts, is to understand things according to their original appearance, which is to adhere to the principle of materialism. The principle of dialectical materialism monism of the first nature and the second nature of consciousness.This is exactly what is required by the line of cognition "from things to sensations and thoughts".Proceeding from reality and seeking truth from facts, we must understand things according to the reality of the constant changes and development of objective things, which insists on the principle that motion is the fundamental attribute and mode of existence of matter.The principle of universality in the movement and development of the material world requires us not only to admit that things have a relatively stable side, but also to insist on looking at problems from the perspective of movement, change and development, and to guide the principles and reforms of practical work. Conservative, stagnant.Proceeding from reality and seeking truth from facts, we are required to consider the conditions of time and space in any work we do, and adapt measures to local conditions. , Conditions as a shift, oppose the "left" tendency that transcends history and time and space, and also oppose the right tendency that lags behind the changes in time and space conditions.Proceeding from reality and seeking truth from facts is to reveal the inherent regularity of objective things and the process and stages of development in accordance with the actual situation of the movement and changes of objective things, and act in accordance with objective laws.This adheres to the principle that the movement of matter has objective regularity.

[1] Mao Zedong: "Reform Our Learning", contained in "Selected Works of Mao Zedong", Volume 3, Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1991 edition, p. 801.

(End of this chapter)

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