Chapter 23 Script (5)
What's wrong with Juan?Mom think about it!Ever since she came back from Yuanlan, she has always been so goblin-like to curry favor with guests in front of the guests. When I entered this room this morning, I saw her crying about Yuanlan for no reason!Yuan Lan put his hands on her back affectionately, comforting her in a low voice!I've told mom a long time ago that Mei really doesn't care!
JOAN (thinking a little) That's not a big deal in the way you new people are doing!This cannot be blamed on Mei Zhen alone. (In a persuasive tone) I see Juanjuan, if you are very angry with Yuan Lan, you can "bloat" your marriage contract, don't keep getting angry with Yuan Lan, it's good and bad, you can't blow it and you're frozen!Marriage cannot be forced, you have to have determination.

Judging him, why am I not angry when he ran over someone!
If Joan is really bad, what's the use of being angry with him?It's better for everyone to speak politely and break up the verbal engagement of the past few years, and everyone is free.

Juan is cheap for him!
Joan What's that called, Juan?You think this way as if you are using marriage to get angry with others, and you don't care about your own happiness!What's the trouble?If you don't like him, or if you feel that he is sorry for you, then you have no choice but to blow up the past, and you should plan for your own happiness.

Juan is so proud of him!He himself has always been insincere, "walking" is enough for other people, now if I want to say that I want to blow up the engagement, he can push it on me and say that I cheated on him!

Joan, who is "wandering" who!If you can't get along, the matter should be resolved as soon as possible. In my opinion, marriage is a very important matter, and you can't just get angry.If you think about it, decide to tell me earlier.You know how worried I am about you!

Juan So, how is Mei Zhen?She is so hateful, don't you care?
I have to ask Qiongmei about the real matter. I still don't know what she did that shouldn't be done.

Didn’t I tell you Juan, she is flattering Yuan Lan, and I saw with my own eyes this morning that the two of them are getting along very well in this room... I think it’s up to you to decide about Joan, if you are dissatisfied with Yuan Lan’s treatment For your attitude, you should tell him earlier that your relationship will only be regarded as friends in the future, and you don’t need to mention the past, and don’t worry about other things at all.

Juan, you only talked about my relationship with Yuan Lan, Mei Zhen is so hateful and absurd, so you don't mention it!
Joan, to be honest, Juan, how can this be considered really absurd and hateful?Yuan Lan should be responsible for this matter!Now that men and women are free to do their own affairs, how can we stop whoever "pleases" with whom?
Hello Juan, I am not even as good as a girl now!Let her be insulted casually, and I have to swallow my breath and break off the engagement with my friend!Anyway, I only blame myself for not having a mother, and my fate is bad... Qiongjuan, you can't talk to me like this! (stands up) I consider myself to be [-]% sincere to you.Since you were young, you have always made things difficult for me because of your grandma's disobedience to me. I have always been very impatient with you.Today you are so old, you should have the ability to judge right from wrong!According to my observation, you don't like Yuan Lan very much, I really don't understand why you don't express it clearly?Why are you so angry?
Juan, who said I don't like Yuan Lan?

Joan I said according to my observation.I also know that you are well aware that he is well-educated and has a good character, but marriage does not depend on such objective conditions.You are always so incompatible in temperament, this time Yuan Lan came back from abroad, the two of you have interests that are further and further apart.

Juan, anyway, it's not my idea to get engaged!It was originally mentioned by their family; now he has changed his mind and told me to take advantage of him like this, I am not such a good person!

Qiongjuan, why did you come here?
Juan I don't know! (Stands up angrily) I knew that if I wanted to find a way, I had to clean up Mei Zhen, so that I could get out of my breath.I hate Mezhen so much!At that time, I suspected that Yuan Lan had a crush on her.

Joan, you already knew, why did you agree to get engaged to Yuan Lan?
Juan is because I can't let Mei Zhen spoil my affair with Yuan Lan!
Qiongjuan, this matter of yours really makes me anxious, your temper like this can only annoy yourself, you shouldn't be so angry about everything!
Is Juan forcing me to get angry at everything?This Meizhen can really piss me off, she always seems to resist me all day long.She is obviously a girl but she refuses to accept it!I didn't sell her to be a girl, nor did I buy her. She always hated me so much.

Joan may have hated it a little, but can you blame her?Remember how you oppressed her when grandma was there, and how you made her study problem extra complicated?At that time, she was still young and not very angry, but now she often resents her life experience and feels injustice with her resentment... But her hatred is not all about hating you... How can I oppress her?Why am I responsible for whether she studies or not?
Joan, of course I should be the most responsible person, but at that time your grandma bought her and gave it to me to take care of her. I knew it would be difficult from the beginning, and there was no need to mention it in the past, but since you asked me , I also simply tell you that I advocated sending her to school at that time, because I was going to adopt her as a goddaughter, so as not to wrong her in the future.I think she is so clever that she will always read well.But because she is so smart, she goes to school with you, and her homework is often better than yours, so you keep arguing with her, saying that she goes to school with you, which makes you look bad.It made your grandma get very angry with me, saying that I did this on purpose as a stepmother to make you feel uncomfortable.After that, I separated her from your sisters, and treated her differently from you to show the difference...

Grandma Juan also had good intentions at the time, she was old-fashioned, and she just wanted people to laugh at me and go to school with the girl... At that time, the second brother went to another school, and the third and fourth sisters didn't go to school, so I was alone with Mei Zhen.

For this, Joan, I obeyed your grandma's wishes, and since then I have wronged Mei Zhen!In the end, I sent Mei Zhen to the same school as the third and fourth sisters, but everything became a habit, and her status became more and more difficult to handle, and now she is even more embarrassing!To be honest, I have been an old-fashioned daughter-in-law in the Li family for more than ten years, and I obey the adults' ideas in everything. I don't regret anything. It's Mei Zhen's matter. I didn't insist on my opinion and missed her. Now I always feel a little guilty...Juan, I don't understand what you are talking about, it is getting more difficult and embarrassing every day?

Think about it for yourself, Joan!Mei Zhen is not an ordinary girl, and she has received a fairly high education. Now that she is in the name of a girl, what will she do in the future?At that time, the little stimulation I received in elementary school was not counted. When she entered middle school, she had friends and could not invite people to the house. Your friends, she had to get tea and snacks as usual, and called them Mr. and Ms. ——Back then, Zhuang Yun, who was her classmate, did you remember?She doesn't feel unfair, how embarrassed are we?Now that she is so old, the atmosphere is even different from before, and she reads some books on new think...Juan is where the third sister is promoting her socialism!
Joan doesn't need the socialism of the third child, so we realize that Mei Zhen has a lot of grievances and inconveniences here!Let's take tonight's treat as an example. Will she come out to play with you then?Juan is right, (angryly) How about tonight?The fourth sister said that Mom asked Mei Zhen to come out as a guest—did she also ask her to dance?If that's the case, I don't need to come out at all... This is clearly a problem for me!
Joan (sighs) I've been up and down about this matter all morning, and I want to discuss it with you. What I'm afraid of is that you don't want to. The third and fourth children all say that Mei Zhen should be invited.

Juan, why do you need to discuss with me?You don't care if I want to or not!
Qiongjuan, I'm very angry with you for talking like this!You know, I often feel wronged by Mei Zhen because I worry too much about whether you are willing or not. At the banquet tonight, Mei Zhen has been busy for you sisters for many days. Are you embarrassed not to ask her to come out to play?It's time for her to come out and play with your friends.

You don't need to worry about Juan, (coldly) The parting is just between the dark and the bright.Didn't she fool around with Yuan Lan for a while this morning? (Crying) Anyway, I blame me for not having a mother... Qiongjuan, do you only have such a sick mind?Why don't you be rational, objective, and fair!Let me tell you, it's one thing for me to ask Mei Zhen to come out as a guest, but it's another thing for you to get along with Yuan Lan or not, so don't make trouble together.And in order to protect your dignity, since you are not satisfied with Yuan Lan, you should tell him the truth earlier and get rid of the engagement.Don't try to be awkward with him, let him... speak first... that's all I can say as a mother. (Juan begins to sob and cry with aggrieved grief.)
Joan (walks to Juan's side reluctantly, sits down and puts her arms around Wenjuan, kindly)
Good boy, don't be like this, you are so young, happiness should be in the front, Yuanlan is not good, you tell him... don't make people laugh at you for not being generous...I hope you can be kind to Mei Zhen... [Aizhu walks in suddenly.

Zhu (shocked) What happened to Wenjuan?
Ms. Qiongzhang, you came just in time, Juanjuan is a little unhappy, you go wash your face with her... there will be guests soon, right?Juan, what time do you have dinner tonight?

Juan's seven o'clock...I won't come out anyway.

Zhu (sitting next to Juan) Juanjuan, what's the matter?
Joan (stands up) Ms. Zhang, please try to persuade her. It’s not a big deal. I decided to invite Mei Zhen to come out tonight. Let me take this opportunity to confess that we already treat her like a friend.You are from the new era, so you must agree with this point, and Mei Zhen will definitely not be embarrassed in front of the guests at night. (to go)

Aunt Zhu invited Mei Zhen to be a guest tonight, so solemnly, (sneering) then we should all be accompanying guests, how dare we offend her!

Joan (angry and stern) I'm not joking, Miss Zhang, I just beg you young people to be kind and helpful... [Juan secretly tugs on Aizhu's sleeve.

Exit Joan.

What's wrong with Pearl, Juan?
What's wrong with Juan?It's my fate, it's too strange to meet such a Meizhen!Everyone has become more and more used to her recently. I didn't expect that even my mother would openly protect her, and my mother obviously heard me say that Yuan Lan is a bit unreliable...they looked like this morning... Zhu I don't understand why Yuan Lan is so unreliable?
Juan, can't you see who Yuanlan is going crazy with his recent appearance?He often stares at Mei Zhen's every move, which doesn't make me mad!This morning... [Footsteps outside.

Zhu (puts finger on lips to signal to Wenjuan in a low voice) Hey!Someone came in outside, let's go to your room and talk about it... [Juan looks back at the door, there is silence outside.

Juan turns around and I tell you...Zhu (sighs and looks out the window, then turns back) Juan, let me ask you, I ask you to find out your second brother's tone, what are you looking for?

Brother Juan's mouth was tighter than a wax seal, so I couldn't ask any questions.As far as I can see, he is not in a hurry to look at Cancan... Come on, let me tell you, in my opinion, it is Mei Zhen's ghost who is at work there. Since lunch, I saw your second brother and Mei Zhen have been staring at each other. I don't know what it means... [There is another voice outside, and the two listen carefully.

Juan, let's go, go to my house... [Rong Sheng lifts the coal barrel into.

What's the matter with Juan, Rongsheng?
Fourth Miss Rong told me to make the fire hotter, the room should be as hot as possible tonight.

Pearl let's go!
Juan, Zhu with the next.

Rong (works on the stove alone, then stands up to look at the room after a while. Facing the screen) What's the name? (Try again on some small stools. The room is getting darker) It's getting dark early! (I went to turn on the small light again. I looked around and went to the stove to make a stove again)
The small door opened, and Fourth Miss Wen Qi came in with a white towel over her shoulders and hair that had just been washed.

Miss Rong Si, is that you?

Qi Rongsheng, what happened to the fire?
I am here to pass it!Come up when you speak.

Qi Rongsheng, tonight, tonight you and Mei Zhen should be more polite... we are always polite when we talk "for a while"... She is a girl...Qi is not for anything else, tonight Madam invites Mei Zhen to come out as a guest, you can treat her as a guest, better, you know she is also a classmate of mine.

Rong anyway, you are a young lady, we must listen to you what you want us to do, but fourth young lady... I think (Yi Lao sells the old) that you treat her like this, it is not good for her...Qi why?I don't understand your words! (Approaching the stove to roast her hair)
Rong, think about it, the more you treat her like this, the more you will raise her eyes high, and what will happen to her in the future, won't she be high or low, won't she be empty?
Qi, I don't understand, how do you say this?

Rong said that the shopkeeper of Deji Electric Materials Co., Ltd. has been talking for almost two years!

What happened to the shopkeeper Qisong? It's been almost two years?

Rong (rubbing his palms hesitantly) That Xiao Song is endless...waiting for Mei Zhen to agree...marry him?
Qi (surprised) Xiao Song wait...wait...Mei Zhen?
What Rong said is true, it is not quite "matched".Mei Zhen just refused to answer him, so he didn't dare to mention it to the second wife.My daughter-in-law also said that day, she said, or she would speak nicely to the wives and ladies for Shopkeeper Song, but Xiao Song didn't dare to let us speak.Today, let me tell you by the way... [The small door is suddenly pushed open, and Wen Jing—the second young master who just came home—enters.Wen Jing, like his family, also has a beautiful physique and a pleasant smiling face.In the quiet place, he is most like his mother. We are surprised that under his smiling expression, there is a kind of melancholy that is not suitable for him. This is because he is burdened with a problem that is not easy to solve. rather than the inclinations of his temperament.

Jing (affectionately and mischievously) How about it?

Qi (Xiang Rongsheng) You go, hurry up and go to another room to check the stove.

Rong All right, Miss Fourth.

Rong hurried down.

Jing (smiling) Rongsheng is still like this, I can't figure out whether he is a good guy or a bad guy! (again mischievously) How?I think you should let me brush your hair with you!
Brother Qi, I told you, you have been there for a year, your hands have become thicker, and you can't brush your hair anymore, I don't want you to mess with my head!
(End of this chapter)

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