Chapter 6 Fiction (1)

The summer vacation is extremely boring, Wei Shan is almost in a hurry to start the school, he is naturally not particularly good at teaching—he still hates the life of a professor on weekdays—but the summer vacation is so boring that he has no choice but to think of doing things to relieve boredom of.It may be decadent to do things for entertainment.The peculiar depravity of middle-aged people. "But," Wei Shan struck a match fiercely, "so what if you're middle-aged?" He lit his cigarette again and took a few puffs.

During the summer vacation, I had a hard time finding my friends, and they all ran away. Many of them returned to the south, and a few young ones, needless to say, were extremely busy.Of course, I couldn't get rid of the busyness of women, and some rushed to Beidaihe as far away as possible.There are only Shaolang and Lao Jin who will never move, and that is because they have a good house, a wife and children, and they really live an old-fashioned middle-aged life. No one is like Wei Shan. abjection!
Wei Shan has been sitting in Shaolang's study for more than one hour, gossiping, although he smokes more than he talks.It is rare that Shaolang is still blindly lively, and it is not very obvious that there is a gap of ten years between them, although Shaolang has already celebrated his 40th birthday, and his eldest child has entered college last year.This is also the benefit of the old-style family, Wei Shan thought blankly leaning on the low couch, looking at the big yard outside the bamboo curtain.A vat of lotus flowers and several large pots of pomegranate trees and oleanders made him enjoy the unique taste of Beijing.He likes Beijing, especially Beijing houses and yards.Some people say that the houses in Beijing are so stupid that they are all square-shaped. This is too much to say, and it is meaningless. How does he understand the solemnity of balance or symmetry?The flower arrangement of the Beijing style is also unique, and even the servants cherish the potted flowers very much. In the stable courtyard of a big mansion, or in front of the gatehouse, there are not many potted flowers placed neatly on the brick pedestal. With?Thinking of Ma Weishan, he felt a little uncomfortable. He could imagine his rickshaw parked under the shadow of the sun, the driver sitting on the footboard and sleeping with his head tilted, unconditionally waiting for his master, and his really boring To the extreme.He wanted to stand up and walk, but he looked timidly at the poisonous sun.He heard Shaolang say in front of the desk: "Yesterday my relatives sent some good watermelons, and today they should be frozen enough. Would you like some?"

He wanted to answer: "No, I have something to do and I have to leave." Unknowingly, he stood up and said, "Shaolang, I feel really dull and boring this summer! To be honest, this summer vacation is really hard to pass. "

Shaolang handed over a pack of cigarettes, put the pipe in his mouth, and touched the match with one hand on the table.He glanced at Wei Shan, and frowned with a half-smile - Shaolang's brows always have something to say.Wei Shan felt a little uncomfortable again. Although his matter happened several years ago, Shaolang knew it most clearly—perhaps too clearly.

"Don't you eat watermelon?" Wei Shan wanted to divert the conversation.

Shaolang didn't ring, took two puffs of cigarettes, stood up and rang the bell, and said softly, "Haven't you forgotten?"

"Joke!" Wei Shan was anxious, "Who's memory can stand up to time?"

Shaolang frowned again, it was hard to say whether he believed Wei Shan's words or not.He asked Chen Sheng who came in to go to the east courtyard to ask his wife for watermelon, and he said: "You might as well invite the young masters and young ladies to come out and eat together." Shaolang is absolutely old-fashioned about the family, and rarely invites his wife out when he is with friends of.

"The children are back after going on a trip during the summer vacation. You haven't seen it yet, have you?"

From the glass window, Weishan looked out.Jumping from among the pomegranates and oleanders came two tall, lively young men and a girl in a short white skirt.

"Shaolang, that means your child has grown so big?"

"No, the taller one is the child of the Sun family. He is two years older than mine. They are good friends. He will live in our house this summer vacation. Do you remember Sun Shinian? This is his child, so smart!"

"Shaolang, if you let your children grow up like this, I, I feel so old!"

As soon as the bamboo curtain rang, like a whirlwind, three children like dragons stood in front of Wei Shan.Wei Shan dealt with the children, Wei Shan was still a little uncomfortable, he asked a few words awkwardly as an elder.At first the children were very well behaved, then they just laughed.What can I do?What do innocent youth know?
Wei Shan saw Shaolang's daughter three years ago, when she was only thirteen or fourteen years old, with big eyes and black eyes, playing with his camera.This time she stood aside more shyly, picked up a knife and cut watermelon for them.Vishan noticed her hand resting on the watermelon.She was calling "Brother Xiao Huang".She said: "If you want to cut it, I can give you half of it." The little mouth smiled.She added: "It depends on who cuts it uniquely, the style must be good!" She laughed even harder.

Wei Shan saw that although she was much taller than before, her face was still almost round, except for a small pointed chin.She is indeed more popular when she smiles than when she is not smiling, which may be because her small teeth are a little girlish.Her eyes were still perfectly childish, shining, sparkling, indescribably sensitive, still pretty.Wei Shan thought blankly that a girl on the verge of becoming an adult is really like a crimson freshly ripe peach.

The child of the Sun family came over and urged her unceremoniously, "You don't know how to cut watermelon, let me do it!"

"By the way, Zhimei, let him go, you can't do it well!" Her brother also urged her.

"Daddy, they ganged up to trouble me again." She called her daddy softly.

"It's a shame, do girls nowadays still need their father to protect them?" The father and son smiled at each other, he pulled his daughter over and sat down and asked Wei Shan, "You think it's better for her to go to a domestic university, Or is it better to send foreign students to foreign universities?"

"What? Preparing to go to college at such a young age?"

"There are still two more years." Zhixian agreed, "Actually, it's only one and a half years, because I can finish it during my annual leave. If Dad asks me to go abroad, I can leave in spring. Dad said, right?" She looked at her father.

"The bird grows wings and wants to fly!"

"No, Daddy, it was the big bird who pushed them out of the nest to learn to fly!" The father and son exchanged another smile.This time her father gently stroked the back of her hand, and she put her face on her father's shoulder.

The two children cut the watermelon on the small table for a while, Xiao Sun walked up to Zhi with the plate on his back, knelt down, and said with a mischievous smile, "This melon is a tribute from Xixia, please let the princess taste a piece!"

She laughed, picked a piece and said to her father: "Dad, do you think they are skinny enough?"

"Long Live Lord, try a piece of your imperial mouth too!"

"Yuan, it's unreasonable not to invite guests first!" Shaolang acted like a father.

"This distinguished guest from a foreign country is disrespectful!" Yuan handed over a piece to Wei Shan, and spread out the plates again.

Wei Shan felt uncomfortable again—unnatural!It is not old to say that he is old, nor is he really old.But young?He can't be considered young, especially when he meets this group of young men.There is really no way!He did not know why he felt extremely embarrassed.

He didn't remember what they said after that, he just talked with Shaolang about some children going to university abroad.He seems to be more in favor of foreign universities, although he also pointed out a lot of shortcomings and disadvantages. He thinks that the lives of domestic students are too dry, unhealthy, too narrow, and too old... "Naturally," he said, "when you grow up, you can compare foreign universities with foreign universities. There are sizes, but we are not sending many elementary school students out to be inspectors for the country. We only want our children to have things that we cannot give them. Since we admit that we have some things that we cannot give them, it is better to send them earlier They go out and enjoy freely what their youth deserve - a lively life. Strange, really, we often don't even give them that, let's not talk about anything else."

"Us" and "them"!Wei Shan seemed to draw a boundary line between them, clearly dividing them into two groups, placing himself on the side of the senior.He envied many people who were just blindly old or young, although he had drawn the boundaries, he still felt different—embarrassed, yes, really embarrassed!Zhi looked at him, as if absorbing his arguments, and he was extremely uncomfortable, so he picked up his hat and told Shaolang that he had to go. "There is something urgent to do." He heard Shaolang say again, "It's a pity, otherwise we could have dinner together." He thought he was funny, but said in his mouth: "No, Shaolang, I really I have something to go." While slowly walking out of the yard.The two children pushed and held Zhi and followed them out to see off the guests.After Weishan stepped into the rickshaw, he looked back at the three lively young children standing on the threshold and smiling, especially her, smiling with her head slightly tilted, showing her row of small teeth.

Two or three days later in the afternoon, Wei Shan went to chat with Shaolang again. It was almost seven o'clock at that time, and the sun had gone down for a long time, leaving only the red glow all over the sky.As soon as he reached the door, he heard laughter in the yard.He stepped into the moon gate of the west courtyard, only to see Xiaosun and Zhi competing to pull up the ceiling.

"You have no energy," Xiao Sun said, "I'll help you." He put his hand over Zhi's, and the two of them pulled hard together.Hearing Wei Shan's voice, Xiao Sun let go, and Zhi also stopped pulling the rope, just laughed.

Wei Shan felt a burst of joy for a moment, he took a few steps forward and said to Zhi: "Come on, let me pull it too." As soon as he got to Zhi's side, he suddenly squeaked, and rain-like water dripped from their heads. After spraying, the cold water splashed onto their backs, startling them, Zhi let go, and the ceiling rope slipped out of her palm!It turned out that Xiao Yuan was standing by the water tank and playing with the pump barrel, and the first shot hit their heads.Now everyone was laughing, laughing hard.Chi stood still shaking the water in her hair.Wei Shan hesitated for a while, took out his big handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped the water on her hair.Her cheeks were flushed but she didn't hide away, she lowered her head to look at her scratched palm.Wei Shan saw that a small piece of her shoulder was wet, and the flushed flesh color was revealed from the wet soft white gauze. He stopped and dared not wipe it with a handkerchief, and only asked her how her hand was, whether it was torn or not.She turned her hands behind her back and said, "Nothing!" and ran away.

Shaolang saw him enter the study, put down his pipe and stood up, he said that Wei Shan came just in time, and he invited a few people for dinner.Shuqian was already in the house, as well as Lao Jin. Wei Shan knew that they would inevitably have to play cards, so he said with a smile: "Use me to play cards, I won't come."

"Then you don't need it, Mengqing and Xiao Liu will come soon, we still have more people." Shaolang took a puff of cigarette proudly and folded his manuscript.

"He should just play with the children." Shuqian smiled slightly, he had seen them pulling the ceiling from the window just now.Wei Shan felt sorry.But he felt unreasonably embarrassed. Didn't he take out the old uncle's brand?But irrelevant, he was still uncomfortable.

"Shaolang's young master is so skinny, he poured water all over the old man's head!" He told Lao Jin with a smile.

"You are not allowed to spoil other people's children." Lao Jin also made fun of him.

Wei Shan was annoyed, he didn't know why he was annoyed, and couldn't explain why.He became unhappy, he wanted to leave, he regretted that he came, but he couldn't just leave.He sat down sullenly, and that indescribable embarrassment invaded his heart again.He smoked several cigarettes one after another, and he didn't know what he said.

The kids and the wife didn't join in at dinner, Shaolang's old-fashioned way.Lao Jin knew Shaolang's wife very well, and after dinner, he and Wei Shan came to the east courtyard to see her.They had already eaten, and everyone sat around the round table and played.Although Mrs. Shaolang is already a middle-aged woman, she looks very young and elegant.She sat next to the child like a sister.Xiao Sun was carving a chess set with soap—his father had learned how to carve—Zhi lowered her head and used a ruler to draw the squares of the chessboard, holding down the ruler with one hand, supporting her slender fingers, and using a pen neatly with her right hand. trace.Under the drooping fine hair, Wei Shan saw her tight mouth and slightly pointed chin.

"Uncle Shan, don't go. After we finish the game of chess and chess pieces, we can play a game of chess with Uncle Shan, okay?" Yuan asked him. "Your Majesty, no one will let anyone else go." He said more happily.

"That's good, we've worked hard to make chess pieces, and you treat us!" Zhi talked about her brother, while looking at Xiaosun.

"So he wants to study politics." Xiao Sun said with a smile.What a great little mouth!Wei Shan glanced at him unconsciously, Xiao Sun's slightly curly black hair was fluffed by his hands.The two bright eyes always bring some mischievous smiles.Thin face is very strong and fair.His two hands really have character, and they are surprisingly flexible. Wei Shan likes to observe other people's hands.He watched Xiao Sun grasp a small knife in his hand, and was nimbly carving his chess pieces. There were two plates of colors beside him. After each chess piece was carved, he calmly traced green or red on the words.Wei Shan thought he was cute, so he put a hand on his shoulder and said, "What a little artist!"

Just after finishing speaking, Wei Shan saw Zhi smiling happily on the opposite side.

Mrs. Shaolang asked how the children in Lao Jin's family were doing, and then graciously brought out fruits for everyone to eat.She said that she was going to see Mrs. Jin a long time ago, but she couldn't leave when the children were at home during the summer vacation.

"Look," she said, pointing to the little ones, "this big table, I'm busy working for them all day long."

"Okay, it doesn't matter if we help." Zhi raised her head and smiled, showing her small teeth again, "Uncle Jin, brother Sun Jiahuang helped make the dumplings you ate today!"

"Really?" Lao Jin looked at her, then at Xiaosun, "No wonder, I said it smells naughty!"

"The soy sauce in the braised chicken was made by 'Princess Mother' Yushou herself." Xiao Sun shouted.

"Really?" Lao Jin looked at Wei Shan, "No wonder your Uncle Shan knelt down to pick up that piece of chicken, and almost kowtowed!"

Wei Shan was a little unhappy again, not really annoyed or anxious, but just extremely embarrassed. "Your Uncle Jin's degree," he said, "is what you got in exchange for this mouth. I heard that he gave a speech for five hours on the day he and Aunt Jin got married, and when the bride and best man stood on the stage, he couldn't stand up straight. Then he bowed to the guests and said: "Today, I only have these few simple words to thank all the guests for their kindness!""

The children and Mrs. Shaolang laughed at it, and Mrs. Shaolang said: "Enough, enough, these children are not skinny enough, you two still want to teach them?"

Zhi laughed so hard that she couldn't look up, Xiao Sun glanced at her, snorted and said, "That's what you call a girl." She blushed and stared at Xiao Sun.

The chessboard and chess pieces are all drawn.Lao Jin wanted to go back to play cards, but the children held on to Wei Shan, so he had to stay, and Lao Jin laughed.Wei Shan just pretended not to see it.Xiaosun and Zhi stood up and competed to wash their hands in the washbasin by the door. Wei Shan heard Zhi say:
"It hurts, the rope just scratched the palm of my hand."

Xiao Sun said, "You don't need to use soap. Come, let me see." He took her hand and looked at it carefully for a long time, and the two of them held a hand towel to wipe their hands together, chattering and laughing.

Wei Shan felt that he didn't want to play chess, but he had to.Three of them and one of him.

At first he was lazy and didn't pay attention, but after a while he was really overwhelmed.For some reason, he felt that he shouldn't lose, he didn't want to lose!It's funny to say, but he really wants to win, he doesn't care about children or not!Zhi stared at his chess with calm eyes, as if expressing sympathy for the weak, he was really in a hurry.He became savage, he actually attacked the opponent's weak point, he used his majestic horse, he made pawns, the chess situation became tense, and the generals on both sides could no longer live in the middle.The children's car was on the top of his handsome forehead, of course it was Wei Shan's chess that was difficult!There is no way.Three children like dragons, six exquisite eyes, what can Wei Shan do!He lost, but the commander-in-chief is really a hero, and the opponent's danger is only one or two away from death!But in fact he still lost.When he was done, he felt hot and sweated a little. He took out his handkerchief and was about to wipe his forehead when suddenly he stared blankly at Zhi's loose hair.

"Pour tea to Uncle Shan soon." Mrs. Shaolang called to her daughter.

Zhi turned around and poured a cup on the tea table, held it with both hands, and brought it over.Wei Shan felt extremely embarrassed again for some reason.

The children asked him to visit Beihai early in the morning, the purpose of which was of course to rock the boat.He went, although several times he tried to refuse to go.He wore his white trousers and a cotton blouse, and took his straw hat, feeling a little ridiculous. He has always thought himself funny recently, and he himself did not understand this kind of humor.He walked all the way to the gate of Beihai, thinking about turning back.The patrolman on guard took a look at him, strange, sometimes when you suddenly see the calm eyes of the patrolman when you are walking, it really makes you startled, you have to ask yourself what you have done, and you must know that nothing is illegal what?He bought a ticket and went in, suddenly looked up and saw the archway in front of the bridge.The archway, the white stone bridge, and the weeping willows were all watching him—he was so unhappy that he straightened up and walked briskly to the side path, expressing his impatience.An impatient face suits him best, but as soon as he loses the "impatient" expression, he seems to have lost a good friend and feels uncomfortable.understand?He walked around to the back and looked at the White Tower from the other side. It was very comfortable, always standing with an impatient face—or was it sitting? —It does not know what is young and what is old.These boring sun and moon, it just stands still, there is a lake under its feet, pavilions with pines and cypresses, willows, people—old and young—are busy with the disputes of their replacements!
He wondered why he himself came to Beihai, no, he didn't regret it either, in the early morning there was a cool fragrance under the shade of pine trees, who regretted coming here?He felt that he was being nourished by the dew like grass, and he actually felt refreshed.The extravagant golden sun shoots across his brilliance, the lake is like a brocade, and the lotus and lotus leaves are squeezed side by side, as if they are competing for the morning sky of the pilgrimage!This abundance, this gorgeous nature, who dares to be impatient?Wei Shan sat down by the Wulong Pavilion and took out his cigarette, lowered his head and wanted to think carefully about some things, last year, maybe the year before, and many years—this morning he seemed to go back to many years Go--but he couldn't think of a reason why. "Originally, why think about it? Don't think about it if you want to live! Who said this again..."

Suddenly he saw Zhi walking towards him alone.She was wearing green clothes with a very short skirt, fluttering with her jumping steps, playing with an unopened small paper umbrella in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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