Chapter 8 Fiction (3)
The chaos in the courtyard and the kitchen are completely different, but the main reason for their chaos is the same, for today 69 years ago. Today, 69 years ago, a rich family in the south of the Yangtze River added a little life wrapped in silk, satin, gold and silver.After sixty-nine summers of sweaty weather like this one, another eleven life that also needs satin, gold and silver, is born, and that life is called the long-lived and blessed woman.This woman, supported by two old mothers this morning, sat in front of the bed, combed her gray and sparse temple hair, and shook her head at half a bowl of ham and porridge:
"Mom Zhao, how can I eat so much? You can take what's in the pot and give it to Seventh Young Mistress Yun obediently..."

The interludes of 70 years have been rolled up in the chapters of history, and no one dares to say how much can be revealed in today's courtyard.The fact is that today, there will be many well-dressed men and women celebrating women who can maintain such a long life, and for this celebration, the life span of many creatures has been cut off in the restaurant, and their muscles are used to supplement this. The guts of the celebrants.

Two days ago, the courtyard changed its appearance because of this incident. The brand new wedding shed was over a foot high with tile eaves.The glass square windows with red happy characters on both sides can be clearly seen from the east end of the alley and the yard of Heshun Chechang.At about six o'clock last night, Xiaosan and Huanzi, the sons of two rickshaw drivers, saw it when they were dumping the soil baskets, and told their mothers: "The Zhangjiaxi shed is all set up, which young master Sun will marry the bride?" For this matter, Mama took the shoe samples to Mrs. Chen's house to have a talk.Seeing her making dumplings, she smiled very proudly and said that the old lady had a whole birthday—what a blessing—she has been with Mrs. Zhang for many years as the head of the house.Yesterday, the third young lady of the Zhang family asked her to go in, saying that she was going to help out when the day came.

There were seven or eight round tabletops under the wedding shed, and the square stools were stacked on one side; a few servants held feather dusters, and it took half a morning to arrange five tables.There are so many children, the young master Sun, the grand nephew, and the few brought by the aunts and wives are all naughty enough.Li Gui lined up a few trains here, and the boys over there took away the row of trains for fun.The weather is so hot that there are bound to be many flies, and no one dares to put snacks and dried fruits on the table first.The ice melted quickly, and the ice water under the basket melted all over the floor!The soda bottles filled the corridor of the wing room, and the fifth young lady saw it and yelled, they wanted to freeze it all.

Freeze it all!Really, today's food is all set up like a vegetable market, and there is no room for the four refrigerators.Where should I put the newly bought ice?Holding two green tile pots in his hands, Li Gui muttered privately about the problems that arose about the banquet.

Zhao's mother went to the outer courtyard to send a message, and heard Chen Sheng asking the three porters how much they wanted for wine.

"Let's see and give it," said one.

"It's a hot day, let's give more rewards." Another one pursed his dry lips, thinking of the sour plum soup stall at the entrance of the alley just now, his mouth felt thirsty.

It was the mouth that was so thirsty that Yang San pulled Erye Lu to the west gate of Dong'an Market, thinking that he had just seen Wang Kang taking a nap on the pedals of a rickshaw just now at the gate of the "Happy Hall".Wang Kang owed Yang 34 hanging money at the end of last month, and he still refuses to pay it back, just trying to avoid him.Today, when the creditor met a gambler who was on credit, he had all sorts of calculations in his mind—when Yang San was hungry, his temper was often a little worse than usual.The sky is already too hot, the sun is so hot, who can stand it!Just now the second master was sitting in the car, even though he pressed the bell hard, there were so many students in the aisle of Jinyu Alley, you bumped into each other, it was really crowded.

Yang San wiped his sweat and grabbed the handlebar with one hand, pulled the empty car and turned back to ask Wang Kang for the debt.

"If you don't want eight hangs, you want six hangs, or if you don't want to, you want some bastard mouths from him!" Yang San's neck was scorching in the sun, "I'll buy some mutton for more than four hangs. The pancakes are not bad either—who says you can’t drink in hot weather? What’s the fear of drinking some—you’ll sleep better. Mr. Lu went to the market to eat, and it would take hours to go in..."

There was a colorful hanging at the entrance of Xiyan Hall, and several members of the band were wearing red uniforms, sitting at the entrance and drinking tea—they put the big bronze drum aside, and the brass horn was sandwiched between their knees.Yang San knew which family was hosting the wedding.Anyway, there are two days of good days in a week, just in this Xiyan Hall, which week does not have a fancy carriage with fancy brides in it?Today's float is still parked aside... "Wang Kang, it's not him!" Yang San saw Wang Kang buying cantaloupe in the little picker's load.

"Isn't it the same for the rich to marry a daughter-in-law and we have no money to marry a daughter-in-law? How much money is spent to marry her, and she will not be short of wanting this or that--this year! Good wife, good! What do you think? What's more troublesome I’m sorry! I don’t want you to ask for money, but I’m mad at you for drinking! If you have children, you have to take care of their food and clothes.”

When Wang Kang spoke, he wanted to "have fun", and he dared to say what others dared not to say: a group of coachmen heard what he said, and they all happily joined in the end.Holding the pie in his hand, Li Rong used his most ready-made foul language to make those young people laugh.Li Rong used to pull the family's car—it's a pity that the owner left the matter when he returned to the south—he can read and read newspapers, and he can use new terms to make comments: "Civilized marriage is different, these days It's the one that talks about 'freedom' and 'equality' the most." Then he quoted the divorce news picked up from the tabloids to laugh.

Yang San has never married a daughter-in-law before, he wanted to, but the "old family" had passed away long ago and did not make an appointment for him, and he didn't dare to ask for a blind date outside.Two days ago, the proprietress of the shed shop wanted to match him; she mentioned a girl who said that everything was good, but for some reason there has been no news these days.Yang San felt unhappy when he heard the jokes of the rickshaw drivers today.Seeing Wang Kang's face wrinkled into a ball of laughter in the sun made him even more angry.

Wang Kang was still talking with a smile, but he didn't see Yang San, inside the remaining half of the cantaloupe biting in his hand, a handful of yellow melon seeds pointed upward like irregular teeth.

"Old Kang! Where have you been all these days? I'm still waiting for money to eat!" Yang San took advantage of a burst of energy.

Hearing the sound, Wang Kang was stunned and looked back, "Oh, where do you say that?" He began to renege, "If you want to eat, you will beat you to pay it out of your own pocket! Otherwise, you will pay for it." , go in there," he pointed at Xiyan Hall, "eat a ready-made banquet." Wang Kang's mouth slipped, and he couldn't help laughing at Yang San like this.

Everyone around laughed too.

The slap that was originally prepared to deal with repudiation immediately hit Wang Kang's old face.The necessary scuffle started from the side of the stall with the blue curtain and expanded to the place where the foreign cars were parked.

The horns of passing cars, like a beaten dog, whine.Several foreign cars that were running in the middle of the street stopped, and the sweaty driver shouted "Come in!" "Look at the car!" The grumpy man said casually, "Damn it, it's a scorching day to single out such a place! "

The patrolman left his post; the children gathered around; the marching band members who were drinking tea all stood up to watch; the women shouted in horror: "It's terrible, something happened ahead!"

Yang San raised his voice and yelled at Wang Kang: "The fourteenth hanging money, it was you——you took it, didn't you—"

The shouts started from the wrestling two people, swelled, and swelled to the mouths of various people around: "Listen to me..."

"Pull them apart..."

"It's blocking the way... look at the legs."

Amidst the noise, some people crossed their hands and shouted from a distance: "Well done, what a fist!"

In the main hall of Xiyan Hall, there are red banners with golden characters and several couples of wedding couplets. The bride is obeying orders and bowing deeply again and again.The noise outside caused the heads of the surrounding guests to turn outward at the same time, as if to inquire about the reason for the noise outside.The bride's heart was beating in bursts, but now she lost her balance even more; it hit and sank all of a sudden, and the flowers she held in her hand just trembled.The sound of thunder penetrated into her ears, and in her heart... "Bride and groom—three bows—...three bows." A Shu bent and straightened in confusion.She cried last night, and her mother cried too, and gave her a series of lessons learned from experience—be patient with the elderly, be kind to the young, and give in to everything— It seems that life is supported by tolerance and concessions!

What she is worried about is not making compromises between her parents-in-law and sister-in-law.In the past few years, everyone has been discussing the issue of marriage lively, but she doesn't understand how the rationale of those discussions does not have sex when it meets the reality.The reality of her marriage did not reduce the problems because she paid more attention to the marriage, family, and love issues discussed in the newspapers and new literature.

"25 years old..." When someone asked Ah Shu's age, her mother would always answer the questioner softly as if worried, and could not tell whether she was sighing or wordy.

In this old-fashioned family, Ah Shu is considered to be much older than the age that should be married. She knows that her parents' eagerness to get her married makes her too embarrassed!They are choosing the right family for her every day-in fact, there is no choice!Even if she objected, it was just a passive and helpless resistance. She knew that she had absolutely no chance to choose, and even come into contact with a more suitable and ideal person!She has struggled for three years, and three years is not a short period of time. In her father's eyes, it is an unbelievably long time... "The Yu family has asked someone to bring it up again. You should discuss it with Ashu. My body can see it with my own eyes." Worse, this wet day..." My father's words were often loud enough for her to hear, and sometimes he was even more sour at the dinner table. "This 60 yuan is enough to support this big family! It's not enough to raise children, so what else do you need to donate? Just starve to death!"

Sometimes it is more direct and embarrassing: "Whose new gown is this? Ashu, don't wear it like a fashion and go around, you won't be able to find your mother-in-law's house - I don't agree to meet friends outside, we are not that kind of people !" The cowardly mother lowered her head and pretended to be sewing:
"Mom advises you to settle down... Father's health is not good recently, and the daughter can't stay in her mother's house for the rest of her life... This family is not bad; the job is good, and the ex-wife doesn't have children, so it can't be considered filling the house..."

There seems to be no relationship between theory and reality; it doesn't matter what the theory says about the marriage, Ah Shu can't remember much of it today.In fact, as long as she nods once, let a stranger, a person of the opposite surname, and the opposite sex sit in her home, or even next to her, and have a meal, the process of father and mother two or three years—maybe it is five years. Six years—the problem was suddenly solved in a very civilized way to them.

The suspicion and fear of Ah Shu's engagement often made her father comfort himself like a child: Ah Shu's marriage is really lucky, and he always hopes that Ah Shu will hear this.

For some reason, Ah Shu always felt sorry for her father when she heard this, and wanted to pretend to be happy to comfort him.The mother is even more pitiful; ever since Ah Shu got engaged, she always seemed to be sorry for her, and often said in a hoarse voice: "Look at my heart as a mother."

Look at the heart of being a mother!That day when she first saw that strange person with a different surname and a different sex, that vulgar typical shattered her fragile hope of beauty, and she was stunned. Could she commit suicide because she was disappointed in her marriage?Can you boldly tell your father that this engagement is impossible?Can you escape the torture of this family (under the sign of love) to take risks and go adrift?
She didn't have the courage to say anything, she cried for a while, and her mother shed tears too, and then her mother said: "Ah Shu, you have lost weight in the past few days, don't cry, a mother is just a heart."Now bow, bow and bid farewell to happiness, it is too late to help.

The noisy sound became more and more obvious for a while, the bridesmaid put on the ring for the bride, and the praiser shouted some orders.

In the confusion, Ah Shu began to fantasize about the reason for the noise outside: the foreign driver should take the tram, the car must have hurt someone, the students petitioned again, and the authorities sent the military and police to suppress it... But what A Shu thought, I was still so anxious, what should I do now? I am like a dead person, and the waves of life should not touch me, like a person who has already been sentenced.But whether it's about to be sentenced or forced to marry, there is always an unexpected and comforting relief at such a helpless moment in the movie, illegal, amnesty, and the lover rushes to the starry night on a horse... But who is it? her lover?Except Brother Jiu!Brother Nine, who studies politics and law and pays attention to new ideas, does not know what to do when he gets the news that his cousin Ashu is getting married?He hated a marriage dominated by his parents...but who knew he cared?They haven't been in contact for many years, although when they lived in Shandong, they used to be neighbors and played together all day long as childhood sweethearts.Illusions are useless, Brother Nine is not in Beiping, he came back two years ago, she remembered that she met Brother Nine supporting a beautiful female classmate in front of the bookstore, she avoided Brother Nine's sight, Ashamed of her out-of-fashion attire, she didn't want to make an embarrassing comparison with Brother Nine's girlfriend.

Feeling sore hands, heartache, and trembling all over, Ah Shu was surrounded by a group of people and retreated to the inner room to rest.The ladies greeted each other before and after the bride, paying attention to each other's attire.A few of them were criticizing the bride very rudely, obviously not satisfied. "The bride is too thin." A fat woman with her chin folded more than a dozen times was talking to the sixth aunt next to her, shaking her fan.Ashu felt that she could be crushed immediately; the fat lady was like a stone mortar, and Aunt Six was like an iron pestle lying in front of her. Ashu tightened a silk scarf with trembling hands, listening to her mother's voice on her head. I can't stop moving those velvet flowers.

The two daughters of Aunt Six, Xijiao and Lili, who came into the room with the scent of toilet water, their attire had already attracted a lot of envious looks.Xijiao, with the thin eyebrows of a movie star, was gnawing melon seeds, her scarlet lips showing her snow-white teeth.She secretly tore at the skirt of her sister's shirt, and pouted to the side of a guest.Lili immediately blushed with a smile, took out a silk handkerchief, covered her mouth, squeezed out the crowd and walked to the corridor, looking at the male guests already at the table.A few of them had picked up their chopsticks and were happily choosing the fat chicken. While telling jokes, they all turned their faces to Lili's laughter and looked at her calmly.Lili twisted her waist and swayed again. The soft gown was gently unfolded, revealing her long legs wrapped in flesh-colored silk stockings and walked to the other side.

The young waiter was wearing a blue cloth coat, with a tablecloth on his shoulders, and he came out of the kitchen with four plates of cold meat in both hands, almost bumping into Lili.Smelling the fragrance of toilet water, the waiter forgot all his scruples and squinted.When he was serving food last night, Yun Juan, who was singing in the opera, was sitting at the chief seat and smiling at him, her two rhinestone earrings swaying from side to side like on a swing.He couldn't forget the scene of Fourth Master Zhang sitting next to Yunjuan grabbing her Ruyu's arm and urging him to drink.Smiling with drunken eyes, Yunjuan was obviously smiling at him who was holding a big bowl of three delicacies soup.He remembered leveling the big bowl, and his heart was still pounding.It wasn't until he couldn't sleep at night that he lay on the bench in the courtyard to enjoy the cool, and sang "The Lonely King...drunk..." casually before he felt a little looser.Today is such a smiling young lady again, dressed in such soft clothes, the waiter lowered his head to get the jug, as if hating someone in his heart.

"Yi Jiu, what would you like to drink?" Old Lu asked.

"Let me have a cup of peach ice cream."

"Go and pick up some good dim sum, Lao Meng." The host greeted the guest again.That's how the lunch problem was solved.Because of the hot weather and the fact that he got up too late, Lao Lu saw the moving signboard hanging in front of the pastry shop, "Healthy ice cream, coffee, milk, all kinds of pastries", so he decided to spend time inside.When Yijiu and Lao Meng came to chat, Lao Lu was obviously very satisfied.

Among the three, Yi Jiu is the youngest and most modern.When I was in middle school, I could only speak English, and there were photos of "Li Na" or "Qin Ni" hanging in the room, which were carefully cut out from movie magazines, one round and one square, and the walls were full of charming and charming—he He has been in Shanghai for two years, and his dancing has become even better. Lao Lu looked at his feet and planned to ask Yijiu to take him to the dance hall to pay homage to his teacher.

"Which movie is good, this afternoon?" Lao Meng grabbed a newspaper and read it.

The two lovers on the next seat were looking at each other.The man has a very gentle face, smoking a cigarette without speaking; the profile of the woman is quite moving, with long eyelashes moving, and a smile on her face from time to time.Her green gauze gown covered her plump shoulders, carrying a mysterious elegance.The two ate ice cream silently, seemingly completely satisfied with everything.

Lao Lu, Lao Meng talked about the current situation. Since Lao Lu is an official, he often said "I have a special news, so it seems that there is a reason for it", so he made a more detailed review of the reasons layer by layer, Dive deep into the political turmoil.

Yi Jiu looked at the woman's eyelashes and the dimples of her smile, and thought of Joan's two braids who were playing hide-and-seek behind the rockery several years ago, one jumping forward and the other backward.Joan has been dead for six or seven years, and no one has mentioned her again.Today, the woman in the green gown just caused the shadow of Joan to surge up in his heart.Uncanny, faint, memory paints a lively Joan.Being mischievous in the very old-fashioned family, the second uncle raised a pipe and came out sharply to stop her various games.But Joan just suppressed her voice and chuckled.It was raining heavily, and the courtyard was full of water, and Qiong was so bold that she rolled her trouser legs over her knees, and went into the water with bare feet, pretending to fish.Accidentally she slipped and fell, it was Yijiu who went to carry her back.There is also Ashu who is about the same size as Qiong, who lives in the opposite door, they often play together, Yijiu suddenly remembers Ashu who is thin and quiet.

"I heard that Ah Shu is getting married soon, so Mama told her to visit her cousin's house. I don't know who Ah Shu is going to marry!" He seemed afraid of going to his cousin's house.The strangeness of the past few years made him feel embarrassed, they met once the year before last, and the out-of-fashion Ah Shu had a unique beauty, a kind of spirituality... I wonder why the woman in the green gown reminded him so much today..." Yi Jiu , you are quite smart, smart, and you can curry favor with women, you should try it too, I will introduce you to Lao Wang."

Tired Yi Jiu suddenly felt depressed.

Lao Lu flicked his hands on the table to express his displeasure: "Lao Meng, please don't talk, maybe the young master Yi Jiu would like to act in a movie!" .

The woman in the green gauze gown and her friend finished eating and stood up.The man put his hand on the woman's arm, walked around the tea table of the three of them silently, and walked out the door.Old Lu, Yijiu noticed that the woman had beautiful legs and a steady walk.The harmony between the two was revealed in silence.

"They're sweethearts!"

"May all lovers be married."

"Is this woman pretty?"

(End of this chapter)

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