Reborn Night Rise

Chapter 553 The Storm is Surging

Chapter 553 Surging Storm ([-])

In Southeast Province - Mingyang City, in a newly built community, the outside of the community is basically surrounded, but no one dares to take care of it. The reason is very simple, there are too many people blocking here!
Fan Yunmin, Chief Governor of Southeast Province, Chen Wenshu, Deputy Governor, and Zhu Liang, Commander-in-Chief of the Southeast Military Region, are all princely figures in the eyes of ordinary people.

People like this usually see each other on TV, and occasionally go to interview people, and the surrounding area is blocked in various ways, but today, they all gather in this community, which makes people talk a lot!
"Hey, what do you think these heavenly officials are doing here?"

"Yo, what else can I do, grab someone!"

"Who are you robbing?"

"Hey, if you are ignorant, who else is there in this community, of course it is Zhu Xiaoming from the Zhu family in the seventh building!"

"Tsk tsk, that kid from the Zhu family? Hey, he's promising, so many people appreciate him?"

"Ah appreciation? Do you think it was before? After you didn't read the big news, this group of people were shut down here for almost one night? Look clearly, this is not an appreciation, this group of people came to seek talent Tsk tsk, if you want to talk about the Zhu family who sells buns, what kind of luck did you cultivate in your life to give birth to such a unicorn, hey, my son is addicted to online games all day long, but he didn't get his turn when it was time to play, hehe Really"

"Your son?" The woman next to him sneered and said, "You said the government blocked that game? There were a lot of thieves dead in that game, you should be glad your son didn't go, or the white-haired people gave away the black-haired people, you I didn’t look at this community, how many houses held funerals a while ago?”

"Ah bah, if he goes there, he's sure to make a fortune!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but at this time the Master's family was also very nervous.

After returning from performing martial arts in China, Zhu Xiaoming's family has actually been stepped on by people from various forces, and countless people have come up to win them over. This is due to Zhu Xiaoming's achievements in performing martial arts in China!

After being guided by Guo Lang, although this guy only played as the third seat in the Southeast Province, he won a good ranking in the following battles. Even the No. [-] seed in Donghua Province: Yang Yanfei was also defeated by him. In the case that the Southeast Shield King was not able to participate, Zhu Xiaoming's results were almost the best in Southeast Province!
After returning, he had a contest with the number one expert in the southeast military, the King of Shield: Wang Lie, and they were almost evenly divided. In addition, Zhu’s family background is blue and white, and his parents are authentic citizens. This kind of family is the best to win over. From then on, Zhu Xiaoming It became a sweet pastry in the southeast province, and many forces extended olive branches one after another. During this period of time, Zhu Xiaoming's parents couldn't hold the gifts alone in the warehouse.

And that steamed stuffed bun shop, well, my son is so promising, and he still sells steamed stuffed buns, so it is naturally transferred directly, ready to enjoy the blessings.

Originally, the couple thought very well. After closing the business, let the son directly choose a big power to join him. Since then, there is no shortage of gold and silver, and the status is high. The two elders go for a walk with the dog when they have nothing to do, and brag about B with the neighbors. To escape the cold in coastal tourist destinations, to escape the summer heat in Kunshan and other places in the southwest, and occasionally to travel abroad to gain knowledge, these days are more comfortable than gods!

Some time ago, when my son just came back, various forces came to the door one after another, and the old couple would not refuse anyone who came, waiting for a price. In fact, this is not a big problem. Anyway, the political situation was stable when Mr. Liang was there, and it was not a problem to join either party. Big, with Zhu Xiaoming's strength and status, as long as he doesn't betray the country, even if the power falls, the country will not do anything to him!
But now it's different!

Now that such a big event happened in Xi Luo, Mr. Liang's life and death are unknown, all the major provincial capitals are in chaos, everyone with some ideas is recruiting troops, and the situation is turbulent. At this time, the selection of forces cannot be like before!

According to what Zhu Xiaoming said to the two elders, the current situation is complicated. If Mr. Liang and those top domestic players really leave and never return, not only the world structure will undergo major changes, but also the domestic situation. This situation is imminent and very dangerous. !

No one from the highest government of Yanjing is standing up now, and the big bosses of the provinces have ulterior motives. Even the heads of the military regions have come to recruit people. It can be seen that the urgency of the situation is not that those people outside the community really want to recruit people to rebel, but In such a situation, it is right to lay your foundation a little bit thicker. If something goes wrong, you will have more confidence if you have hard power in your hands!
For folk players like Zhu Xiaoming, choice is very important. First of all, you can't choose someone who is too ambitious and tries to rise from chaos, but you can't choose someone who is too weak. Certain self-preservation ability, in fact, according to his idea: directly take parents into his own plane, and avoid this wave first.

But the parents are not willing, and the power in the world of planet D is still very important, sometimes this step really has to be faced.

Naturally, small forces have been completely ruled out by Zhu Xiaoming, and now it is the three largest forces outside the community that are swinging. The first party is the chief governor from Yanjing. After taking office, he has a strong wrist. However, with his outstanding political skills, he quickly secured his position as the top leader, and this is the second time he has served as governor of the provincial capital, which means that after this term is over, he will be one step closer to being dropped from the highest government of Yanjing The possibility is extremely high, and the Fanyun Minfan family is also a big family in Yanjing. Although it is not as big as the Gong family, it is still a well-established official family.

The deputy superintendent, Chen Wenshu, is an old local official with deep roots. Originally, he was supposed to be the top leader in the previous term, but Fan Yunmin stepped in, but the relationship between the two is quite harmonious, at least in the news, or in the outside world. Rumors didn't cause much conflict, but in the current situation, it is definitely impossible to be so harmonious, and it is almost a public appearance to snatch people.

Zhu Liang and Zhu Shuai of the military region are also descendants of the Yanjing family. Now he has served as the first army commander in the southeast military region for five years. This faction is the favorite of Zhu Xiaoming's parents, because they said that the two families are still family. Although this relative has been separated for countless generations, whenever Zhu Shuai's family has a family banquet, this Xiao Ming's parents will put on a shy face to get official.

Originally, relatives of this kind of power would definitely disdain Zhu Xiaoming's parents who bought steamed buns, but since Zhu Xiaoming's rise, the attitude of this distant relative has changed greatly, and they often visit the door in person, which makes the parents feel a little angry. flattered.

Especially some time ago, I also revealed from time to time that my niece has also reached the age of marriage, so let the two young people get closer and see if they can get closer!
The main reason is that the daughter of his family is already engaged to the top military commander at that time, King Dongnan Dun, that’s right. King Dongnan Dun, who was the number one reserve seed in Southeast Province and defeated by Ye Zhiqiu, is his son-in-law. As for the two daughters, they would definitely be willing to take them out and continue to win over, but unfortunately they didn't!

Regarding the matter mentioned by his parents, Zhu Xiaoming was stunned at the time. To be honest, at his level of status, he really didn't have much interest in women who were not professionals. asked.

As a result, Zhu's father and Zhu's mother looked like they had been beaten, and chattered about the girl: she is the daughter of Zhu Shuai's wife's natal family. Although she is not from a family of officials and officials, she is a well-known real estate developer and rich. , That girl, they have also inquired about it, she graduated from a normal school in City C, and she looks very handsome.

"What's your name?" Zhu Xiaoming asked in a daze.

"What does it look like? Ah yes, it's called Ding Xiaoyu! Well, are you interested? Then I'll call Zhu Shuai and arrange for you to meet every day?"

Zhu Xiaoming: "Mom, I'm only 19 years old!"

"What's the matter? Didn't your father and I give birth to you?"

Zhu Xiaoming covered his face: "So, I only got the Hukou when I was in my teens!"

"It's not important. What's important is that you are the only seedling of our old Zhu's family. With such a good marriage, don't you mess it up for me." Mother Zhu showed her authority as a parent.

Zhu Xiaoming looked helpless. He has been very filial to his parents since he was a child, and his parents seemed to be in high spirits. It’s really not good for him to spoil their interest directly, but if it is true, he will always feel that it is not good to join the military forces.
"Hey master, what should I do at this time?" Zhu Xiaoming said to himself silently.

He said that the master was Guo Lang. After that martial arts performance, Zhu Xiaoming seized the opportunity and came to visit his master with the cheek. At that time, Guo Lang, who had succeeded in pretending to be B, was happy, hey, he agreed, and the promise was so straightforward that Zhu Xiaoming's own They were all surprised for a while, secretly sighing that the master is indeed a man of temperament!

That time Guo Lang taught him a lot of things, including personal combat skills, and the future direction of the legion, and he even asked him to go to a place in the next plane to do a wave together. He was also full of expectations at the time.

As a result, this kind of incident happened to Xi Luo. If the situation was not too chaotic, he had to guard his parents, and he might have gone to Xi Luo to investigate the situation himself.

Psychologically praying to the master that nothing will happen, and also thinking to himself, if this matter is the master, how will he choose?
He didn't expect that his blind date was actually the department flower of his master Guo Lang who had been masturbating for four years in college: Ding Xiaoyu!

(End of this chapter)

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