Reborn Night Rise

Chapter 587 Alienation!

Chapter 587 Alienation!
"It's you again!" Metz was brought into the government hall and found that there was still a bald old man looking at her with a smile in the room. Metz said coldly: "Can't you change someone? Or... you are gone ?”

"It's really nervous, Dr. Metz!" The bald head took out a pair of white gloves, and said slowly, "Doctor Metz, your mental hypnosis is too frequent and has reached a critical point. This is the last hypnosis. Considering your grief over the loss of your son, this is the last time the government will tolerate you!"

"Then I have to thank the government for its benevolence?" Metz sneered: "The last time, so what about the next time? Just let me disappear too?"

"No way." The bald head shook his head expressionlessly: "People's mental power is more hypnotized, and they will gradually develop resistance, and the time will gradually decrease each time. You pretended to be very good, but in fact, we can see through surveillance. It can be concluded that you should still remember the past very early on. To be honest, your situation is very rare, and many doctors will only appear in breakthrough hypnosis as frequently as you when they are almost fifty."

"So doctors seldom live to fifty, right?" Metz slowly found a wheelchair and got down, shaking it slightly, his expression seemed to be relaxed, but his tone was slightly cold: "We have four years of high school, and the score needs to be in the top ten of a city-level key high school to enter the medical school. After entering the medical school, it takes eight years to study for ordinary undergraduates. Others' five years of university life is full of youth. It's like heaven on earth, and we have a heavier class than high school."

After a pause, she stroked the cold feeling of the solid wooden handle of the wheelchair, as if she was reminiscing about something, with a wry smile on her face: "I remember at that time, there were four of us in a dormitory, we only slept for about six hours a day, and we studied by ourselves late at night. After returning, we have to read a lot of books until one o'clock in the morning, for us, the most relaxing time is the time in the cafeteria, it is a rare rest time!"

"Everyone here is from elites from all over the world, and everyone has an extremely diligent attitude towards learning, but when they graduated, the terrible elimination rate still made many people's eight-year hard work come to naught. I was considered lucky in the dormitory. , but I didn’t know until later how lucky they were to have not been eliminated. We spent half of our lives studying hard to become this government’s highly preferential occupation, but later found out that we were actually wiping your ass!”

Sitting there quietly with a bald head, let the other party speak slowly, it is best for two people to cooperate in mental hypnosis, and it is better to let the other party vent a bit than the subsequent work.

"I have worked hard for the government for so many years. I live a high-intensity life in the emergency room every day. Sometimes I don't have time to eat. I drink a bottle of nutrient solution and continue working. But what have I gained?"

"My two younger brothers are dead, my parents are dead, and my husband is gone. Now, there is not even the last son left?"

"I'm sorry for your experience!" The bald head smiled wryly. To be honest, this woman was a bit unlucky.

"You know? If I were a mortal, not a doctor, maybe I would feel nothing like my parents and just live my life thinking about it, but I am a doctor, and our work makes it easy for us to guess the world. So every day we wonder whether this kind of thing happened to us too? In order not to think too much, we can only work hard to numb ourselves, but there is always a time to rest? When I calm down, I am afraid, just I can’t help but think about it, I think about it too much, sometimes something will sound, you know that feeling? That feeling of seeing the truth and slowly recalling some lost things in the past?”

Bald head: "."

"I'm curious, what do you guys think when you are like you, manipulating everything about us mortals and fabricating falsehoods? Is it cool, this feeling of manipulating everything?"

"Very upset!" The bald man replied, with a wry smile on his face: "Compared to you, you doctors, who can still enjoy a period of peace during hypnosis, we will always live in the truth of the matter." Here, watching those tragedies happen, but also trying to erase the existence of those dead people, watching those relatives suffer so much for one second, and forget all their feelings for the next second, you know? We are more afraid than anyone else, I sleep in fear all day, afraid that the horror will come to me!"

Mace: "."

"But people must be dedicated. Your doctor said on the first day of school motto that this is a profession of dedication. Some things in this world must be done by someone!"

"Do it? To deceive, to forge a false peaceful world?" Metz sneered.

"False peace is better than letting them see the cruel world!" The bald-headed voice also began to turn cold: "If you know that in this world, you may become a prey at any time. Eaten by monsters, will you still show the smiles of those people outside? Do you know what it’s like in a world where panic spreads? You don’t want to see it, it’s real hell!”

Mace: "It's not heaven either!"

"As expected, you've seen the stuff of the man in gray!" The bald head looked gloomy.

"Every child has watched it!" Metz smiled and pointed at his head: "It's just forgotten by your hypnosis, but hypnosis can't completely erase the memory. The seeds have long been planted in everyone's mind. It is impossible for this group of god-stealing people to control the world forever!"

Bald head: "."
In the dimensional space, Guo Lang has been running around with the child for more than ten days, but he still hasn't found out how to leave this world, and the more he walks, the more frightening he feels. He can feel that something is eroding him. If he doesn't leave, Maybe you really can't leave!
The most important thing is the kid next to him. His expression is getting weirder and weirder. Every day when he looks at himself, his eyes are completely different from the beginning. Sometimes Guo Lang even has a feeling that when he stares at himself, he looks like those snakes. It's the same when staring at yourself!

He would restrain himself most of the time, but as time went by, the child's surface still underwent physiological changes. Guo Lang could see clearly that the boy began to grow tiny snake scales, and his body began to grow colder and colder. It is also slowly turning into a beast to have orange yellow!
The movements are getting faster and faster, and the strength is getting stronger and stronger, and sometimes when he looks at himself, the violence in his eyes becomes more and more serious, and he talks less and less with Guo Lang. Only when Guo Lang mentioned his mother, his expression Only then will it become softer, and talk to Guo Lang, but Guo Lang can see that his mother's image of him is gradually decreasing, and if this continues
Guo Lang, who was watching this change, was horrified for a while, and a terrible thought suddenly flashed in his mind!

(End of this chapter)

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