Reborn Night Rise

Chapter 589 Chapter 606: A world on the verge of crisis

Chapter 589 Six hundred and six: A world on the verge of crisis
"Mom. Help me, Mom!"

boom!In a remote town, in a well-decorated country house room, Metz woke up suddenly, covered in cold sweat, panting heavily!

"What's the matter? My dear?" Beside him, there was a middle-aged man with an excellent figure lying on the bed. At this time, the man's charming face showed tenderness: "Have you had a nightmare?" He said softly He hugged Mace into his arms and comforted him softly.

Mace was carried over like a puppet, and her mind was numb for a while. The man in front of her was both familiar and unfamiliar. She remembered everything about the man. The man was the sheriff of the small town. He inherited his father's farm locally and had a good income. , Coupled with the salary of public employees established by the government, the standard of living is still very high, as can be seen from the quality of decoration in their houses, it is very valuable.

The two have been married for ten years
Suddenly, with a bang, the door of the house was opened, and two children, a boy and a girl, ran in from outside the house, threw themselves on the bedside, and coquettishly said, "Mom, the bad brother robbed me!" The girl said coquettishly, fat Dudu's face showed a hint of delicacy, which looked extremely cute.

"I'm not a bad brother!" The boy retorted with his mouth pouted, his dark eyes were extremely agile, he seemed to have completely inherited the genes of his parents, and he was very good-looking.

"Hey" the man smiled and hugged the two of them onto the bed: "Didn't I tell you that you have to knock on the door when you enter your parents' room? You two little troublemakers!" The man said while using his sparsely bearded chin Looking at the faces of the two children, it made them giggle!

"We were wrong, we will definitely knock on the door next time!"

Looking at the warm scene in front of her, Metz suddenly felt like a dream. After being stunned for a long time, she caressed the faces of the two children in disbelief. The slippery touch made her feel the reality of everything.

Tears flowed involuntarily from his eyes.

"Hey hey!" The man hurried over and said softly, "What's the matter, dear?"

"No." Metz shook his head, wiped away his tears, and said with a smile, "I just feel very happy!"
And in the dark, the bald man watching this scene had a gentle smile on his face.

"Is it so troublesome?" A middle-aged man next to him wearing the same style of clothes said coldly: "Transplanting non-existent memories is still multi-personal, the risk is higher, and you spend more energy !"

"This woman's fate is too rough, she shouldn't bear so much!" Baldhead laughed.

"There are too many tragic things in this world, don't we see them every day? You just pity her? Isn't that unfair to other people?"

The bald head turned around, looked at his companion coldly, and said expressionlessly: "I like it!"

"It's up to you." The tall and thin middle-aged man also realized that the other party was angry after seeing the other party's unhappy expression, so he just reminded lightly: "You can take full responsibility for the mess."

"Don't worry about it!"

"You..." The tall and thin man sighed, and then said: "Look now, I actually envy that woman. She has your pity and can live in this false happiness, but what about us, who will pity us?" ?”

Bald head: "Why don't you apply, we're retired, and we'll get this kind of treatment?"

"You think too much, let's not say that people like us with high mental strength are not easy to be hypnotized, and the organization will not let people like us go to the private sector. Once we enter the industry, we will never retire!"

"That sounds really tragic."

"You knew on the first day?"

"But it's not bad, at least it's safer than these people."

The bald head was silent when he heard the words.

"You should know!" The tall and thin middle-aged man said quietly: "You can't stay here all the time. Nowadays, military personnel consume a lot, and it's impossible to send someone to guard this woman, but you know, her The child will definitely come to her, but when she is found, her child will no longer be her child."

"Ah" There was a trace of sadness on the bald face.

Unlucky things, once encountered in this world, are hard to get rid of in a lifetime. Metz's misery is not accidental. Everything was doomed from the first time her younger brother disappeared. Anyone who is sucked into that different space will become That kind of monster, the people who become monsters definitely don't have human consciousness, but it can't be said that they don't have it at all. They have dealt with this kind of monster for so long, and they have mastered many laws.

These monsters prefer to attack their former relatives, and have an extremely bloodthirsty desire for their relatives!
So they will always find opportunities to attack their former relatives. If you have relatives who have disappeared and are assimilated by that space, sorry, unless they happen to be strangled by the government, otherwise they will definitely find a chance to come back to you.

Metz used to be a doctor. Doctors are very valuable resources for the government, so doctors are protected by special personnel. This is why Metz has been fine for so many years, but her relatives have died.

Because her family is unprotected, it is easy to be pulled down by the missing relatives in that space!
So once there will be a second time, everyone in this world is like this, once unlucky, the first family member is pulled into that space, and the rest is actually a matter of time, because no matter how the government conscripts, how It will be difficult to stop all this by strengthening the force!
In other words, Metz's current happiness is still short-lived, and the pain will still come. Just after her child found her, it was another tragic reincarnation!

"Grass!" The bald head finally swears: "When will this bloody day be a head? The so-called holy light, said it will save us, but I can't see a little bit of hope, the master of the temple"

"Dawei!!!" The middle-aged thin man suddenly yelled angrily to make the other party pause, and then he slowed down his tone: "Speak carefully!"

"Hehe." The bald man didn't speak any more, but with a miserable smile on his face, he shook his head, and left the Metz family staggeringly!
After the two left, Carter and Robin slowly walked out in the same direction.

"Did you hear that?" Fat Robin asked with a strange expression on his face.

"Well." Carter looked at the Mays family with great interest: "This world is a bit interesting!"

"Is it interesting?" The fat man rolled his eyes: "I heard goosebumps all over my body! Hey, you said Brother Lang is also in that space, will he become a monster too? Then." The fat man's tone suddenly became weird stand up.

"Then... crawl out to find us?" Carter answered.

"Uh, hahaha!" The fat man rubbed his head and laughed, "I'm just kidding, that guy is so easy for a dog!"

Carter shook his head: "That's not sure. His current state is not very good!!"

(End of this chapter)

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