Reborn Night Rise

Chapter 896 Tai Sui!

Chapter 896 Tai Sui!

"Your Majesty, do you know her?" On the way, Yang Jian had been silent for a long time and finally asked two other questions that he wanted to ask. He turned his head, but that thief's appearance was very funny, especially Lei Zhenzi's bloody and gossiping appearance.

"I don't know." The Immortal Emperor shook his head, and then a flash of memory flashed in his eyes: "It's just that she reminds me of an old friend, very similar, both so small and so powerful!"

"Cut, it's just small!" Nezha said disdainfully at the side: "Isn't this deity also looking so small, in terms of age, how many times are the ancestors of the world smaller than me?"

"I can't be mistaken." The Immortal Emperor said with a smile: "Appearance and age are two different things. Nezha, you don't want to grow up, but she is really that big. Do you understand the difference between periods?"

"What?" Everyone froze in place immediately, with a look of being struck by lightning. That doll looks only five or six years old, right?What, at that age, can reach the Golden Immortal cultivation base?

Even some heaven and earth spirit beasts need a process of growth!
"Are you kidding?" Nezha tried to laugh, but the other party looked at him with a gentle smile on his face, and the forced smile on his face stiffened suddenly, and finally he said, "I don't believe it, you No matter how serious I am, I don’t believe it!”

Lei Zhenzi on the side rarely agreed with Nezha's point of view, and nodded. Only Yang Jian narrowed his eyes slightly. The world is far beyond their imagination. This world is just like the teacher said. Dust is insignificant.

In fact, it is not impossible for anything to happen, but Yang Jian is better at grasping the key points, he suddenly said: "Your Majesty suddenly mentioned Tai Sui today!"

As soon as these words came out, Nezha and Lei Zhenzi paused, including the Immortal Emperor himself, who paused slightly.

This word has not been mentioned for many years. It was a long time ago, when Yang Jian was not born, Nezha was not even born, and even the Western Holy See did not exist.

The world also has a second master, who will rule the world with the current Immortal Emperor!

It's just that the method is a little different. According to rumors, at that time, immortals had no longevity, and there was no Uncle Pantao who did anything. Except for the emperor himself, any immortal should fall when the five declines of heaven and man, and after the fall, everything in life The so-called everything belongs to the jurisdiction of the second master of this world!

It is the Lord of the Netherworld: Tai Sui!

According to records, at that time, the six realms system was complete, Huangquan and Hell were in charge, and yin and yang coexisted. The environment at that time was much clearer than later, everyone had the opportunity to cultivate immortality, and everyone would be reduced to a cup of loess in the end , the soul walks into the underworld, drinks a bowl of Mengpo soup, and then can walk in the world again.

At that time, the emperor of heaven held the yang, and Tai Sui held the netherworld. This harmony of yin and yang is the most essential law advocated by Taoism, and it should be the most reasonable arrangement. For hundreds of millions of years, the world has been peaceful and peaceful!
Until one day, Tai Sui suddenly disappeared!

There is nothing in the records to explain where she went. The netherworld is in chaos, the yellow springs are deserted, and the Yin and Yang of the world are out of balance. Naturally, it is not a good thing.

Therefore, Western Buddhism came into being. Under the guise of saving all sentient beings, appease the spirits of resentment, and rebuild the underworld, so that the Western Holy See gained great support in a short period of time, but unlike Tai Sui, the owner of the Western Holy See , not born of the original yin and yang qi in this world, but a real person!

Human selfishness is naturally lofty and the Immortal Emperor, who was born as an innate spirit, has the following method of longevity, the golden cicada meat feast. Dongfang Xianting developed such a thing as Uncle Pantao under no other circumstances. .

So immortals are not old, and this system was formed!
As for the records of Tai Sui, Yang Jian, as the second person in Tianting, is naturally qualified to read it. The information is ancient, and people in this world who know the inside story should be said to be immortals. The Immortal Emperor, Lord of Heaven and Earth, knows the inside story.

If Tai Sui is still there, there will be no golden cicadas, no Uncle Pantao, let alone a group of so-called alchemy immortals using the flesh and blood of their yellow scarf warriors to cooperate with Pantao in alchemy!
Yang Jian is very interested in the former Nether Lord, but there are too few records, and there is no record about how the other party disappeared in the first place, so it is really impossible to find out.

It's not good for him to ask the Immortal Emperor by himself, but now that the other party suddenly took the initiative to talk about it, Yang Jian regained his original curiosity
"Tai Sui. Well." The Immortal Emperor stood with his hands folded, looking up at the sky, an inexplicable expression suddenly appeared on his face, neither happy nor sad, it couldn't be described as an expression, but there were indeed complex emotions in it.

"If my choice was the same as yours, would it be?"

"Huh?" Several people stared at each other suddenly, with misty expressions on their faces, they couldn't understand at all.

"That's all." Looking at these guys around, the Immortal Emperor shook his head and smiled: "Sometimes it is really hard to tell whether it is right or wrong when you choose this kind of thing, because before you choose it, you will never know whether it is right or wrong .”

Everyone: "."

"However, if one day, I can meet that kind of choice, I don't want you to be like me, even if there is only a slight chance, I hope you, don't hesitate!"
"Beep, beep!" In the distance, a sneaky figure far away from Alice made an inexplicable signal to her.

"Are you sick?" Alice rolled her eyes. When dealing with this guy, both she and the deity seem to have the same headache!

"I want to ask you, is there anything wrong?" From a long distance, Camille gestured inexplicably: "The level is not up to the full level, and you dare to provoke the boss with tattered equipment? Do you think there is a resurrection point here?" what?"

"Of course I have my confidence." Alice said coldly, and then looked at her strangely: "It's you, according to the rumors, didn't you once go to the heaven alone with one sword, and split that guy into pieces?" Is it broken? Why is it that the mouse looks like the cat and is so afraid of him?"

"Nonsense, which eye of yours sees me and is afraid of him?"

"Left eye, right eye' plus asshole, all seen!"

"You bastard, I didn't see that your mouth was so damaged before."

"Before?" Alice raised her eyebrows: "Are we familiar? Don't you think of me as your real self?"

"Uh..." Camille choked for a moment, then looked at the other party strangely for a long time, and finally said, "You don't remember me?"


"Ahem, nothing, that, let's go home"

"No, I'm not done yet!"

"What is your mission?"

"Observe the God Demon Machine, and look for an opportunity to seize the Zhuxian Sword!!"

 what. . .Haha, it seems that I can't write Chapter 3 today. I'm really dizzy. The fat man can't bear it anymore. I will start to make up chapters from tomorrow, four chapters a day, until the end of the month. There are still six days left. I should be able to make up all the debts. come back. . . .

  Well, it should be. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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