him and her cat

Chapter 110

Chapter 110
Walking along the street late at night, there are occasional small cafes with warm people and music.

Zhou Dang held a half-burnt cigarette between his fingertips, his slender fingers curled up slightly, and the sparks flickered.

There were traces of rain on the ground, and he smoked cigarettes one by one.

"Your manager really doesn't treat you as human beings, and you actually took on so many activities." Shujia yawned, and directly opened the extension to talk to Zhou Dang, hugging the pillow, leaning against the bedside table: "My slut, you have to be careful Myself, stay away from female fans, do you hear me?"

"Understood." He obediently agreed.

"Well, nice."

Shujia was satisfied, and said with a smile: "Now you really can cause trouble wherever you go."

"Ah, why."

Zhou Dang liked to hear her voice and listened carefully to every word.

"I read Weibo."

Shujia smiled and said, "Just now I was scrolling through Weibo, and there was a topic about you eating hot pot on Yan'an Road, and then I saw a few sneak photos of you, and I saved them."


Zhou Dang thought about what he was doing just now.

Still thinking, I heard her voice: "I have saved a lot of your photos in my mobile phone, as well as emoticons."

Zhou Dang was silent for a while, then asked her: "Does it look good?"

Listening to the tone, I feel very concerned.

For the first time, he discovered that he still has the burden of being an idol.

"What? Emoji packs." She couldn't help laughing: "I just saved three more classic ones."

"Do you know which three it is?"

over the phone.

Shujia turned off the light, lifted the quilt, and lay down on the bed.

It was dark inside.

After a while, he said, "I don't know."

Shu Jia recited it out: "If you take a photo and move for a second, I lose (JPG), if you interview me and see you, I lose (JPG), if you smile at you once, I lose (JPG)."

Zhou Dang remained silent.

She said to herself, "Zhou Dang, you are really a walking indifferent emoji pack."

He pursed his thin lips lightly, with a slight smile in his eyes, "I want to find your emoji too."

"Hahahahahahaha." Shujia couldn't hold back anymore and gasped twice, "You're so cute."

Zhou Dang doesn't like to joke with others, except for games, he rarely deals with other people.

That's why most people find him difficult to get along with.

But he didn't know that he only left his tenderness to one person.

Deep tiredness and surging drowsiness came over me.

"I'm so sleepy, are you almost there?"

Shujia murmured.


Zhou Dang's voice was low.

"Go back and have a good rest."

Shujia's eyelids were fighting, and she felt that she was about to be unable to hold on.

There seemed to be wind on the other end of the phone, and his answer gradually became blurred.

She gradually lost her voice, her fingers loosened unconsciously, and the phone rolled down on the pillow.

Arms resting on the side of the face, eyelashes slowly closed.

Her voice was completely gone.

Zhou Dang put the cigarette to his lips and took a puff.

Look at the white smoke that spews out, blown away by the cold wind.

A few people wandered back to the WR base.

GGbond suddenly stopped while walking, and took out the phone from his pocket, only to find that the battery had already run out.

He patted Zhou Dang's chest with the back of his hand, and spread his hand: "Brother, I use the phone."

Zhou Dang glanced at the hand in front of him and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Call me, my phone is out of battery."

"My phone is dead."

Zhou Dang lightly refused with one word, pushed away GGBond's hand, and walked far away.

GGBond stayed put and defamed.

This person, I don't know what medicine he took wrongly, and his temper is very unpredictable.

A few people were jet lagged and couldn't sleep.

After taking a shower, Beast and Zhou Dang lined up in the training room on the second floor.

Aaron had nothing else to do, just nestled on the sofa and surfed the Internet with his mobile phone, scrolling through Weibo pages and other things, and when he was bored after reading, he clicked on the official website to see the voting status of this year's All-Stars.

Today is the 13th, and the final results will be released in a few days.

When he clicked in, the data just happened to be refreshed for the last time.

Aaron glanced from top to bottom.

The real-time support rate of the LPL division:

Bottom lane: WR.Wan (79.8%)

Mid lane: WR.GGbond (50.4%)

Support: OP. Meiok (34.5%)

Top Road: WR. Aaron (27.4 percent)

Jungle: YG.Ben (24.3%)

This is probably the lineup with the highest voting percentage at present, and the final result will not change much.

Originally, each team could only send two people to the All-Stars at most, but this year's WR won the championship, making an exception and earning an extra qualification.

Aaron handed the phone to GGbond next to him, rubbed over to watch it with him, pointed to the screen of the phone and said, "Look, shit, how safe are the thieves this year, the fucking millions of tickets are the rest of us It all adds up."

GGBond took it, glanced at it, and raised his eyebrows.

Gee tut.

Approval rate close to 80.00%.

It's too scary, this is the idol of the whole people.

But think about it
Now in terms of fame, no one can surpass Zhou Dang.

"Dang is so popular, it won't be a problem to become a big brother in the entertainment circle in the future." GGbond sighed.

"I don't know whether it's the most coquettish mixed in the gaming industry or the entertainment industry."


"Hey, by the way, what's going on with you and Jiang Yuyu?" GGbond suddenly thought of this, and gave Aaron a half-smile.

"What can I do?" Aaron was stunned for a moment, and said directly: "I don't want to fall in love before I retire, and I don't want to delay others."

GGbond played with Aaron's mobile phone, and found that the screen saver was still a photo of him and his original girlfriend.

In fact, GGbond and Aaron knew each other very early.At the beginning of entering the professional circle, WR had just entered the LPL from LSPL, and everyone was a poor kid with no achievements.He once saw Aaron's girlfriend, who was small and cute, liked to hold Aaron's arm, and had a sweet smile.

I heard that they were childhood sweethearts, we talked about it for many years, and we broke up some time ago.

Aaron was drunk the day he finished the finals, crying like a dog, and kept murmuring, "She said she didn't want to wait for me, but I miss her so much."

GGBond really doesn't understand women as creatures sometimes.

Being able to accompany a man through his most difficult time, but let go at the end.

Just leave, no nostalgia at all.

Then after a few days, GGbond saw Aaron's personalized signature and replaced it with:
Even if we break up, I will be grateful for every second of being liked by you.

It was my fluke.

Hypocritical and pathetic.

Talked for a while.

Aaron didn't want to continue the conversation, rubbed his face, took his mobile phone, patted his butt and stood up, ready to go back to his room to sleep.

Passing by the training room, in the transparent glass window, Zhou Dang and Beast are still playing solo queue.

He pushed open the door and went inside to look.

On the computer screen, there are continuous killing prompts.

Aaron approached, put one hand on Zhou Dang's computer desk, bent down to watch him operate.

The world's number one ADC is still very sharp.

A small cannon almost ruined the face of the opposite C-position.

It didn't take long to attack the opposite high ground, and the game ended quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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