Chapter 82
【Every milk between joker and you must be poisonous】

[Brother Chop Diao in front, stop, I'll be with you. 】

【.I'm afraid of you】

【Reject poisonous milk, start with you】

Shujia couldn't help laughing.

The game officially begins.

Both lineups:

TMS blue side: Shen, Olaf, Syndra, Verus, Karma.

WR red side: Big Tree, Blind Monk, Ryze, Wheel Mom, Nami.

For the first water dragon, the junglers of both teams chose the blue buff to start the game.

In the first 5 minutes, WR and TMS were in a stable development stage, and neither side wanted to cause trouble, so there were no outbreaks of kills.

Shujia held her breath and watched the real-time broadcast without blinking her eyes, feeling extremely nervous, as if she was the one competing.
In the 8th minute of the opening, the opposing jungler with a red buff suddenly went to catch a wave of Ryze in the middle. GGbond pressed the line too deep, and after surrendering a double move, he was still caught by Syndra on the opposite side.

The audience burst into applause.

Shu Jia's heart twitched.

He directly exited the live broadcast room.

She curled up her legs, hugged the pillow and thought in a daze, if she loses this match with TMS, what are the chances of WR qualifying?
If WR can't make it to the quarterfinals, how will he face the monstrous public opinion when he returns to China?
The more she thought about it, the more confused she became. She really couldn't be optimistic, so she simply opened WeChat and sent Jiang Yuyu a message:
Safeguard: Are you there?
It was almost a second over there.

Yuyujiang: Why didn't you sleep?

Yuyu Jiang: I

Fish ginger: know

Fish fish ginger: Road

Fish fish ginger: yes

Shujia couldn't laugh or cry.

Safeguard: Yes.
Yuyujiang: What's wrong?
Safeguard: Did you watch the game live? .
Yuyujiang: Definitely, my God, there are people shouting TMS all around ==
Jiang Yuyu sent a voice.

Shujia clicked on it, and there was a noisy background sound, mixed with the sound of killing in the League of Legends.

She hesitated for a while, writing, deleting and deleting in the sending box.
After a meeting.

Safeguard: What's the situation in the game now?

Yuyujiang: Didn’t you watch it?
Safeguard: I dare not look at it. :(
Yuyujiang: Pfft, the psychological quality is not good, Xiao Jiajia, this is only the first match, and today's group A battle has just begun.

Safeguard: (cold sweat) I'm afraid, I don't want to watch it, let me know if you get results.

Then she locked the phone screen and put it next to the pillow.

The lights were turned off, and the room was plunged into darkness again.

Shujia opened his eyes, looking at the light and shadow cut by the dim street lamp beside the window, his heart kept beating.

What I just saw in my mind is Zhou Dangan sitting quietly on the competition stage.

Very distant.

His hair seems to have been cut a little shorter. His eyes are slender and single-lidded, and his eyebrows are drooping.

Zhou Dang is really a very contradictory person.

Gloomy and simple.

Normally, he looks quiet, careless and even a little depressed, but during the competition, his eyes are full of ambition and desire.

Shujia turned around, buried her face in the pillow, and silently missed him from a distance of more than 1 miles.

Miss him with his sweet, slightly wet kisses.

Thin and soft cheeks.

Happily a little sour.

Tossed and turned all night.

She didn't sleep well, she was half asleep and half awake, because she had something on her mind, she woke up very early and got up.

Shujia was wearing a pair of cotton slippers, and didn't dare to turn on her phone to check the results, so she went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.Just wandering around the room, packing things.

I dug out a lot of old CDs, books, ceramic mugs, and photo frames.

She sat on the cashmere rug, leaned against the sofa and looked at everything, forcing herself to find something to do.

In fact, at this time, the outcome of several rounds of games has probably been settled. As long as WR's qualifying status is logged on Weibo or Zhangmeng, the news will be overwhelmingly reported...

It's just that she's scared.
She didn't know what she was afraid of.

The phone rang.

Shujia got up, looked at the caller ID, and connected.




"Don't forget the studio at [-]:[-] in the afternoon."

After reminding the other party, Shujia remembered.

I am going to record a show this afternoon, it is a Christmas special of Zhanyu, and I will prepare a surprise for fans at that time.There are some high-spirited anchors inside, and Shujia is also on the list.

She agreed, and hung up the phone after confirming the exact location and time.

After hanging up, he picked up the book on the coffee table and continued to turn to the page he hadn't finished reading.

After reading it for a long time, the page still remained unchanged.

Shujia opened the window, breathed in the cool air, propped his chin in a daze for a while.

After a long time, she picked up her phone and clicked on the WeChat chat with Jiang Yuyu.

It's eight o'clock in the morning:

(End of this chapter)

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