
Chapter 3 Fuzzy Fingerprints

Chapter 3 Fuzzy Fingerprints

Tail disease, diagnosed as tetralogy of Fallot.Is cyanotic, complex congenital heart disease.That little heart was already damaged: ventricular septal defect, pulmonary stenosis, aortic overriding, and right ventricular hypertrophy.The mortality rate of this patient is 70.00% within ten years old.

In the hospital, Bijue's heart skipped a beat when the general surgeon referred him to the Department of Cardiac Surgery.After the auscultation of the cardiac surgery expert assistant, he got up and whispered something to Professor Qiao, the cardiac surgery expert.The professor immediately came over to look at the tail, and Bijue's heart skipped a beat again.He watched Professor Jo kindly auscultate Tail's chest and talk kindly to her.Feel guilty.Then Professor Qiao ordered a series of inspection lists such as blood, electrocardiogram, echocardiography, and X-ray.It was better for Bijue to stuff the thousands of dollars of money on board in the small bag, and a lot of inspection fees were enough to withstand.It's just that, running up and down, lining up in this team and that team, hugging the little girl, he was so tired that his legs became limp in the end.Tail said, I will go by myself.Bijue put her down, in fact, after walking a few steps, she squatted down.Bijue had no choice but to carry her on his back and run up and down with her in his arms.

That day, Tail became the last patient in the specialist clinic.Professor Qiao read all the test reports of Tail carefully one by one, and when the assistant took Tail to the bathroom, he directly said to Jue that it was very bad and had to be operated on immediately.Otherwise, she will die at any time, if there is no surgery, it will be two years at most!
Bijue stayed for a while, heard footsteps outside the door, and hurriedly asked, did we delay?

It can't be said that it was delayed, it was congenital.However, you can find out earlier, they are different from normal children, for example, this child's lips and fingers are getting more and more purple, he doesn't like to move, he is easy to breathe, and he is smaller than children of the same age.

Bijue nodded, and the tail came in, smiling.The professor patted her head.Bijue hugged her on his lap, and said that she always thought she was too lazy to move, and would carry her on her back after walking a few steps, or squat on the ground.Seeing her pretty and cute, the kindergarten always wanted her to dance, but she quit after dancing twice.The teacher said she was too quiet.

Healthy children will not be so quiet.This kind of inactivity, walking and squatting down is called "squatting", which is the characteristic posture of children with tetralogy of Fallot. "Squatting" makes the blood flow with low oxygen content flow back into the right heart temporarily. At the same time, the femoral artery is bent due to "squatting", which increases the resistance of arterial blood flowing to the lower extremities, and the blood flow flowing to the upper part of the trunk increases relatively, which makes the child's central nervous system The hypoxic state of the system is improved, and the blood flow of the pulmonary circulation is increased.In this way, the child will be more comfortable, they are small, they will not talk, so comfortable, she just did it.

That night, in the small stone house, Yang Zidao, Bi Jue, and Xin Xiaofeng were almost sleepless.

Xin Xiaofeng came back from leave.When asking for leave, Yi Guchun's face was very stinky.

Yi Guchun has just been "accounted for" by the leader for his ineffective pursuit of escape.In the jurisdiction of the Second Police District, two murder fugitives who had been lurking for many years were successively poached by brothers from other police stations within a week.The leader of the office was criticized so much that he couldn't hold back his face at the branch meeting, so he naturally slapped Yi Guchun hard when he came back.Not only that, the construction site of key government projects in the north of the Second Police District's jurisdiction has recently seen frequent theft of building materials, which annoyed the mayor in charge who went to investigate.The director of the city bureau was given another kuai for this.These sticks, of course, eventually fell on Yi Guchun's head.At the end of the year and the end of the year, every year is the time when gangsters make a lot of money. They ask for money to go home for the New Year, so there are high incidences of cases everywhere.Tonight is the second day after the implementation of a special ambush plan in the Second Police District. Xin Xiaofeng is going to ask for leave. Yi Guchun's face smells worse than manure, but he finally let Xin Xiaofeng go with his black and smelly face. Ask for leave.

After confirming that the tail was asleep, the three of them began to discuss today's important topic.The first question, do you want to have surgery?
Bijue introduced the whole situation in a very low voice.Surgery was the unanimous choice of the three.Yang Zidao asked, can surgery cure the disease completely?What Xin Xiaofeng cares about is the degree of risk of the operation itself.Bijue said that the doctor admitted that there is a risk. Some children went to the operating table and never came down again.However, if you don't do it, you will definitely die in two years.

Xin Xiaofeng stood up and went to the bed to look at the sleeping tail.The child sleeps on his back with a white fairy ring on his head.Two fists, like in infancy, used to be placed on both sides of the head.

The second problem is [-] yuan will be prepared before and after the operation.

This number shocked Yang Zidao and Xin Xiaofeng a bit.They had already guessed that it would cost a lot, but they were still a little surprised at the hundreds of thousands.

Both Xin Xiaofeng and Bijue have no savings. Xin Xiaofeng has the lowest income and has always been full of moonlight; The cost is also quite a lot, and Yang Zidao has to reinforce him from time to time.The three of them are usually together, and they are all used to eating Yang Zidao's.The two of them thought that Yang Zidao had a high income and should have some savings, but Yang Zidao spread out the deposit receipt for everyone to see, and there was only 4000 on it.Yang Zidao's mother passed away, his father was in a nursing home, and his only brother was a little mentally handicapped. He was always bullied by his wife and his family. Three or four times a year, Yang Zidao would send money to his father and brother.In the summer, the current account that was robbed in the car was about [-] yuan.

Xin Xiaofeng said, thinking about it now, if you were robbed that day, you should really keep the money.

Yang Zidao sighed.That's right... But, after all these years, I don't dare to hope that I can live tomorrow...

Actually, it was.Bijue said that we are different from others, so the family wants to accept her, and I want to let go because of long-term considerations.If, half a year ago, they took over, economic strength would not be a problem at all.Haizhu said that it is easy for that family to make two to three hundred thousand a year.Yang Zidao said, what are you talking about, he is not a fool, he spends money to bring a serious patient back!If you get sick, you will be refunded.What do you think!

If you accept it, you cannot return it!Children are nothing.Are you honest?Bijue said.

Honest shit!Xin Xiaofeng said, honesty!Flesh and blood can be thrown away, what qualifications do you have to speak honesty!

Bijue slammed the magazine in his hand towards Xin Xiaofeng, and Xin Xiaofeng kicked Bijue's chair with his face. Bijue fell down with the chair, and he got up to kick Xin Xiaofeng.Yang Zidao raised his finger to shush them as if pulling the handbrake with his arm, while checking to see if the tail on the bed was awakened.

The two fell silent for a moment, but the eyes staring at each other were breathing fire.At this time, Xin Xiaofeng's phone rang, he picked it up, checked it, and pressed it.But the phone rang again, he frowned, and when he picked it up, he growled, don't call again!I'm busy!

Bijue's voice is light and fluttering because of restraint or extreme anger, let me tell you, bastard, don't pretend to be a saint with me!Without you as a bastard, A Dao and I would never be where we are today!
You fucking fart!Xin Xiaofeng gritted his teeth: It's not that you insist on going down the mountain, we have nothing to do today!
The two were about to fight again, and Yang Zidao stood between them.He bit his cheek and said every word: It happened again, right?Do you want to fight again today?Well, go to the yard to fight! --Hit me!I told you to go, I want to see that car! --hit me! !Without me, you have nothing to do today!You, Chen Bijue, are already an expert in astronomy, and you, Xin Xiaofeng, might as well be a Ph.D. in chemistry.It's all my fault!I ruined you all! --Hit me!Hit it to death!I fucking deserve it!
Yang Zidao walked out the door after speaking.There was a hurried rustling and the sound of wooden stairs outside the door.However, the three men in anger ignored it.Bijue rushed over and grabbed Yang Zidao who had opened the door from behind.Beside the table, Xin Xiaofeng closed his eyes, tears quietly flashed from the corners of his eyes, he turned his head and opened his eyes wide to the window, took a deep breath, and the tears disappeared.

The two men by the door walked back to the table.

With a hoarse voice, Yang Zidao said, okay, Bijue, even if he is honest, the child is in urgent need of help, do you think he will save it?Would he choose surgery to spend more than [-] yuan?Why do you believe he would do this?If he lets our little girl fend for herself, what can you do? ! ——People's children!

The three fell silent.

The evening bell of Tianjie Temple rang, with a deep voice:

dong... dong... dong...

The sound of the bell penetrated the entire room, shaking every silent and complicated heart.

During the sound of the bell, the tail turned over, and she let out a gasp, which was like a slight sigh, and this sigh was also drowned in the sound of the bell.Still, Bijue broke the silence. He said, I asked, and we divided the operation into two operations. On the one hand, the certainty is higher, and on the other hand, the financial pressure can be reduced.For the first operation, we performed the venous artery and pulmonary artery shunt, which is to develop the pulmonary artery in the tail and improve cyanosis.The cost is more than 3.I still have more than 3000 yuan left. Let’s see if I can borrow some more from my parents. At that time, Boss Lin gave them 4 to [-] yuan because of Bihui...

Yang Zidao interrupted him, don't touch the old man's money, and if the daughter is gone, you too... it's better to leave some money for them.The [-] here will be used first, and I will pick it up tomorrow.

Is it a fortress red envelope?Xin Xiaofeng said.

Probably not... I think that professor likes tails very much.

Is the nurse accompanying someone in bed?Xin Xiaofeng said.

Yes, they are all at work.Yang Zidao said, how much does it cost to hire a nurse like that in a hospital?

What else do you hire?Bijue said, I will accompany her.I will talk to Boss Lin.This is major surgery.

It was late at night, Xin Xiaofeng slowly wringed out the cigarette on his hand, and began to put on his coat.Yang Zidao said, where are you going?

back to the unit.

Didn't you ask for leave?
Let's go, the surnamed Yi treats me well, if there are many people coming in tonight, everyone will be very busy, maybe all night.Tomorrow, the tail has not been operated on anyway, so I may not come here.Bijue what's going on with you tomorrow, call me.


Every room in the police station was brightly lit, and a unified action was taken to arrest the men and women who brought back the two minibuses. Even the patio, cafeteria, and stairs were full.The big clock on the wall of the hall was already pointing to one forty in the morning.A fugitive from Jiangxi has been found out through online comparison and verification.

As soon as Xin Xiaofeng entered the gate outside the institute, a policeman who was drinking Coke to refresh himself saw him, ah, here comes the master!Get him fingerprinted!Dude is too slow!Yi Guchun glanced out of the window of the interrogation room, feeling a little relieved.

Strictly speaking, police assistants are not allowed to get involved in police work such as the production of archival materials. However, in the actual work where the police force is insufficient, senior and aura police assistants are even more capable than ordinary policemen. Not to mention the new cops.Registration, photo taking, fingerprinting, interrogation records, the police station in the middle of the night is more lively than the big vegetable market during the day, and there are people everywhere.The cafeteria aunt who came to work overtime to cook the noodle paste was busy going in and out, and she was very disdainful and harsh to those scum who were squatting and standing in the room.Ha Xiu followed her like a guard.Hearing Xin Xiaofeng's footsteps outside the door, Ha Xiu turned his ears and ran out immediately.

It jumped up and licked Xin Xiaofeng.

A female police officer passed by and said, Intuit!Long time no reunion!We broke up in the evening, didn't we!

Xin Xiaofeng went in.Yi Guchun asked him to take fingerprints for a guy surnamed Mao who would be disgusted at the first sight.The guy said to Xin Xiaofeng with a smile, hey, I didn't do anything, what's the use of fingerprints?Next to him, Laodou suddenly yelled and hit the head of the guy he was taking fingerprints hard, telling you to stay still!What the hell are you guilty of!If you move again, I will chop off your finger!

The fellow with the surname Mao on Xin Xiaofeng's side said with a smile, oh, brother, why don't you just cooperate with others, don't you be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door if you don't do bad things.The gentleman is magnanimous...Xin Xiaofeng raised his hand and slapped him across the face.

Lao Dou stares at the bull's eye, I will kick you to death!Who the hell is a ghost! ——You bastard, do it carefully, hide a large bunch of keys under the bicycle seat cushion, and insist that it is not his, maybe it is a big habit of stealing!
Old Bean and the others have already ground the ink for collecting fingerprints.Apply the ink on the glass evenly and thinly, then gently roll over the suspect's fingerprint, and then gently and evenly roll the ink-stained finger on the fingerprint card.This work is very troublesome. Sometimes it is not clear to get it once, and it is not clear to use it again, and even after dozens of times, it is not good to get it.When luck is unlucky, it may take half an hour to take a set of fingerprints.This work requires not only careful thought, but also skill, for example, how to control the other party's fingers well, if the control is not good, he secretly exerts force, and the fingerprints will be blurred and scrapped.There are also some guys whose fingers may be moved bricks and cement to do rough work on the construction site, or picked and grinded by themselves, the fingerprints are not clearly worn, and it is not easy to remove.You have to clean him thoroughly, and even wait for them to recover and grow well.

The fingers surnamed Mao are so blurred, especially the index fingers of both hands.Xin Xiaofeng is washing his hands right now, thoroughly washing the first pad of each finger.The thumb, index finger, and middle finger of Mao's right hand are all dry and yellow, as if waxed, like plastic skin; the fingers of his left hand are a little hairy, moldy, and disgusting.Xin Xiaofeng looked at his hands and then at his eyes.That guy closed his eyes and didn't look at Xin Xiaofeng, still smiling.Xin Xiaofeng twisted that mullah's left finger hard, and that guy screamed like a pig.

Xin Xiaofeng pointed to his hand and said, what's going on?

Workers, ouch...just I transport sea sand...

Xin Xiaofeng was looking at his right fingertips which were as dry and yellow as wax.The man was afraid that Xin Xiaofeng would suddenly bend his hand again, so he quickly said, I accidentally ironed it while helping my wife with the electric iron...

After removing the ten fingers of the left and right hands, on the A4-sized fingerprint recognition card, the fingerprints of Mu Lala on the left hand are basically clear, but the fingerprints on the right hand, which are like waxy skin, are very shallow and basically unrecognizable.Xin Xiaofeng washed his right hand again and did it again.Still no improvement.That guy saw the name, and said, is it the same as a worker, whether you print your handprint or not... I told you a long time ago, it's a waste of time-ouch...

Xin Xiaofeng shot very quickly, and he slapped him.

Yi Guchun didn't know when he was standing behind Xin Xiaofeng.

The one surnamed Mao cried out, hey, police officer, now that the police are civilized and enforce the law, they don’t beat people very much, these hired bastards, why... why did they slap me twice... I didn’t do anything...

Yi Guchun has no expression, who hit you?

Xin Xiaofeng was also expressionless.

The one with the surname Mao looked at Yi Guchun, then at Xin Xiaofeng, and then at Yi Guchun.He soon felt guilty.These two people are very similar, their eyes are cold and stern, but their facial muscles are peaceful and supple. They seem to be listening to you very attentively, but they exude a cold and powerful tacit power.

Okay, okay, I didn't hit, it's my own face that hurts...

Yi Guchun directly interrogated Mao.The man surnamed Mao insisted on not changing his words, saying that he did not know that there was a key hidden in the rear of the car. This was a second-hand car he bought last month for 30 yuan, and he did not know anything else.He said how could he have imagined that there could be so many keys hidden in it, he sat and rode well, and he didn't have a buttocks.He said, you have to arrest the former owner of the car, and arresting me is an unjust case.

In the afternoon of the next day, the person surnamed Mao was released due to the limitation of the detention period.An hour later, the branch office notified the results of the fingerprint comparison. Although the fingerprints of the right hand surnamed Mao were unclear, the police had at least four burglary scenes with fingerprints of the left hand surnamed Mao.Unfortunately, the one surnamed Mao has disappeared into the crowd.Yi Guchun and Xin Xiaofeng felt sorry for each other.

In the end, it was proved that the man surnamed Mao who escaped by chance was not an ordinary thief, but a gangster who had served in the firefighting army.He is good at climbing high-rise drainpipes with his bare hands and is proficient in door locks.The frequency and efficiency of his crimes are astonishing. He was surrounded by the police several times, but he managed to escape.But in the end, he still fell into Xin Xiaofeng's hands, and at the critical moment of capturing him, Xin Xiaofeng's own luck also reached a fatal turning point.This is something.

While Bi Jue was going through the admission procedures at the hospital with his tail on his back, Yang Zidao was busy soliciting customers on the street.At the entrance of the bank center, when the customers got off the bus, unexpectedly, a girl with dysmenorrhea came running over with a big handbag on her back.She hi-hi-hi smiled and opened the car door and said, great!God has eyes!My dad has something to leave, and I have to get a new ID card, you just fell from the sky!Come on, take me to Gaoqiao Police Station.

Yang Zidao smiled and said, silly girl, taxis are everywhere.

I just like to meet you, the girl said, the whole bag is lost, all the documents and mobile phone cards have to be re-applied one by one, the trouble is dead.I originally asked my brother to do it for me, but he procrastinated day after day, and every day he didn't have time today.Today, my father accompanied me to take out the bank card, but they called from the factory to say something was wrong and left me again.

Does dad have a car?

My brother has it too.

So why don't you drive it yourself?Can't open it?

meeting.They wouldn't let me drive, saying that I would pay more money than the taxi.

Yang Zidao laughed.

My brother said that my brain nerves and the motor nerves of my hands and feet are not well connected, so I wanted to turn the direction at [-] degrees, but my hand only turned at [-] or [-] degrees; I thought the brakes might not be accurate. In the first collision, the car in front braked suddenly, and I braked quickly, but my foot stepped on the accelerator.

Yang Zidao laughed so hard that he coughed.

I think your skills are good, and your heart is not bad, so I am quite satisfied with you as my driver, and my brother and my parents agree.Yang Zidao said, actually, driving is just practice makes perfect.

Forget it, they are two selfish guys, and they don't like me stealing their car to drive, and my family has no money to buy another car.My share of buying a car has already been budgeted for the taxi fee.My mother said that safety is more important than anything else.

On the day you passed out, why didn't you hit him?
can not hit!Peak period!My dad had a meeting off the island and begged my brother, he was too busy to let me call it myself.Originally there was an empty car, but I couldn't stand up straight because of the pain in my stomach, and I couldn't grab it from others.

I don't understand how a person like you can pass the driving test?
Hi——hi—hi—the girl shrunk her head and smiled, not wanting to answer.

Ye Pei came out, it must be irregular.

It's legit!But my brother didn't know that I was doing so badly at that time, and thought I was too nervous to pass the exam.It was he who asked his classmates to help me pass the exam.That was my sixth road test. As soon as I got in the car, the traffic police examiner jumped up with a straight face, and I drove across the unilateral bridge in fear.The stern-faced examiner said, are you Yi Guxia?I said yes.He said, well, get out of the car!I thought my reputation was so bad that he didn't even want to test me, so I was in a daze.He said, be careful on the road in the future.The exam is over.God!You don't know, I was so ecstatic that I wanted to kiss him hard!Starting off on Banpo, playing horoscopes, positioning parking, and so many other scary items, I don’t want to take the test!Oh my god, I'm passing- hey, there's a bag in the seat behind you-

The traffic was rushing, Yang Zidao glanced in the rearview mirror, but couldn't see it.The girl named Yi Guxia threw her big handbag under her feet, got up unexpectedly, rolled over from the front seat to the back seat, and climbed back again.At this time, the car was approaching Gaoqiao Police Station.

In the girl's hand was a man's black wallet, the size of a book, with a blue matte leather address book of the court system, a charger, a bunch of keys, and a red envelope.In the inner zipper pocket, there was actually a stack of money. Judging by the thickness of the girl's hand, Yang Zidao estimated it to be around 7000 yuan.Yi Guxia happily took out the red envelope again, which contained two hundred yuan.On the outside of the red envelope, it says grow old together, always win He Yi.

Yi Guxia said, it is not ignorant to pick up gold, but are you usually ignorant?

Yang Zidao's face suddenly became hot.

Aha, there are ghosts in my heart!Do you want to blackmail this money?
Yang Zidao didn't know how to speak.After so many years of working in the industry, he has picked up countless things left behind by customers, such as various items, wallets, mobile phones, and more and more mobile phones.As long as he finds out, he will turn it over to the company. For this reason, he has become a model for the company to promote the high quality of its team.Once he picked up an IBM laptop, because he knew the whereabouts of the guest, he sent the laptop back to the hotel where the guest was.The overjoyed guest took out several US dollars and forced them to him.The guest of unknown nationality said through an interpreter that if he did not have this computer, he would not be able to attend an important meeting at all.

Yang Zidao declined the money, and left with a smile. Unexpectedly, the guest chased him to the car, stuffed the money into the car, and waved away.Inside was more than $400.At that time, Bijue, who was still a sailor, happened to come back from a boat. The three of them went shopping on the street, and one of them picked out a pair of good leather shoes, and then went to the seafood restaurant to have a big meal. Yang Zidao also joined later.As a result of the scuffle, someone called the police, and the three of them ran away with their last bit of sobriety.Lost three pairs of new leather shoes.Later, I had to buy three more pairs of mid-range shoes and used up all the money.

Yang Zidao, Chen Bijue, and Xin Xiaofeng are more aware than ordinary people that money is something outside of themselves.

But today, when Yi Guxia said that there was a bag in the back, Yang Zidao hoped that there was money in it; when the girl did not find the stack of money on the interlayer, Yang Zidao was still disappointed; when the stack of money was pulled out by the girl, a rainbow flew out of his heart .Professional experience told him that the driver should take full responsibility for the forgotten objects in the passenger seat in the driver's field of vision.However, the things forgotten in the back row may be quietly taken away by other passengers up and down at any time, that is to say, it is reasonable that the taxi driver cannot be responsible for the things left in the back row.

The girl smiled slyly and said, wait, I will go in to get the certificate first.When I come back, share the spoils!Don't run away!

The girl entered the gate of the police station, and Yang Zidao opened the bag again for research.He reckoned that the owner was a judge, but there were no people in the uniform of a judge getting on the bus, nor were there any guests who got off at the court.Single guests take the passenger seat.Which one is like the owner?

Yang Zidao didn't bother to think about it anymore. One thing was very clear. He really wanted to get rid of the money today, let's not talk about borrowing it, because now and in the foreseeable future, it is a bit self-deceiving and unrealistic to talk about repaying the money.

Yang Zidao flipped through the address book, and there was a small note on the second cover: Brothers are about the same height, and they practice wrestling three meals a day.It's a riddle, a child's riddle.The words written with a pointed pencil are very childish.When Yang Zidao saw it, he thought of the tail, so he concluded that it was written by a little girl.Maybe it was the daughter of this man named Chang Sheng who wrote to Dad to guess that this man named Chang Sheng should be a judge.

Yi Guxia came out, the new ID card in her hand was shining with the sun.She came in without looking at her bag, and put the new certificate in her hand back into her wallet, saying, Hey, I've been struggling with ideas for a long time, have you figured it out yet? ——hihi——hiM——how to divide?You don't want to have it all to yourself, do you?
Yang Zidao nodded.I want this money.real.

Do you really want it? ! - and - want to swallow it all?

Yang Zidao nodded.

Yi Guxia jumped up, you——!
I need it very much now. If I had the ability, I would return this man named Chang Sheng, but I guess I don't.

Hello!old man!Who are you!Park the park!Are you really that bad? !

Yang Zidao continued to drive.

- you are crazy!How dare you cheat with so much money!I don't want to divide the spoils!I am kidding you!I want this piece of money to fuck!The girl's red face and eyes are like bells, showing her true colors for the first time——you know, I'm just joking!This family's money!

Yang Zidao suddenly wanted to laugh, but he held back.He must solemnly express his true thoughts.

Yi Guxia fell silent all of a sudden, and Yang Zidao looked at her from the corner of his eyes, as if he was about to cry, maybe it was an expression of extreme anger.The two have been silent.Drive to Yundang Lijing, pass through the green path in the atrium, and turn to the front of Yigu Xiajialou.When the girl took out the bag and handed over the money, she said, do you know what I'm thinking, old man, let me tell you, one, I don't want your car anymore!Two, you might actually have stolen my bag too!Three, you wait, I will report you when I go upstairs!I can recite your car number!
Yang Zidao was looking down for change, the girl's one, two, three were like thunder, one by one was louder than the other, Yang Zidao jumped up, Yi Guxia had already slammed the door and walked out.He quickly turned off the fire and chased it out.At the elevator entrance, he grabbed the girl who was about to enter the elevator.

I tell you!My daughter is about to have heart surgery and needs money urgently!If you want to report me, you will kill her!Second, you didn't take my car and pulled it down, but I didn't take your bag - I can't tell if it's changed now!Thirdly, Yang Zidao showed her the recovered 20 yuan, do you want to?Don't pull down too!
Yang Zidao turned around and left.Yi Guxia was stunned, and it took him a long time to chase him out with a bang.

Yang Zidao has already passed away.

Yi Guxia was furious.


On the third floor of the heart center building, as soon as the elevator door opened, it faced a small hall with four or five rows of metal seats.Xin Xiaofeng stepped out of the elevator and handed the fast food box in his hand to Yang Zidao and Bijue who were sitting on the seats.Xin Xiaofeng said, how about it?How long have you been in?
It's been an hour.Bijue pointed to a creamy yellow door next to it, where we made the second bed.

The soft green light of an operating room diffused, and four or five doctors and nurses in green coats surrounded Chen Yangxin's operating bed, and two more guarded in front of the cardiopulmonary bypass machine and the ECG and blood pressure monitor respectively.From a distance, it looks like a group of postmen are distributing pork.Professor Qiao's assistant suddenly yelled, and everyone looked at him, a blood injection had already been poured on his head and face, and the hat and mask were suddenly covered with blood.Professor Qiao gave him a dissatisfied look.Several postmen were laughing, it was because the intubation of the extracorporeal circulation machine was not inserted tightly.A few postmen smiled behind their masks while busy with their work.

In the waiting hall, Yang Zidao, Chen Bijue and Xin Xiaofeng kept checking the time.

Before the operation, Professor Qiao said that the operation time was about two hours.However, the child has been in for almost two and a half hours.Xin Xiaofeng said, do we really not give them red envelopes?Yang Zidao looked at Bijue and said, I am also a little uneasy.Xin Xiaofeng said, originally.

Bijue said that now we have to plan how to spend money.We only have so much money. For this reason, we have been asking Professor Qiao for permission to pay in installments. If he knows that we are so poor and still does this, will he...

What will it be?The money goes into the public account, and the red envelope goes into the doctor's private pocket.What kind of income do you say they like?Xin Xiaofeng said.

Yang Zidao stood up and said, I'll go down and buy some drinks and snacks for the doctor. The family members in the front bed brought up a box of eight-treasure porridge in the morning, and they didn't seem to be withdrawn.It was noon, and they were hungry after the operation in the morning.

Xin Xiaofeng said, then I will go down.Xin Xiaofeng turned around and went to the elevator and pressed the elevator.Bijue caught up and said, don't buy eight-treasure porridge, just buy a box of peanut milk.They have a microwave inside for heating.I see.

Xin Xiaofeng nodded.The elevator doors close.Yang Zidao and Bijue continued to finish the food in the fast food box.

How many days can you spend with her?Yang Zidao said.

As the Spring Festival approached, it was hard to find helpers.Haizhu said to ask a friend of her nephew to take my place, since my salary will be paid to him anyway.I am taking a month off.

How much did she promise to lend us?

It's very vague, saying that people who do business are rolling money, and they want a large amount of cash all at once, which is really hard to get.

So whether to borrow or not?
Bijue let out a long breath.Will borrow it, she said the big deal is to take her private money.

Yang Zidao laughed, this woman is too that, it's not easy to deal with.

Bijue didn't say anything more.Yang Zidao got up and threw the fast food box into the trash can, and said, Xiaofeng brought an electric saucepan yesterday, we can get some nutrition for the tail, but we need to talk to the landlord.

That guy is weird, and it's even harder to deal with.Bijue said.

The elevator door opened, and Xiaofeng came in carrying a box of peanut milk drink.There were two boxes of something under his armpits, and the two of them went over to help him pick them up. They turned out to be nutritional supplements such as Hericium erinaceus essence.

Yang Zidao said, can the tail eat this?to ask...

For the chief surgeon.

There is something wrong with you!Bijue is very angry, his voice is not small, what kind of money is wasted!Why did the doctor want you for this crap?

Xin Xiaofeng was furious, the night shift subsidy I just received, I can't make up the red envelope, why can't I buy this to express my heart?Bijue said sarcastically, yes, yes!But you also buy too little, you only know that the surgeon is important, do you know that anesthesiologists are also important?He can wake you up whenever you want, and he can keep you from waking up forever.You can't give this one and not that one.

Xin Xiaofeng, who is not good at eloquence, almost wants to beat him.

Yang Zidao hissed to stop it, and said, why don't you discuss it with us...

The door to the operating room opened, and the three of them watched nervously.A nurse came out in a hurry and said, are Chen Yangxin's family members there?All three stood up and nodded.Xin Xiaofeng heard his heart burst, and his face turned pale. He thought the tail was dead.To AB blood type!The nurse said that the blood bank is in urgent need of surgery.Xin Xiaofeng pressed his heart hard and let out a breath. The three of them obviously felt relaxed, and the nurse also felt it, oh, don't be so nervous, just transfuse some blood.Who is AB?

I'm.Bijue said.The nurse said, come with me.hurry up!
Yang Zidao said, maybe I am too, let me check and see!He followed out.Xin Xiaofeng stood still.After Yi Guchun was transferred, the director of the hospital in the area managed to get along well with him for some reason, so he took the opportunity to have all his brothers have a physical examination, chest x-ray, two-and-a-half, and blood types by the way.Xin Xiaofeng remembered that he was type B.

Yang Zidao is type O. On that day, Bijue injected 400cc of blood into the tail.

Unexpectedly, when Yang Zidao and Xin Xiaofeng left the hospital and passed by the parking lot, they ran into brothers and sisters Yi Guchun and Yiguxia.Yi Guchun was helping Yi Guxia into the car.Yang Zidao and Xin Xiaofeng stopped at the same time.Xin Xiaofeng said in a low voice, then the surname is Yi.

Yi Guchun, who was wearing plain clothes, closed the door for his sister and returned to the driver's seat.Before the car started, the window of the passenger seat was rolled down, and a girl's arm was waving with a small voice.Yi Guxia yelled at Yang Zidao behind the dark glass window.

Yang Zidao and Xin Xiaofeng glanced at each other.Had to go over.

It may be that there are older brothers and outsiders around, or it may be that she is sick, Yi Guxia did not use her trademark exaggerated expression, but in the soft voice, resentment can still be heard, what are you doing, old man, you don’t even call Accepted. Fortunately, my brother came home and rescued me.Look, did I lie to you?
When meeting each other, Xin Xiaofeng nodded to Yi Guchun.Yi Guchun was looking at Yang Baidao, and at his sister.

Yang Zidao also took a look at Yi Guchun, although the time was very short, his heart shuddered for some reason.Yang Zidao smiled and said to Yi Guxia, my daughter just had an operation, and I told you that I have changed shifts with the master of the day shift, so I can't see you off.I didn't lie to you either - this is my brother.

Hi.Yi Guxia said, you have to answer my calls from now on.I always come to you on urgent matters.You have to have a work ethic - let's go bro, I'm cold.

Yang Zidao smiled, sorry.

Yi Guchun smiled and said goodbye to Yang Zidao, then let's go first.The car left, but after a few meters, it stopped again. Yi Guchun raised his head to greet Xin Xiaofeng, come up and come with me.

Xin Xiaofeng glanced at Yang Zidao, hesitated, but ran forward and got into the car.

In the car, Yi Guxia said, Brother, do you think that old head looks like the older Keanu Reeves?

Unlike, very ordinary him.Yi Guchun shook his head, it is impolite for you to call someone an old man, even if he is really old, don't call him that.Xin Xiaofeng said, it doesn't matter, he is generous.

Yes, that's what I'm happy to say, he's never angry.I think he is a copy of Keanu Reeves, especially when the wind blows his white hair, and the eyes that look at people... hey.

Yi Guchun didn't bother to pay any attention to his sister.He told Xin Xiaofeng that there was a guy who committed suicide by jumping off the yellow building in the Waikou apartment, and he had a suicide note, so I didn't go there, and came directly to take my sister to the hospital. A friend of the deceased went to see the deceased and jumped down again.

dead too?Xin Xiaofeng and Yi Guxia asked in surprise at the same time.

died.So, I'm going to check it out.You go to your defense zone too——was that person just now your cousin or cousin?Yi Guchun said.Xin Xiaofeng said, no, we grew up together.

What happened to his child's heart?
Congenital, what is called tetralogy of Fallot, can not live for two years without surgery.

Really!Yi Guxia said.Oh my God!How old?

Just five years old.

Yi Guchun asked, does his wife also work here?
Xin Xiaofeng was silent for a while.Yi Guchun said, what?separated?
No, he's not married yet. Xin Xiaofeng said, in fact, it was an abandoned baby. The couple who adopted her were the sister and brother-in-law of another brother of mine. Two years ago, the couple had an accident and the child was taken care of by that brother.We also help a little, so usually, the little girl calls us as fathers.

Xin Xiaofeng's phone rang again, he looked at the number and pressed it again.

Yi Guchun said, how could this happen?
He knew that Yi Guchun was talking about the child's situation, but when he hung up the phone and immediately heard his question, Xin Xiaofeng was still a little uncomfortable.He said that there is no choice, it is very serious, and if you don't do it, you will die.

Does the brother who is raising the child now have a family?

Xin Xiaofeng hesitated for a moment, so it must be.

The cost of this operation is probably not low, Yi Guchun said, how is your brother and his wife earning?
Yi Guxia opened her eyes wide and turned her head to look at Xin Xiaofeng intently.Xin Xiaofeng looked out of the car and answered vaguely, I don't know very well.He kept looking out of the car.At this time, facing such a conversation, he clearly realized that the world of the sick tail had already involved his private life that he didn't want outsiders to know.Fortunately, Yundang Lijing is coming soon.

Yi Guxia got out of the car slowly, but stood in front of the car door in a daze, and did not leave immediately.Suicide, abandoned babies, heart disease, two-year survival period, single father, these high-density and high-intensity information in a short period of time made her a little bit overwhelmed.Yi Guchun looked at his sister, thought she didn't want to leave by herself, so he turned off the fire and said, I'll take you up.

Yi Guxia shook her head, she looked at Xin Xiaofeng and said, well, how old is your brother?never married?

Xin Xiaofeng nodded vaguely, thirty...five or six.

the old man himself...

Okay, okay, Yi Guchun said, hurry up, it's cold outside, and I don't have time.

The deceased jumped from the top roof, which is equivalent to the eighth floor.People saw a lot of cigarette butts and liquor bottles with a quarter of alcohol left in what was probably the last place where he took off.The deceased's friend appeared around ten o'clock, and people didn't notice him at first. Everyone focused and cared about the heart-piercing and crying sister of the deceased.Later, a group of people went up to the top roof, and people were showing his sister the last location of the deceased. Suddenly, that friend picked up the leftover bottle of liquor. All the wine was poured into his mouth. When everyone was stunned, he had jumped onto the roof railing. No one had time to stop him. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared, and then there was a loud bang on the ground, and everyone on the roof jumped. She was dumbstruck, including the deceased's sister with disheveled hair.

In almost the same position as the former deceased, the friend lay with his skull burst.His brain is indistinguishable from the brain of the previous one.Next to the corpse, Yi Guchun looked at the items on the person who jumped down. He found the ID card in his wallet. The photo on it was a round-faced person, dull but smiling.

Crouching beside the deceased, Yi Guchun squeezed his ID card like a rubber ball, with an imperceptible smile on his lips, he threw the ID card to Xin Xiaofeng.Xin Xiaofeng understood what he meant, and stuck the certificate in the tiger's mouth, squeezed it, and it really didn't feel right, it was very thin, with rough edges, and it was fake.Great Thousand Worlds... Yi Guchun took a deep breath and stood up.Life and death go hand in hand...

Xin Xiaofeng knew what he meant, there are all kinds of wonders in the world, and it's unbelievable that same-sex relationships can be so inconceivable.

Xin Xiaofeng's text message alert sounded, but he didn't read it.Suddenly worried that Bijue had something to do with the tail, so he opened it quickly.The sender was "in the woods", and one line came out: You rejected my seven calls.I will go back to Taiwan tomorrow.

Xin Xiaofeng looked at the brains all over the place, was startled, turned around and called back the sender.

(End of this chapter)

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