
Chapter 185 Musk

Chapter 185 Musk
Mrs. Ye lay on the shoulders of the two stunning beauties, strands of blood began to ooze from the seven orifices.

Xiao Meiniang was dumbfounded by the crystal clear blue blood.

The blood of the Demon Emperor is actually blue?
It seems to be still exuding a faint light?
Is this blood in the human body?
What kind of person is the Demon Emperor?

With all kinds of questions, Xiao Meiniang and Wanwan together helped Mrs. Ye into the bedroom in a daze.

As she approached the bed, Mrs. Ye felt dizzy again, and fell on the bed with some loss of strength.

Xiao Meiniang has no knowledge in martial arts, and hugged Mrs. Ye's arm tightly, and accidentally rolled down on the bed with Mrs. Ye.

Wanwan rolled her eyes, and followed Mrs. Ye very weakly, falling down together.

Wan Wan put her hand on the Demon Emperor's shoulder and said worriedly: "Devil Emperor, is Li Yuanba really so strong that he can hurt you?"

Wanwan only knew that the Demon Emperor used the sword to open the Heavenly Gate, and this situation would happen. Using other martial arts, she had never hurt the enemy or herself like this, so for a while, she thought it was the Demon Emperor's favor and was injured by Li Yuanba. Arrived.

While Ye Tai was dizzy, the seven orifices continued to ooze blood, and he said weakly: "No one in the world can hurt me except myself. It's because the emperor has not recovered from his injuries. He used the Vajra Indestructible Body for forceful action, which is not dirty or dirty. , Immortal and immortal, just hurting the enemy and yourself.”

Xiao Meiniang got up from Mrs. Ye's side, but she was ashamed to be as bold as Wanwan, not only fell down with the Demon Emperor, but her legs even climbed up the Demon Emperor's waist.

Xiao Meiniang put the silver sword in her bosom aside, took out a white handkerchief from her bosom, wiped the blue blood oozing from Ye Tai's seven orifices, and said: "Since the devil emperor's injury has not recovered, why should he fight with that Li Yuanba?" What about the dispute?"

Ye Taining closed her eyes with brows, blood oozed from the slits of her eyes, forming two lines of blue blood tears, and said: "This emperor must show the invincible arrogance in order to pull Li Fan into the chariot of the Demon Sect, otherwise Li Yuan That old fox will definitely not be willing to join the Demon Sect and fight against the heroes of the world's sect."

He is the Demon Emperor.


Aspect ancient and modern.

The universe is absolutely dead.

This is the power that Mrs. Ye wants to create.

There are three reasons.

One is that he needs prestige to get out of this world.

The second is that if you don't show your extraordinary strength, the Li family will definitely not easily overthrow the Demon Sect, fight in Yanggong's treasure house, stand on the side of the Demon Sect, and face the pressure of the world's powerful heroes.

The third is that Mrs. Ye may not be able to establish a dynasty by herself, but he has neither the name of a superior nor a positive image of popular support.

Therefore, we can only create a majestic arrogance that cannot be violated and is the strongest in the world, and give other princes who conquer the world a kind of psychological pressure that cannot be an enemy, so that it will be convenient to gather the general trend at that time, and even start with an outstanding reputation. To create a positive image of the Demon Emperor, based on the wealth of Duke Yang's treasury, he won the support of a large number of people among the people.

So he was unwilling to expose his appearance to others, to cause people to misunderstand, and to make others think that it was so difficult for him to beat Li Yuanba.

Even if this is the sequelae caused by his own energy imbalance, it will inevitably weaken the invincible power of others.

Blood oozes out.

In a few breaths, Xiao Meiniang's white handkerchief was completely stained, so she could only put away the handkerchief, took off the brocade pillowcase, and continued to wipe for Mrs. Ye.

Xiao Meiniang hesitated to speak, but finally asked cautiously: "Devil Emperor, Meiniang has too many doubts."

Mrs. Ye didn't open her eyes, but casually lifted Wan Wan's plain hand away, turned her head slightly to Xiao Meiniang's side, and said, "Meiniang wants to ask about the emperor's blood, why is it in this form? "

Xiao Meiniang nodded and said: "If the Demon Emperor thinks that Meiniang is talking too much, please don't blame her."

Mrs. Ye smiled to herself and said, "It's nothing, it's just that there are some things that are difficult to explain to you."

Wanwan on the side leaned close to Ye Tai's ear, and said coquettishly: "Demon King, you have too many secrets, tell us a thing or two, so that Wanwan will be more comfortable for you in the future."

Mrs. Ye opened her eyes, the blue eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, looking a little evil and frightening.

Wanwan shrunk her neck as if frightened, and said, "The Demon Emperor forgives Wanwan for talking too much. It's Wanwan's fault. She shouldn't have tried to find out the secrets about you."

But Mrs. Ye showed no signs of getting angry, and sighed slightly: "I don't blame you for being curious, the vision on my body is actually the result of my empress's greed for some kind of wonderful power that is difficult for human beings to grasp."

"A power that is difficult for humans to grasp?"

Wanwan's eyes sparkled brightly, and she said, "Could it be stronger than Broken King Kong?"

Mrs. Ye closed her eyes again, and said, "It's more than a hundred times a thousand times more."

Both Wanwan and Xiao Meiniang had shocked expressions.

Couldn't speak for a while.

The Broken King Kong realm, in their view, is already the ultimate power of human beings.

After all, in the eyes of the ancients, being able to shatter the void, ascend to heaven, and break away from the human life level is already the strongest power they can imagine.

What's more, broken King Kong a hundred times and a thousand times more?
What a grand and wonderful realm that should be?
From the perspective of the two of them, it is really unimaginable.

Wanwan was originally a master of the generation, and compared to Xiao Meiniang, she knew better about the rarity and mystery of the supreme realm of martial arts.

Then she couldn't help but asked, "Demon King, Wanwan has something else to ask."


"Shattering the void, will it really reach the heavens, and will it be listed in the god's residence?"

"I don't know."


Wanwan was silent for a while, then asked again: "Did the power of the Demon Emperor be obtained in other worlds?"

It was a hundred times and a thousand times stronger than the Broken King Kong. No matter what Wan Wan imagined, this kind of power could not be obtained in the human world.

"There is a sky beyond the sky, I walk a thousand miles."

Mrs. Ye uttered an obscure sentence, which caused the two of them to ponder deeply, half-understood
But seeing that the Demon Emperor didn't want to say any more, the two wisely stopped asking further questions.

The blood is still pouring out.

It was getting late outside the door, the sun was setting, and the light became dim.

When the blood volume reaches a certain level, half of the bedroom will present a soul-stirring azure blue.

The two of them looked at Mrs. Ye, who was in a state of bleeding, and didn't know what to do.

The brocade in Xiao Meiniang's hands was completely dyed blue.

And holding it for a long time, Xiao Meiniang could even feel a stabbing burning sensation coming from Ye Tai's blood, making her delicate bare hands a little red.

There was a strange musky smell in the house.

Xiao Meiniang got up and got out of bed, went to fetch another stack of white handkerchiefs, wiped them, and said worriedly: "Demon King, are you really all right?"

Wanwan, however, was much bigger than her, and said, "Don't worry, Meiniang, the last time the Demon Emperor's Sword opened the Heaven's Gate, the situation was much more serious than this, it lasted half a decade, the promise is... that it will be fine, right? "

After finishing speaking, he looked at Mrs. Ye.

Ye Tai closed her eyes, took the white handkerchief, put it on her cheek, and the white handkerchief was soaked instantly.

He said sickly: "A good night's sleep, but the schedule for opening Duke Yang's treasury needs to be postponed for a few days."

The two relaxed a little.

Xiao Meiniang saw that Mrs. Ye seemed to be half asleep, so she made a silent gesture for Wanwan, and she changed the white handkerchief for Mrs. Ye without saying a word.

Wanwan also learned to stop talking, but leaned against the demon emperor's pillow, and under Xiao Meiniang's puzzled gaze, she stretched out a finger and dipped a strand of blood oozing from the corner of Ye Tai's eyes.

It didn't melt like ordinary blood, but Ye Tai's blood was like congealed mercury, giving people a heavy feeling.


Wanwan stretched out her green index finger, opened her red lips, and even began to suck the blood on her index finger.

Xiao Meiniang's almond eyes widened, not knowing what she meant.

Wanwan couldn't help but let out a low cry, her face suddenly turned a little flushed, as if some mysterious power was surging in her body.

Wanwan saw Ye Tai faintly snoring slightly, so she gave Xiao Meiniang a coquettish smile, and said in a low voice, "Meiniang, do you know why Wanwan is only one step away from the Grand Master? The blood of the Demon Emperor is the blood of the great master in the world." As for supplements, after refining, not only the martial arts have improved rapidly, but also a strange feeling...

You might as well give it a try, but if you don't know martial arts, one drop is enough to make you feel as if you were in bliss, don't take too much..."

After all, Xiao Meiniang ignored the wide-open almond-eyed Xiao Meiniang, closed her eyes and practiced kung fu, digesting the ultimate power contained in the blood.

The power contained in Jiucheng Jiu's blood cannot be absorbed by the human body, so a translucent blue energy began to seep out of Wanwan's pores.

But there is only a small strand left, which is enough for people to continuously improve their martial arts.

Because Zhu Yuyan was defeated by Shi Zhixuan, theoretically she would not be able to become a grand master for life, but with the help of Mrs. Ye's blood, there are faint signs of breaking through the grand master.

The endless power contained in the blood can be imagined.

It's a pity that this method can't be used more often, because just the surface of the skin comes into contact with blood, and there is a burning sensation.

If you take a large amount of food and use this power to break through forcibly, the human body will not be able to bear it, and the internal organs will shrink and collapse first.

So this is also the third time Wanwan tried to break through with Ye Tai's blood, and the amount of blood that can be swallowed, even if it is only a few dozen drops, and [-]% of it is excreted, but the body's acceptance of this power , has almost reached its peak.

Therefore, it is impossible to quickly cultivate a large number of masters with Ye Tai's blood.

Xiao Meiniang looked strange.

Seeing Wanwan's happy face and slightly raised head, coupled with the strange musk in the room, is really intoxicating.


She also stuck out the tip of her tongue in doubt, and tapped lightly on the blood-soaked white handkerchief.

The intoxicating musky aroma rushes into the taste buds instantly, then goes straight to the head of the gnat, and then melts into the limbs.

An extremely strange feeling reverberated in Xiao Meiniang's body and mind.

(End of this chapter)

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