Chapter 30
The bustling commercial street, high-rise buildings, hotel shops, and even department stores are all here.

Nan Qingran walked boredly, and was going to wait to buy some fruit.

Looking up, he saw a familiar figure walking out of the hotel over there.

Wearing a white shirt, with a slender figure, the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose shine brightly in the sun.

And behind him were several men and women, all wearing suits and ties.

They seemed to be talking again. She wanted to say hello, but they had already got into a few cars parked on the side of the road and left.

Watching the man leave in the car... Nan Qingran raised her eyebrows.

The aura of pointing the country just now is still vivid in her memory, and instantly made her feel that such an ordinary girl, will she really have a chance?
As soon as she thought of this, she slapped herself on the forehead, "Go ahead, you're going to back down before you start, this is not you, Nan Qingran, come on."

So at her age, she has a feeling called no turning back.

She can do whatever she wants, but some people over her age have passed the yearning for love, and are afraid of doing anything.

Bored towards the opposite fruit shop.

As soon as I walked into the fruit shop, I heard a familiar voice.

"Let's go husband, hold your son, I'll pick a big watermelon."

"Okay, come on son, dad hugs."

Hearing the familiar voice, Nan Qingran couldn't help being a little sad. The one who spoke like this was none other than her father.

Obviously she is also his daughter, why the gap is so big.

The people inside obviously saw that she couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

"Xiao Ran is here too. I'm discussing with your aunt to find you to come back to live with you. The whole family should live together. I said, why are you so ignorant? You know how to move out at a young age."

Looking at the fat middle-aged man in front of her, Nan Qingran laughed at herself unconsciously.

"Dad, is that still my home? When you took this woman home, I had no home."

" unfilial daughter, what are you talking about?" Nan Qi seemed to have been poked in his mind and unconsciously turned ugly.

"Am I wrong? This woman gave birth to a treasure, but I'm just a grass." Nan Qingran said calmly.

"Hey, why did this kid talk to your father? I speak with conscience. I didn't apologize to you, and I didn't drive you out. You wanted to go."

"Shut up, I've been putting up with you for a long time, not being fussy with you doesn't mean I'm easy to bully, you'd better not mess with me." Nan Qingran looked at the woman in front of her and couldn't help but growl angrily.

A woman is considered beautiful, and she still has charm in middle age, but she hates her very much, because this person destroyed her home.

"Shut up..." Nan Qi shouted in a deep voice.

Nan Qingran clenched her fist unconsciously, and finally let it go. She had better sigh, no matter what, the man who was angry was her father, and she couldn't change it.

She still remembers that her father loved her very much when she was a child, maybe she was really bad in his father's impression!
She looked up at her father and sighed.

"Dad, take good care of yourself, and drink less alcohol, it's not good for your health, so don't worry about me, I will take care of myself."

As she passed by, they took their pockets, picked two bunches of grapes as if nothing had happened, paid for them, and left with the grapes.

 Please support, the update was discontinued yesterday, and it was past twelve o'clock when I finished writing.

(End of this chapter)

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