Chapter 309

Gu He looked at the people present, and said seriously, "Welcome all the guests present to witness my wedding together. To be honest, I am very happy today. Before this, I never thought that one day I would stand here willingly, but There are always exceptions in life. Here I want to say to my wife, Nan Qingran, I love you. Also, I am sincerely willing to marry you as my wife. I know in my heart that you will be my lifelong partner and my only true love On this special day, in front of all my relatives and friends, I promise you that I will always be by your side no matter in good times or bad times, rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or sad Be your husband. I promise, I will love you unreservedly, be proud of you, respect you, do my best to provide for your needs, and protect you in times of crisis. I promise to be faithful to you forever, Cherish you forever and ever, until the end of my life.

The resounding voice made everyone feel like they were on the scene. Although they knew that it was just an oath made early in the morning, but in his serious tone, everyone knew that it was what he expected in his heart.

Nan Qingran nodded, "Me too, Gu He, I love you. With the witness of all my relatives and friends, I am willing to marry you and be your wife. I know in my heart that you will become my lifelong partner and my only true love. On this special day, in front of all my relatives and friends, I make my promise to you, I promise, whether it is good or bad, rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or sad, I will always be there Be your wife by your side. I promise that I will love you unreservedly, be proud of you, respect you, and I promise to be faithful to you forever, forever and ever, until the end of my life.

"Okay, remember your oath." Sui Xiangnan said and reached out to pat Nan Qingran on the shoulder, "May you grow old together." He turned and walked off the stage as he said.

Ye Weiliang continued to walk over silently.

"Congratulations to the two newlyweds, now you are husband and wife, now invite the bride and groom to exchange rings."

"Clap clap..."

Soon the waiter brought up the ring box, Gu He reached out to pick up the ring and put it on Nan Qingran's ring finger.

Nan Qingran also followed suit.

The rings are put on the hands of both parties, and they will be so loving in this life.

"Licheng, now the bride can boldly kiss the groom. As for Mr. Gu, he must be thin-skinned and embarrassed, so the bride should work harder." Ye Weiliang said desperately.

"Yo..." Nan Qingran bared her teeth.

A certain person was about to carry out an order, and kissed Mr. Gu domineeringly in front of everyone, but only felt a heat on his lips, and the cold Mr. Gu had already preempted him.


There was an instant whistle below.

"Hurry up, throw the bouquet, I'm hungry and waiting to be a bride, and I'll spot it later, throw it to me, throw it to me..." Ye Weiliang spoke directly, then threw the flowers into Nan Qingran's arms, and then Get off stage.

"Hey, I caught it..."

Nan Qingran closed her eyes and turned her back to everyone, and threw the flower back hard.

There was an instant looting.

In the end, it was snatched by a woman Nan Qingran didn't know.

"Haha, congratulations to the one who snatched the flower and quickly left the single!" Nan Qingran said with a smile.

"Congratulations to the bride and groom for the early birth of a precious son! It is said that a moment of Spring Festival is worth a thousand gold, and the groom has not carried the bride home yet."

(End of this chapter)

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