Chapter 314 Hello Madam 1
Master Mu came back, and soon more than 1000 people from Mu's family lined up on the playground.

The most striking thing is the bodyguards in black in front of them.

Amidst the roar, a helicopter slowly descended from the sky, and finally stopped on the green grass.

A man in a black shirt stepped down. He just glanced at everyone, then turned around and reached out to pick out a woman.

Everyone knows that there is a woman next to Mr. Mu, but this time everyone gathered together and wanted to see what the woman who can take down Mr. Mu looks like.

I'm so looking forward to it!
After so many years, Mr. Mu didn't even have a single female mosquito around, but one suddenly appeared. Were they curious or excited?

Yuan Jingran who was carried out stood beside him, seeing such a domineering scene, she almost stared helplessly.

No wonder this guy is full of hegemony, look, this is simply the scene of the emperor returning to the palace!

"Welcome Patriarch to return..."

The uniform voices gathered together were deafening.

She really wanted to say something about the family of all the ministers, shit, she couldn't bear it, why is she also a human being, she was squeezed and enslaved, and he was superior.

Thinking back when she was abducted from the orphanage, she was hungry. For food, she often fought with people, and she couldn't help but shed bitter tears when she thought about it.

Sharp eyes swept across the audience. Among these people, people in all kinds of suits and shoes were all experts in the business field.

At this time, Mu Chennian's aura of a high-ranking person soared instantly, and he was hardly similar to the one he knew before.

He reached out to pull Yuan Jingran and raised her hand.

"Yuan Jingran, my wife."

The deep words resounded loudly, and there was no sound in the room for an instant. Everyone reacted, and all eyes fell on her.

Curious, envious, jealous, all kinds of things, and cold murderous eyes.

Yuan Jingran trembled, she must have entered the wolf's den!

"Congratulations, madam..."

After a few seconds of silence, everyone's voices were louder than before, and her ears were numb in an instant.

But who will tell her how to become a wife.

Could this man really want to marry her?

"Okay, step back!" He bent down to pick up Yuan Jingran and walked away. When passing by the crowd, he directly ordered: "Housekeeper Xiao, let the doctor come over, and the other senior members of the Mu family will come to the conference hall for a meeting in five minutes."

"Yes, Patriarch." While speaking, a man in his 30s left quickly.

After Mu Chennian left, everyone dispersed.

"Emperor Earth." Yuan Jingran muttered.

"Don't think I didn't hear." He snorted coldly.

"However, is it really okay for you to introduce me as your wife? Do you really want to marry me?"

"Why, didn't I express it in the wrong way and didn't make it clear?"

"However, I'm not ready to be a wife yet, so it's obviously not possible! Will those people in your family agree?"

"If you don't agree, you have to agree. In the Mu family, I have the final say."

"You really say you want to get married, you really want to get married! You are so willful."

"No, everything I do is thoughtful." After he said seriously, he had already stepped into the living room.

Walking into the living room, all kinds of luxury are all things she has seen before.

Those who haven't seen it can't help but sigh that rich people are different.

When he walked to the living room, he directly put the person on the sofa, "Chun Yu Qiu He, take good care of Madam."

(End of this chapter)

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