Chapter 321 made a fortune

"Hmm..." After Gu He nodded, he took Nan Qingran to start a tour on the big boat.

Nan Qingran was not interested in playing all kinds of entertainment on the boat, because she basically didn't know how to do it, but she liked all kinds of food.

Just as Nan Qingran and Gu He were preparing to go up to the second floor hand in hand, at this time, there were several men walking over there, tall, short, fat and thin.

Nan Qingran didn't know anyone.

"Mr. Gu, I didn't expect to meet you here today. Just in time, congratulations to the newlyweds. I brought Mrs. Gu here. Are you interested in playing two games together?"

The person who spoke was Mr. Wang who had business dealings with Gu He.

Gu He nodded indifferently, "Yes."

"That's a good relationship, it's just right, it's rare to get together to have fun, someone wants a box, is bringing good wine, and asking Mingyan to open the cards."

Soon the waiter came to lead the way.

"Mr. Gu, Mrs. Gu, this way please."

Walking up to the second floor, the waiter pushed away the best box.

It's big and spacious inside.

After they walked in, the waiters who quickly came and stood aside, as long as the guests ordered, they could provide better service.

There is also a large gaming table in the box.

"Mr. Gu, please sit down, come, and bring some sweet and sour fruits to Mrs. Gu."


Nan Qingran sat next to Gu He, and after everyone sat down, a woman in enchanting and sexy clothes walked in.

"Just wait, Mingyan will deal the cards."


The two-handed game in the box was in full swing, and everyone lost and won.

Nan Qingran has also seen what gambling is, and those who spend tens of millions at a time are scum.

after an hour……

"Haha, Mr. Gu, I saw that your luck is not very good today. You have lost seventy-eight million yuan. It seems that I won this one, haha." A windfall is of course the best thing.

He happened to be short of investment funds, so he came here this time to find friends to solicit investment. If he had such a windfall, he wouldn't need to solicit investment.

"I raise, 500 million..." In order to win the chips in Gu He's hand, Mr. Wang has worked hard enough.

Gu He: "I and..." He finished speaking and rolled out the chips in front of him.

Mr. Wang: "Continue to follow."

Gu He: "I'm with..."


After a few rounds, everyone at the gambling table had already folded their cards, only Mr. Wang and Gu He continued.

Mr. Wang couldn't help sweating on his forehead, and Nan Qingran's forehead was sweating. She finally saw what it means to be a prodigal.

Seeing how calm her family Mr. Gu spends so much money to play.

Well, don't be ashamed, and she should be calm.

Mr. Wang: "It's a desperate game, a game of cards..."

He opened the sign early in the morning, and his is a seventy-eighty-nine straight.

Er Guhe didn't draw the cards, so he didn't believe that he could have such good luck, being older than him.

"It's ok... my wife draws the cards." Gu He waved his hand lightly.

Nan Qingran looked at Gu He nervously, "No! I'm nervous." If your luck is too bad, you will lose [-] million!
"It's okay, if you lose, you lose, anyway, you come here to spend and have fun." Gu He reached out and patted her head.

"..." Everyone was speechless, and wanted to say Mr. Gu, even if you are doting on your wife, is this really okay?
That's a lot of money!Lots and lots of tickets!

"Huh..." Nan Qingran took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and turned over the cards, one card with two chapters and three cards...

Nan Qing took a look and immediately rubbed his eyes, "Did we win?"

"Hmm... 10~J~Q... Qingshun..."

(End of this chapter)

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