High-priced wedding pet: The sweetheart next door is a little cute!

Chapter 331 Three months in a blink of an eye, fetal movement!

Chapter 331 Three months in the blink of an eye, fetal movement!

At this time, Mingjing Garden...

Nan Qingran supported her six-month-old stomach, wrapped up like a rice dumpling, and walked out of the living room with a food box.

The driver outside drove the car in front of her, and Chun Yu opened the door. After Nan Qingran got into the car, Chun Yu also got into the car.

"Madam, it's snowing heavily outside."

Hearing Chun Yu's voice, Nan Qingran raised her head and looked out of the window, it was true that the outside was completely white at this time.

"Oh, it's so cold this ghost."

"Ma'am, there is nothing you can do. You can only hold the hand warmer. If you don't turn on the air conditioner in the car, you will get motion sickness and throw up when you turn on the air conditioner."

"Yeah! I can't help it. I was born with motion sickness. It's better if I sit too much now. At the beginning, I had to open the windows, otherwise I would feel sick within 2 minutes. Even now I want to open the windows, but the weather is too cold." Cold." Nan Qingran shook her head to express that she was speechless.

While talking, the car slowly drove out of Mingjing Garden and headed towards the location of Guhe Entertainment.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of Guhe Entertainment. Nan Qingran waved after getting out of the car, "Wait here for me to go up and find Mr.

She said, carrying the food box, walking into the glass door like a penguin...

She is not squeamish, she can only lie down for a few months of pregnancy, and she can often go out for shopping and so on.

"Hi Madam President..."

"Ma'am, it's really nice to bring food to the president again."

"Okay, everyone has worked hard. Hurry up and go home for the New Year. The weather is too cold."

"Yes ma'am."

Everyone nodded, and some thought it was good to have a good boss and wife, but the wife supervised the boss to settle their wages quickly.Although these have not been said, but the gossip is still there.

Of course, there are those who flatter Nan Qingran in front of her face and envy and hate Nan Qingran behind her back.

Nan Qingran doesn't care about these things at all, let them be envious or jealous, anyway, she Nan Qingran is the proprietress, this is a fact.

Moreover, she never offends others, and pays attention to being kind and making money. People respect me and return ten inches to him. Of course, if you bully her, don't blame her for giving you small shoes to wear.

Nan Qingran carried the food box and went straight up to the seventh floor. At this time, it was really busy here, and various documents were piled up like a mountain.

Seeing Nan Qingran coming, everyone nodded, "The proprietress is here."

"Go, I'm here to deliver food to the president."

"It's really loving and the boss's wife delivered meals to the president with her big belly."

"Hehe..." Nan Qingran was embarrassed, why did she seem very clingy.

Pushing away the president's office, he saw a table full of documents, and a man who was about to bury himself in the pile of documents.

"Husband, it's time to eat."

Gu He raised his head, saw Nan Qingran, and got up quickly, "Didn't I say, it's cold and you're still pregnant, so don't come to deliver food to me, there is food in the cafeteria."

"It's good to go for a walk, but it's not easy to give birth if you stay at home all day."

Gu He came to Nan Qingran's side, stretched out his arms and picked her up easily, and let him sit on his chair, then held her face and covered her face, and he just took a stool and sat beside her.

"Have you eaten yet?" He said as he picked up the food box and opened it to eat.

"I've eaten it a long time ago. These are all for you. Let's see if you have an appetite."

"Hmm..." Gu He started to eat the meat grilled rice with a big mouthful, talking to Nan Qingran from time to time.

"Baby is okay, did you bother me?"

"It's good, it was moving before." Nan Qingran said so happily that she patted her belly.

(End of this chapter)

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