High-priced wedding pet: The sweetheart next door is a little cute!

Chapter 365 Gu He Hopes We Don't Be Like Novels

Chapter 365 Gu He Hopes We Don't Be Like Novels

"..." He Ting frowned deeply, his mother really didn't give up on how many people she wanted to introduce to him, she still didn't give up.

Forget it, her mother did this for his own good, and he still couldn't refuse his mother's kindness.

The scene of Yu Yan leaning on someone else's arms came to mind again, why did he think of her again.

"Okay, I get it, I'll go to the appointment." He said as he quickly got up and got out of bed and changed his clothes quickly.

In the mirror, a handsome and cold man in a white shirt came into view.

"That's good, that's good, you remember to be gentle, don't always put on a coffin face and scare other girls."

"Try to..." After he finished speaking, he had already walked into the bathroom...


Here, Yu Yan looked at the floral dress newly bought by his second aunt on his body, and couldn't help sighing, so well prepared, second aunt would be 1 satisfied with this blind date.

It's just that no matter how good others are, they are not He Tingshen!

Thinking of him, she looked up at the sky.

Don't think about it anymore, there are already other people around him, even if it's not the senior sister back then, the people around him now are still very good, and he is talented and beautiful.

Looking at the time, I couldn't help running quickly, heading towards the coffee shop ahead.

Although I haven't thought about the truth, but I can't be late, it's very impolite.

Walking into the coffee shop, she went directly to table number four, which the second aunt said was table number four.

In front of table number four, there was a man sitting with his back facing her. When she saw him, she opened her mouth.

"Sorry, sir, I'm late. You were introduced by my second aunt friend. I'm really sorry that I'm late..."

The familiar voice made He Tingshen instantly stiff, he couldn't help turning his head, and time froze in an instant.

"⊙⊙!" Yu Yan was also stunned, unable to react for a while, and finally she met his eyes stiffly.

Suddenly felt icy cold, at this moment, who will tell her what happened.

Why is my blind date my ex-boyfriend?

Or are you in the wrong place, or are there two coffee shops with the same name?

After thousands of words, she could only hold back a few words in the end. "Good... what a coincidence..."

He Ting looked at her in deep silence and then lowered his eyes, trying to hide all the complicated emotions in his heart.

Seeing that he was silent, Yu Yan was at a loss in embarrassment, and when he thought that they had broken up, he felt even more embarrassed.

I'm so worthless, obviously he's the one who's sorry for her, isn't he?What the hell is he feeling guilty, nervous and timid.

"Well...I...I'm leaving first, excuse me..." Although she wanted to see him very much, she still didn't want such an embarrassing scene.

Yu Yan turned around in embarrassment and left with his head down.

"What? Didn't you come on a blind date? Since you're here, is it too rude to leave like this? Or, anyone can do it, but I, He Tingshen, can't do it. It's not worth the time to sit down and have a cup of coffee. " The deep voice was indifferent, with a catchy tone.

Gives a chill down the spine.

Although his tone was indifferent, he didn't let him know that his heart had already been turned upside down at this time, and the thought of wanting to forget people was instantly washed away by her appearance...

There was a sound of brakes.

"Nan Qingran, why are you in a daze, what are you looking at? Why are you crying?" Gu He's deep voice came from next to his ear, and Nan Qingran regained his senses, and immediately stretched out his arms to hug Gu Hedu's neck.

"Fortunately, novels are just novels. Reality doesn't have so many joys and sorrows. I hope we can be so happy forever. Don't be separated by misunderstandings like novels. It's like Yu Yan and He Tingshen in my novels. They are clearly in love, but they are so cruel. .Woooo...Why did I abuse my heroine and heroine at the beginning! I can't watch it anymore, I'd better wait and watch TV."

"..." The corners of Gu He's mouth twitched, "You woman, I thought something serious had happened, I thought it was your stomach moving."

(End of this chapter)

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