Chapter 371 Production 1
Damn it, it's hard to live without death.

Hong Yi was resentful, his face was full of wrinkles, and his face was very ferocious.

Soon the Gu family's house was almost empty.

After Ah San took people away, the place was soon taken over... Hong Yi and her son were kicked out just like that.

Seeing the moving convoy disappear, Hong Yi and her son stood at the gate of the Gu family, looking back at the large area, she gritted her teeth and left.

"Mom, don't we just let it go, my car has been driven away."

"What else can I do? It's not like you don't know those cars. They don't belong to you. Let's go! I have several other properties under my name."

The two said they would leave by car, but when they arrived at another residence, they found that there were people from the court standing in the living room, and the house under her name had either been seized or auctioned off. They were immediately unbelievable.

"What do you mean, why are you auctioning off my house without my consent?"

"After our investigation, you are suspected of fraud and bank loans. Now the bank is suing you. After our verification, we decided to auction off the property under your name as compensation..."

Everyone ignored the unbelievable woman and directly seized all the property under her name...

Without the Gu Group, without deposits, all properties under her name were seized and auctioned off. Without these, she couldn't afford brand-name clothes and cosmetics in an instant. It was just that she changed from a successful strong woman envied by everyone to nothing in one go. Huanglian Po.

It was too late to hide from her all kinds of flattery in the past, so she went back to having nothing in a flash.

It is said that it is easy to go from simplicity to luxury, and it is difficult to go from luxury to simplicity. She, who has no source of money, and her son, quickly pawned the gesture of reaching out for money, and moved from an apartment to a rental house... day by day is worse... …

More than a month later...

It was the spring of March, when the peach blossoms were in full bloom, and bees and butterflies came from the pink flowers. As long as there were peach blossoms on the side of the road, pedestrians could always smell the fragrance...

At this time, Nan Qingran was walking in the park full of peach blossoms with a belly of more than nine months.

The due date is coming soon, and the doctor said that she needs to exercise more, so she will go out for a walk every day.

Of course, there must be a servant by his side.

"Hoohoo... As expected, she was pregnant for ten months. I didn't just talk about it. I'm so tired. I finally know how difficult it was for my mother back then." Nan Qingran supported her waist and touched her belly where she couldn't see her toes.

"Did you eat too much?" Nan Qingran sighed.

Sure enough, overeating is really bad.

This birth must have been difficult.

"Son! From now on, you must know how to respect your mother and me. If you forget your mother after having a wife, see how I will deal with you." Nan Qingran muttered.

At this time, her stomach was shaking violently.

At this time, the baby in the womb can hear the voice.

"He doesn't dare. If he dares to let me know that he is not filial, I will be the first to not forgive him."

A deep voice sounded from behind, Nan Qingran smiled, turned around and threw herself into the man's arms.

"Husband, why are you here? You shouldn't be working at this time."

"Work is not as important as you. You are about to give birth. I am worried, so I decided to deal with three or four hours of work during this period, and spend the rest of the time with you and the child." Gu He said carefully, reaching out his hand to stop her waist , take a stroll.

The breeze blows, the sky rains countless flower petals, and the fragrance is...

 I want to rest these few days after the Chinese New Year, so please forgive me, especially today's New Year's Eve, I will update a chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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