Chapter 380 Mu Chennian Wedding 2
The tight makeup, the beautiful and noble face, the luxurious red wedding dress, embroidered with a phoenix about to fly, and the long back hem dragging on the floor, every step makes people feel like stepping back in time and space to ancient times .

If there are no guests around.

"Gentlemen and ladies, good afternoon. Welcome to the wedding of Mr. Mu and Mrs. Mu. When the peach blossoms are in full bloom, we all gather together to witness this important moment and their happiness. "

"Papa..." There was a burst of applause, and the host on stage continued to say loudly: "The auspicious time has come..."

"One bow to the heaven and the earth, it is related to the heaven-sent marriage, and the earth makes a pair..."

Mu Chennian stretched out his hand to hold Yuan Jingran, turned to face the door, bowed and knelt down and bowed solemnly.

After worshiping, he got up and turned around.

"Second obeisance to the high hall, thank parents for their kindness..."

The two continued to turn around and kowtow to the Xitang.

Mu Chennian and Yuan Jingran's high hall, except for Mr. Mu, are all vacant, because the other party has passed away, but there is still a place.

"Husband and wife worship each other, at this moment in this life, they will love each other for a long time..."

Mu Chennian glanced at the beautiful woman, and for the sake of the beauty of the bride, he didn't bother him.

Unconsciously showing a smile, looking at her lovingly.

"In this life, I only spoil you!"

"Hmm..." Yuan Jingran nodded, although the other party's voice was very quiet, she still heard it, and couldn't help but blush.

The two were connected with each other, and they worshiped heaven and earth contentedly.

"Licheng, I wish the newlyweds a bright head, an early birth to a precious son, and send it to the bridal chamber..."

Damn...Yuan Jingran muttered, it turned out that there was really such a thing as being sent to the bridal chamber.

Fortunately, although it is an ancient wedding, there is no red hijab or anything, otherwise it will be like an ancient girl, and I don’t know what the scene is like after the worship.

Yuan Jingran saw the whole process, and felt quite shocked.

After being sent to the bridal chamber, Yuan Jingran was so tired that she quickly took off all her attire, changed into a relaxed red cheongsam, and then came back to toast everyone.

Of course, tea is served with wine, but people from Mu Chennian's various business circles come up to drink in turn.

Everyone has one mind.

You can't drink alcohol normally, but you can finally find a reason to drink when you get married, and you don't drink people down.

Of course, all the wishful fortune tellers were crackling.

Even the people Mu Chennian got the news from his brother-in-law in advance to stop the drinking were directly poured down several times.

Of course he drank less himself.

"Mr. Mu, I respect you, I wish you an early birth to your precious son and happiness."

Another middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes raised his glass.

"Thank you..." Mu Chennian drank it expressionlessly.

"Brother Mu, I also offer you a toast..."

"I'll toast you too..."

One cup after another, Mu Chennian's face turned dark, and he couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey, just let my elder brother go! I'll come, I'll drink with you..." Gu He saw his elder brother being surrounded by people, and suddenly had a deep understanding.

"Brother, a spring night is worth a thousand dollars, why don't you hurry up and accompany your sister-in-law..."

"Then it's troublesome..." Although Mu Chennian had a dark face, he couldn't save face for those who usually couldn't provoke him and took the opportunity to drink.

After all, his marriage is a happy day.

He is also very happy, because he is happy so he will not refuse anyone.

At this time, I was dizzy after drinking.

"Gu He, I'll leave this to you. I'll help your elder brother to rest. He seems to be drinking too much. I've never seen him drink so much. He really can drink. He's almost an alcoholic." Yuan Jingran smiled. After saying hello to a Bai Fumei, he walked over and left with Mu Chennian on his arm.

(End of this chapter)

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