Chapter 384
At the entrance of the obstetrics and gynecology department, Gu He stood there like a door god, with a stiff expression, it would not be an exaggeration to call it a sculpture.

At this time, he clenched his fists tightly and looked at the door motionlessly.

It's been a long time, and he's almost impatient.

Nan Qingran... Nan Qingran... Don't you have anything to do?
Unconsciously, the image of her cheekily coming to his room to rub the air conditioner appeared in her mind.

"Mr. Gu, you are so pretty!"

"Mr. Gu, why don't you smile?"

"Mr. Gu, I like you..."


All the past came to mind, and he closed his eyes sadly.

Nan Qingran, you already live in my heart, so you must always live there.

He didn't want that kind of warmth, just because he was afraid of getting it and losing it, just like his mother.

"Xiao He, how is Ran Ran?"

"Yes, how is my son-in-law and my daughter?"

"God, please keep them safe..."

While talking, Gu He's sister, brother-in-law's family and Nan Qingran's mother and grandmother all hurried over.

Even Nan Qingran's father, Nan Qi, was on his way.

"It will be fine!" The Gu family spoke seriously, with a resonant tone, and everyone knew how nervous he was at this moment.

"Yes, it will be fine." Situ Yun nodded.

Time passed by, the lights of the obstetrics and gynecology department finally went out, and the door was opened with a click.

The doctor looked at the group of people standing outside, and said directly, "Mother and daughter are safe, congratulations to the father of the child on his daughter."

"Mother and child are safe...really..." Gu He pulled the doctor's hand excitedly.

"Of course, mother and daughter are safe..."

"Thank you..." Gu He only heard that the mother and daughter were safe, and suddenly his eyes felt hot and he wanted to cry.

It's fine...

Nan Qingran Thank you...


Nan Qingran opened her eyes, and instantly met the man's passionate gaze.

"Mr. Gu... not... my husband..." He really came to save her.

Seeing Nan Qingran waking up, Gu He lowered his head and buried his head tightly between her neck.

"Nan Qingran, you scared me to death, but luckily you are fine..."

"Son, child..." Nan Qingran stretched out her hand to touch her belly, feeling nervous.

Gu He got up and reached out to touch her face.

"Nan Qingran, thank you for giving me a daughter." He said with a smile, "Look, beside you, she sleeps soundly."

Nan Qingran was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head to look, and she saw a small crumpled doll.

She stared, "Impossible! You're so handsome, and I'm not ugly. Why does she look like this? Isn't it genetic?" Nan Qingran didn't realize it for a while.

"..." Gu He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Which baby looks like this when it's born, our daughter is the prettiest baby I've ever seen."

"Really?" Nan Qingran looked suspicious.

Turning to look at the sleeping child with Zaba's mouth, mother's love suddenly overflowed.

Sure enough, the more you look at it, the better it looks.

It seems that no matter what the daughter looks like, she is always good-looking in the mother's heart.

"Gu He, you really confirmed that she is really a daughter, are you happy this time?"

"I'm happy, but I'm also pleasantly surprised. I've been pleasantly surprised." Gu He sighed and reached out to pat his daughter.

"By the way, did the mother and child run away?" Nan Qingran asked, almost killing her child, no matter how kind she was, she was very annoyed.

"I couldn't run away, I was caught by my elder brother's men, and I was sent to prison at this time." Gu He said with a cold look in his eyes.

Prison, let them stay there for the rest of their lives!
(End of this chapter)

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