High-priced wedding pet: The sweetheart next door is a little cute!

Chapter 391 Brother Xiangnan, congratulations!

Chapter 391 Brother Xiangnan, congratulations!
"Okay! Then thank you lady boss, I'll come again next time." Xiaocao nodded.

Sui Xiangnan was an eye-opener. Speaking of which, they couldn't afford to bargain.

Things are not precious, but in the heart.

After picking out good things, Sui Xiangnan bought milk and fruit, and then the two got into the car and headed towards Mingjing Garden.

Ten minutes later, Sui Xiangnan drove to the outskirts of Mingjing Garden.

The wide park is lined with trees, and all kinds of blooming flowers along the way are beautiful and eye-catching. If you look carefully, there are colorful butterflies flying on it.

"What kind of park is this, so beautiful?" She is not very familiar with this place yet.

"This is not a park, it's a private garden. We arrived at the site of Mingjing Garden a few minutes ago, and the whole place belongs to the Gu family." Sui Xiangnan said the car turned a corner, and finally saw the gate of Mingjing Garden.

"Are we going to this place?" Xiaocao stared. Don't blame her for being a country person who has never seen the world, but this place does occupy a large area.

The house is luxurious.

The gate of Mingjing Garden opened slowly, and Sui Xiangnan's car drove in.

After driving for another 2 minutes, it stopped at the entrance of the villa.


In the living room, Nan Qingran is sitting on the sofa, holding the child in her arms. Apart from lying down all day, the living room can be stacked.

"Nan Nan, be careful..."

She hugged and coaxed the baby.

The smell of bone soup came from the kitchen, Nan Qingran looked up, and sure enough, he saw a man walking towards her coldly holding a bowl of soup.

Noble temperament really doesn't suit him who cooks soup!
"Okay, come and drink, or the child will have no milk later." Gu He said, walked to her and sat down, and put the soup on the tea table.

Gu He: "Come and give me the baby."

"Okay, hug me gently..." Nan Qingran put the beautiful daughter who was gurgling around with her eyes open in Gu He's arms.

As soon as he hugged his daughter Gu He, his father's love overflowed instantly.

"Honey, I'm dad, be good, kiss..."

"..." Nan Qingran couldn't help rolling her eyes.

What about being tall, cold, handsome, and domineering?Who is this daddy in front of me?

Of course, Mr. Gu would only do this in front of Nan Qingran's mother and daughter, and he was still the unkind president of the entertainment industry when he was at work.

For this reason, I don't know how many people envy Nan Qingran's life like a prince and princess.

"Mr. Gu, Madam Sui is here."

"Huh?" Nan Qingran was taken aback, "Brother Xiang Nan is here?"

"Why not welcome?"

Nan Qingran raised his eyes when a deep voice sounded.

Can't help but smile, "Brother Xiang Nan is still so domineering... oh?" Before he finished speaking, he saw a beautiful woman walking out behind him.

Nan Qingran's eyes lit up.

Sui Xiangnan strode up to Nan Qingran, ignoring Gu He, who was killing someone with a knife in his eyes, and stretched out his arms to hug Nan Qingran.

"Congratulations, Ran Ran..."

"Okay, thank you Brother Xiang Nan."

"Cough..." Gu He coughed seriously, indicating that he existed.

"Don't look at me with your eyes, I have someone I like now." Sui Xiangnan said turning his head and reaching out his hand.

"come over……"

Xiaocao walked up to him, and Sui introduced to Nan: "Chen Xiaocao, I want a woman to spend my whole life with."

"Really? Congratulations to Brother Nan."

"Well, thank you, I also congratulate you, come and give me a hug for my little niece." Sui Xiangnan said as he stretched out his hand with bright eyes to take away the girl doll in Gu He's arms.

"Little baby, so cute." He looked at Xiaocao, and he thought his future children would be so cute!

(End of this chapter)

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