High-priced wedding pet: The sweetheart next door is a little cute!

Chapter 75 What happened when the lawyer came?

Chapter 75 What happened when the lawyer came?

After rubbing her stomach, she turned and went back to the house, plugged in the rice cooker, washed rice and started cooking porridge.

Then I moved to the computer and started coding. How could she break her god who was too high and cold?It's almost over, and she hasn't decided what to write for the next book!After thinking about it, I began to code the outline, and now it seems that the myth of traveling through different worlds is quite popular.

I want to start coding the outline quickly. Her outline is very simple, just the central idea of ​​a thousand words, and then she looks at the central idea and starts writing.

After working hard to code five thousand words, I was satisfied. I saved and closed the computer. When I looked up, I found that the time had passed for a long time, and it was already eleven o'clock.

Sure enough, codewords are time-consuming, and sometimes Kawen can't code a thousand words a day, which is very painful at that time.

At this time, I was already hungry, so I came to the kitchen, opened the porridge that I had cooked a long time ago, filled a bowl, sat on the small sofa, picked up the mobile phone and watched TV while drinking the porridge.

"Hehe..." She laughed while watching.

dong dong...

Who?She looked up and saw a man standing at the door, and she was taken aback for a moment.

She was sure she didn't know it.

She got up and came to the door, "What's the matter?"

Is it for rent?But it seems that it's not time to pay the rent, and it's not true that this person is not the landlord.

"Excuse me, is this Miss Nan's home?" The man was well-mannered, wearing a suit and tie, he was an elite man no matter how you looked at it.

"That's me, why ⊙⊙?" Nan Qingran asked very vigilantly, did she offend anyone?
"That's good. I'm Mr. Gu's personal lawyer. Please sign here." He nodded friendly as he spoke.

"What ⊙⊙?" Nan Qingran stared, unable to react for a while, "Why did the lawyer ask me?" Nan Qingran was vigilant, and then became quiet again.

It seems that Gu He said yesterday that he would hire a lawyer to file a lawsuit, but such a small matter is not necessary!
"You, you are Gu He's personal lawyer?" Nan Qingran raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, Ms. Nan, I'm Sun Yaxuan. Now you are my client. Don't worry, it's not troublesome. You just need to sign, and she doesn't need you to come forward. I will take care of it myself." The lawyer nodded on WeChat.

After getting the answer, Nan Qingran choked and was taken aback. Thinking of what was said on TV, she quickly shook her head, "No, there's no need to appeal, I'm not injured, and such a small matter, I don't need to bother you."

Sun Yaxuan: "I'm sorry, Mr. Gu explained the matter. I can't make the decision. I just came to ask you to sign. You should talk to Mr. Gu about other things!" He continued.

"Oh ⊙⊙!" She scratched her head, thought for a while, her head suddenly became dizzy, why is this person so difficult to communicate with, he is almost the same as Gu He.

Nan Qingran knows that looking at people, she is not an ordinary lawyer. For small things, if she appeals, it will cost a lot of money to hire a lawyer. She is poor and cannot afford to hire a lawyer. Even if Mr. Gu helps her without money, she will make life difficult for.

She shook her head decisively.

"No need, let's forget about such small things, how about I call and talk to Mr. Gu?" Actually, it's not necessary for such a big thing.

Last night, she thought he was just talking about scaring those two bastards, but she didn't expect to find her a lawyer today.

In fact, she still doesn't know Gu He well, Gu He is the kind of one who says one thing, one is what he is.

Nan Qingran took out her mobile phone as she spoke, but slapped her forehead.

She forgot to ask him for his number again!
Really depressed?
"Well, you know Gu He's number, right? I forgot to ask." She was embarrassed.

Originally, he couldn't disclose the phone number of his boss, but considering that the relationship between the two is unusual, he, a top lawyer, was used for such a trivial matter, so it's okay to ask for the number.

After a while, he took out his mobile phone and pointed to a number.

Nan Qingran looked at it, it was marked as boss, 152××××××437.

Quickly picked up the phone, pressed the number, and dialed...

 For today's three chapters, please bookmark, support, and leave comments if you like.

  This story is purely fictitious, and there is no need to mind that anything in it is different from reality.

  Also, as long as you don't get sick, it will be updated stably in the future, but if you get sick, I can't help it.

(End of this chapter)

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