King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 101 Peony Alchemist Ming Shiyin

Chapter 101 Peony Alchemist Ming Shiyin

Gu Nian remembered at this moment that he almost forgot a very important thing.

The person next door seemed to have guided Li Jing down a wrong path just now.

In fact, he helped them out of the siege invisibly, this thought flashed by, not only did not make Gu Nian feel grateful, but made her shudder and sweat!
Because they lived here these days, they had no idea what kind of person the next door was.

Never met the owner next door either.

But now when I hear this voice, it is like a spring breeze, moistening things silently, but it has a certain feeling of bewitching people's hearts.

Something happened, she wanted to take advantage of this night to find out.

Think so, and do so.

She knocked on the door next door, but it didn't close.

She went in, and Kayn followed.

Under the moonlight, in the peony flower house, a man wearing a white robe with peony flowers embroidered on it was sitting in the yard playing the piano elegantly.

His long hair was as silvery as a waterfall, and Yuzan tied it behind his head.

However, Gu Nian approached, and only when he approached did he see his appearance clearly.

The cinnabar between the eyebrows is as red as fire, the eyebrows are like distant mountains, and the eyes are like lacquer...

Under the moonlight, it is like a rich flower in the world, noble and elegant, but also beautiful.

Gu Nian has met Li Bai, Shou Yue, even the four older brothers and Marco Polo, they are all handsome and unique, but they have never seen a man like this.

He is not handsome, but beautiful.

It's not as beautiful as a woman, but like a flower, like the moonlight, like a garden full of peonies... that beauty, regardless of gender, is pleasing to the eye.

He stopped the song abruptly because he saw someone coming, but he just kept staring at him.

The corners of her mouth were raised slightly, and with a slight smile, she asked, "Girl, here we are, can you make a fortune?"

Only then did Gu Nian wake up from his daze, and then sat down: "Then sir, what can you do for me?"

She probably already guessed the other party's identity.

Peony Lay Ming Shiyin.

"Girl, what do you want?" He looked at Gu Nian and then at Kayin.

Kayn's expression had a faint sense of crisis, and for some reason he didn't particularly like the way Gu Nian looked at Ming Shiyin.

It seemed that at that moment, she could only see his presence in her eyes.

The whole eyes lit up.

This especially made him feel extremely uncomfortable. He really wanted to pull her away immediately, but she had already sat down.

"Can I get what I want?" Gu Nian said.

She didn't say what she was thinking, she just wanted it, whether he knew what she was doing in Chang'an City.

These days, he has been next door, but has never shown up.

Hidden very deep.

She was probing for details.

But he didn't do divination, but said with a slight smile: "Yes, as long as you think about it, you can!"

What he said seemed extremely certain.

The corners of Gu Nian's mouth twitched slightly.

"How can you judge that what I do will definitely succeed? Besides, I haven't divination yet."

Ming Shiyin is really becoming more and more incompetent.

At least he pretended to do it a few times, so that she would wholeheartedly believe what he said, but he didn't even do divination!

"Before the girl came, I had already divination for the girl!"

He opened the hexagram image, but it was a hexagram of good luck.

What this hexagram implied, Gu Nian was not quite sure, but there seemed to be stars flickering in his half-smile eyes, just staring at her like this, she dodged a little.

It was as if he had been controlled by this person since he lived in the next room.

Thinking about coming these few days, who came here, and how she and her brother get along, the other party is also very clear.

Unexpectedly, he monitored so clearly that he had to say it was what the hexagram said.

Gu Nian sighed.

Throwing a gold leaf to him: "The bounty for Mr. Xie, Mr. Xie!"

He didn't want to tell her the truth, and she didn't intend to tangle with him!

Finally came out.

Ming Shiyin looked at their leaving back in a daze, and picked up the gold leaf on the table.

"Interesting, the auspicious hexagrams are not worth lifelike stupidity, I hope you won't let me down!"

Someone should have stirred up the spring water in Chang'an City long ago!

Too calm, always makes people feel extremely irritated!

Back to their courtyard.

The more Gu Nian thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, the water in Chang'an City was too deep.

She is not particularly confident about whether she can kill a bloody path.

Just as he was pacing and turning around, he bumped into Kayn again.

"Brother, why don't you go back to sleep?" Gu Nian was a little surprised to see that he followed her now.

Kayn actually wanted to ask something, but he didn't know how to ask it.

Seeing that he seemed to hesitate to speak, Gu Nian suddenly realized: "Look how stupid I am, I forgot that Marco is temporarily arranged in your room! How about this, I'll clean up another room, and you can go to the guest room to sleep later!"

It's not a question of where to sleep.

However, Gu Nian has already rushed to tidy up the guest room, saying that it is empty, just clean it up, spread the sheets and quilts, and then go to sleep.

"Tonight, I will wrong my brother first, good night, brother!"

After packing everything up, she said to Kayn.

"good night!"

Soon, she was out the door.

The hand he waved, but it only stayed in the air, and she quickly disappeared.

When she arrived at the door of Marco Polo's room, she happened to see him walk out of the room. His body seemed to be fine, but as a shooter, the most important thing was his hands.

His wrist strength took a hit.

"Lucy, will I bother you too much, and Brother Kayn..."

"No, my brother has already fallen asleep. You stay up so late, do you have the habit of eating supper? If you want to eat, I invite you!"

Gu Nian thought that Marco Polo might be hungry.

"Don't bother!" He said to Gu Nian: "I said it before, I have something to say, since you said that Brother Kayn lost his memory, then I will tell you!"

Seeing the seriousness in his words, Gu Nian entered his room.

"Speak!" There was no one around at the moment, and she specially summoned Xiaoyu and placed it at the door.

The reason why she did this was because what happened to Ming Shiyin shocked her a lot.

Unknowingly, I was still being watched because of my nerves. Although the other party didn't really do anything, they even came out to help tonight.

But the creepy feeling still lingers.

This has already formed a knot in her heart, so she can't trust other people's means, so she has to put her biggest reliance on the door.

 Thank you Xie Mo for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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