Chapter 111

The prince doesn't even need to say anything, the dog legs below already know his intentions.

With a wink, he erected the doorman who was speaking at the door of the store just now. The Wangchun Building on this side had already expected what would happen today.

The other thugs in the restaurant followed suit and scuffled together.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of hand, Hong Mei felt a little regretful.

This young man surnamed Wang, his father is the minister of the Ministry of Rites, otherwise he would not dare to be so arrogant right now.

When Hong Mei was planning to come out to accompany her, Gu Nian stood up instead.

Three times, two divisions and two divisions kicked all the dog legs under the prince's hands out.

"I opened this restaurant, and I set the rules. Anyone who doesn't follow the rules, get the hell out!" She raised her eyebrows slightly, and said coldly.

As soon as she made a move, the crowd of onlookers unconsciously became more and more.

Gu Nian remembered that Hong Mei vaguely mentioned to her yesterday that the restaurant wanted to change its marketing strategy, but at that time she was so focused on the Yaotian organization that she forgot about it.

It's just that she didn't expect Hong Mei to handle things neatly. Today, she started to receive female customers on the first day of her trial operation.

Although Gu Nian was a little confused at first, it didn't stop her from standing up to express her position and defending her restaurant rights.

The moment the prince saw Gu Nian, his eyes straightened.

Hybrid demons are not uncommon in Chang'an City, but there are not many such beautiful hybrid demons, especially when beauties are angry, they are like proud snow and cold plums, and their almond eyes are wide open, which is really special.

"Girl, are you the female boss of this store? Then this store, I will go even more!" He shook his folding fan lightly, trying to show off his handsome side, with an expensive jade pendant around his waist, wearing The dress is also quite rich, but the expression looks very wretched.

Gu Nian said lightly: "Don't you know how to read? My restaurant has written that it only accepts female customers!"

"Isn't it just for money to open the door to do business? I have plenty of money! If I want to go in, not only do I want to go in, but I also want the young lady to accompany me to drink!" He laughed.

There was an unknown fire in Gu Nian's heart, and he slapped him with a slap, completely obscuring the opponent.

"You dare to hit me?" The prince obviously couldn't believe it.

Gu Nian asked back: "Why don't I dare to hit you, I dare to break into the palace, who do you think you are?"

Her fox tail was up to the sky, and she looked at the young man surnamed Wang indifferently. At this time, the other party took a careful look at Gu Nian, and realized that this beautiful little girl was actually one of the two brothers and sisters that were rumored before. .

However, although the two came out of the palace, they only heard that the man was helping Di Renjie in the follow-up, and the empress didn't seem to pay much attention to it.

So after being surprised, the other party said viciously: "Don't toast and eat fine wine. My father is the minister of the court, and my uncle is the deputy general under the command of the general Li Jing. Don't say it's just a restaurant. I want to enter , even if I want to take you as my concubine, it's just a trivial matter."

"Oh, I'm so scared!" Gu Nian pretended to be panicked, and after the other party was happy, he beat the other party violently.

Look at her petulant temper, she speaks nicely, she can still bear with the principle of opening the door for business.

But now in the Continent of Kings, a world where strength is the most important thing, if you talk about her identity and background, who are you going to scare?
Gu Nian was tired from the beating, and the man turned into a pig's head, and she called her subordinates to throw him out together with his entourage.

"In the future, anyone who makes trouble will be punished!"

At this time, some people in the crowd laughed.

"Hahaha, good, good fight!"

Hearing the sound, he turned around and saw that it was a man wearing a tiger fur coat. It wasn't cold this day, and he was wearing a thick coat, but his arms were bare, revealing strong muscles, and his skin was wheat-colored. , The appearance of smiling showed a mouthful of big white teeth.

He was handsome, but what caught Gu Nian's eyes even more was a girl standing next to him.

Holding an orange flower umbrella, wearing a skirt of the same color, with rabbit ears and a rabbit tail, and her face is both delicate and pure.The exquisite facial features seem to be carefully carved, and every stroke is just right, which is amazing, as well as the figure, with long legs and slender waist.

Even being a woman, Gu Nian had to lament that the Creator is really eccentric sometimes.

When Gu Nian was looking at her, she also looked at Gu Nian with some curiosity, the rabbit's ears were raised and drooped at the same time.

So cute and cute.

Gu Nian wanted to touch it a little, whether the rabbit ears were soft and comfortable.

"Hu, I want to go to this restaurant, but you can't go in!" She smiled and said to Gu Nian, her voice was as sweet as a silver bell.

After finishing speaking, she was the first to enter the restaurant.

Hearing this, the man who was replaced as a tiger was also a little eager to try.

But when I saw the notice at the door, I had to scratch my head.

"Let me make a bet, the food in this restaurant must not be delicious, you will come out within a quarter of an hour after entering!"

Gu Nian is not convinced now, isn't this statement a sign of his and hers?

She said to him: "Then I also made a bet with you. She might be held for half an hour when she goes in. If you don't believe me, just stay outside and see who wins in the end?"

After Gu Nian finished speaking, he left.

A Gu Nian has already amazed people, and now a young woman has walked into this restaurant.

Someone recognizes it.

"Isn't that Miss Gongsun?"

"Miss Gongsun also entered this restaurant, but why do men also enter this restaurant even if it is not open?"

Two peerless beauties go in one after another, which is attractive enough.

Gongsunli is famous for her sword dance in Chang'an City. Many people lined up in the Jiaofang every night to watch her dance.

However, Miss Gongsun's dancing has always been according to her mood, and it is hard to find a dance.
This is tiring, many people wait in a long line and can't wait.

Even so, no one will complain.

After Gongsunli set a precedent, some famous ladies and daughters in Chang'an City couldn't help but want to go in and have a look.

Because in ordinary restaurants, if a woman is gathering with her girlfriends, she will inevitably book a private room alone so that she can eat with peace of mind, and she may also worry about being offended by someone who is not open-eyed.

But this restaurant only allows women to enter, so it becomes much more convenient.

Where there is the first, there is the second.

And on the first day of trial operation, the price is very favorable.

Therefore, after Gongsun Li, many people came one after another.

Gu Nian was very busy in the kitchen, Hong Mei said to Gu Nian worriedly: "I'm worried that Wang Ze's family will be bad for our restaurant in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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