King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 113 Who Bullied Our Little Fox?

Chapter 113 Who Bullied Our Little Fox?

Gu Nian is not a person who is afraid of trouble, since she caused the trouble, she is not willing to just hide from it.

Is it possible to be so afraid of reporting to the official?
"I support the report!" Gongsunli said from the side.

She also hated that prince very much, and besides, even if she reported to the officials and entered Dali Temple, she also believed that Lord Di would deal with it fairly.

Gongsunli is Di Renjie's fan!

And on this road, with her looking after her, the Wang family really wanted to do something, don't worry about it, she would not let them go.

It so happened that at this time, the person who reported to Dali Temple came back.

He said happily: "Lord Li Yuanfang has arrived."

Hong Mei said: "Good luck, Lord Li Yuanfang is here, what about Lord Di and Lord Kai?"

"Master Di is not here today, but that Lord Akai..."

The other party glanced at Gu Nian, and hesitated a bit.

"What's wrong with him?" Gu Nian's heart felt a little cold.

"I saw him and told the story, but he didn't come. I guess the work of Dali Temple is very important." The reporter could only tell the truth.

Gu Nian thought she wouldn't be sad, but suddenly felt a throbbing pain in her heart.

Probably because I still had expectations!
Although she told Hong Mei not to tell Kayn about this matter, because she thought it was only a trivial matter and she could handle it by herself.

But if she didn't come after telling him, she seemed extremely disappointed.

Hong Mei comforted: "Since Lord Li Yuanfang is here, the matter can be resolved. It's better than no one coming. Your brother probably has important matters to deal with?"

"But no matter how important it is, is it more important than being wronged by my sister?" Gongsunli couldn't help blurting out.

But after she finished speaking, she felt that there was something wrong with Gu Nian's emotions.

"Never mind?"

"I'm fine, let's go out! Since I can hit that Wang Ze, I can hit him twice. If he refuses to accept, I will beat him until he is convinced!" Gu Nian clenched his fists and said calmly.

Gongsunli was thoughtful, although it was a bit violent.

But she felt that there seemed to be nothing wrong.

A few people just walked out of the door, only to find that many people gathered at the door.

Because Li Bai also came.

"Who dares to bully our little fox?"

Everyone in Chang'an City doesn't know the reputation of the sword fairy Li Bai.

Even if Mrs. Wang knew that the relationship between the other party and the empress was unusual, she had to be polite.

"Mr. Sword Immortal, the thing is like this. My son just wanted to go to Wangchun Tower to have a meal, but he was beaten up like this. My son is the real victim!"

Mrs. Wang understated it, and described Prince Wang as a victim.

It doesn't talk about the cause and effect, if you don't know the truth, you may be led astray.

"But I remember that the Wangchun Tower stated in black and white that only female customers are allowed to enter. Dare I ask Mrs. Wang, is it possible that Mr. Wang has been a woman disguised as a man for so many years?" Li Bai asked.

Everyone couldn't help laughing, this prince's body shape and appearance are not good, he has nothing to do with women at all.

Coupled with the fact that this guy visits brothels all day long, these words are clearly sarcastic.

Mrs. Wang's face was a little bruised, she could tell that Li Bai was also fascinated by that vixen, all sword immortals are fake!
"Which restaurant in Chang'an City only allows women to enter? This kind of maverick, who knows what tricks are going on inside, there are always some ecstasy places, and some gimmicks are deliberately set up, such as hybrid demons, foxes and rabbits, etc. , specially for people’s entertainment, if you say it nicely, it’s to win people. If you say it badly, it’s different from a prostitute. There was no such regulation a few days ago, but there is today. Why can other people get in first and my son can’t? have to??"

fox, rabbit?
Gongsunli and Gu Nian looked at each other silently, feeling like they were lying on the ground!

This person pointed at Sang and scolded Huai, and unexpectedly even scolded Gongsunli together.

Pei Qinhu was not happy to hear that.

"Hey, you bitch, you really don't like what you say. Your son has entered the place of Fengyue, and all places are places of love and moon in your eyes. What's wrong with the half-blood demon? The empress personally issued an edict to allow the half-blood demon Planted into the court as an official, do you have any objections to the imperial edict of the empress?" Pei Qinhu is also a hybrid demon.

A soldier under the banner of the Great Wall Guards.

Later, he was vilified as a rebel by the chief, and he chased and killed him all the way before fleeing to Chang'an.

Speaking of which, he was also loyal to Datang.

And some people in the crowd were hybrid demons, and after hearing what this woman said, they were extremely indignant.

"When I saw something with my eyes, I thought everyone else was like that. I guess her house is a brothel, so I think other people's restaurants are brothels!"

"It's really confusing. I didn't see the big characters. They wrote the rules in black and white. You have to break in. You deserve it if you get beaten up. My son is a treasure. I think other people's girls are not. Scolding It sounds so ugly, even a noble lady is uneducated!"

Li Yuanfang stood up at this time, "Xiao Ke is also a mixed blood demon, a small official entrusted by Master Di, do you dare to ask this lady if she has any opinions on me?"

What he hates the most is that others are full of discrimination against hybrid demons.

What happened to the hybrid demon?
He is also working hard to make a living, and has never done anything harmful to the world. Why should he be inferior to others and be slandered like this.

Mrs. Wang did not expect that her words did not resonate with everyone, and her contempt for Gu Nian actually made more people share the same hatred and attack her directly.

Immediately, I felt a burst of anger.

"Li Yuanfang, you don't have a place to speak here, unless you call your Master Di out!"

At this moment, Li Bai waved his hand and said, "Don't call me Lord Di anymore. I have an edict from the Empress. Her Majesty the Empress said that if the son of a king or grandson uses power to oppress others, his father and brother will be deprived of their positions. As for me, I will deal with it according to the law!"

Before Li Bai came, he made a special trip to the palace.

He knows the effect of his celebrity, and he will not overwhelm the rich and powerful.

Since it started with the powerful class, it needs greater power to suppress people.

There is no king's soil under the whole world, and there is no king's ministers on the coast of leading the soil.

In this city of Chang'an, who is much older, Your Majesty the Empress?

Therefore, he directly asked the empress for instructions.

As soon as this oral order came out, Mrs. Wang naturally didn't believe it: "You are talking nonsense!"

Li Bai just looked at her lightly and didn't say much.

But inexplicably, it gave people a strong sense of coercion. Master Li Bai entered Chang'an three times, and the empress pampered him more and more every time.

Even if he didn't come to the court to watch, the empress also said that there has always been a position for him, just wait for when he agrees.

And after Li Bai finished saying this, the imperial decree came not long after.

(End of this chapter)

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