King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 118 I am your elder brother, I have always been

Chapter 118 I am your elder brother, I have always been

Everyone knows that Li Bai is extremely talented, and how many prominent officials are proud to receive his poems.

Back then, when he challenged all the masters in Chang'an by himself, he would write poems for every one he defeated. Later, when it was his turn, many people scrambled to challenge him, hoping to get a poem after they were defeated.

This has also become a good story in Chang'an City.

Now personally writing poems for Yang Yuhuan has made many people applaud.

He swishes his pen freely, his calligraphy is somewhat similar to the way of swordsmanship, soft yet strong, elegant and free and easy.

The whole article is full of beautiful words.

When he and Yang Yuhuan stood together, there was an indescribable harmony and tacit understanding.

Gu Nian heard someone next to him say, "Golden boy and jade girl make a perfect match."

If you look closely, you can see that Yang Yuhuan is arrogant and arrogant, and he never gave anyone a good look in the audience, but after Li Bai came, there was already a bit of admiration in his eyes.

Gu Nian couldn't stand it anymore.

Turn around and leave.

After Gongsunli found out, he ran forward: "What's wrong? Niannian."

"It's nothing, I just remembered that it's time for me to go back. As you know, I never go out too late, for fear that my brother will worry!"

Seeing what she said, Gongsunli said, "In a moment, I'll let the tiger take you back!"

"No need, I'm a magician too, I'm capable enough to protect myself!"

Seeing that she was unmoved, Gongsunli had no choice but to send her out of the door.

On the stage, everyone cheered.

Yang Yuhuan and Li Bai were very close, but Yang Yuhuan's eyes were cold and full of doubts.

"Still can't feel it?"

"Yeah, I can't feel it!" Yang Yuhuan shook her head.

Everyone can feel happiness and joy, and even get a lot of satisfaction from her pipa sound, but she alone seems to have forgotten something important.

Happiness has long been insulated from her.

"Thank you, Master Li Bai." She said to him with a smile.

The man in front of her is also the one she is very fond of, but the poem he wrote often lingers on her lips.

But he also had no way to fill in what was missing in her heart.

Li Bai did what she wanted him to do, so he asked: "Then, Miss Yuhuan should fulfill her promise now!"

"Well! Please!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, both of them withdrew from the stage.

The moment Gu Nian walked out of Jiaofang, he looked at the surrounding streets, and saw that many shops had already closed.

There is no curfew at the East Street Night Market in Chang'an City, but at midnight, many people have already entered Mengxiang.

Without a carriage, she walked back on foot.

After walking for a while, I saw a figure not far in front of him, with blue-black armor, a clearly visible magic blade in his hand, and silver-white hair. Under the night, he was as cold as ever.

She was a little happy, but the corners of her mouth moved slightly, but she didn't run over excitedly like before.

The two just met in the street, staring at each other.

After a while, he walked towards her with big strides.

The weather at this moment is still hot, even at night, it still doesn't feel cool.

However, when he approached, she still felt that icy breath, as if it was going to swallow her up.

He grabbed her hand immediately.


He strode quickly and with great strength, so he naturally dragged her forward along the way.

After walking for a while, Gu Nian finally couldn't take it anymore and wanted to shake him off, but he couldn't.

"Kayn, what do you want to do?"

What is he crazy about?

Do you lose your temper with her at every turn?
On the street, he didn't want to quarrel with her, so he picked her up directly.

Just lift her up.

"let me go!"

Fortunately, it was in the middle of the night, and there were no pedestrians on the road, but his actions still made her feel a little ashamed.

She was almost carried home by him all the way, but she couldn't break free yet.

She yelled for him to put it down along the way, but his ears were as if he was deaf, and instead of driving her away, he walked faster.

When he reached his courtyard, he finally put her down.

She finally broke free from his comfort, and out of anger, she grabbed his hand and bit down hard.

The bite was heavy and heavy.

He forbears not saying a word.

After she let go, he said, "Have you had enough trouble?"

make trouble?
In his eyes, everything she did was just making trouble for no reason?

"No, I haven't had enough trouble. I don't want to stay at home now..." She turned to leave, and was held back by him again.

It fell into his arms.

But soon, she jumped a distance.

There was some disappointment in his eyes, but she couldn't see it.

"Don't want to stay at home, but want to go out and fool around? You are a girl's family, and you appear in such a place in the middle of the night, do you know what it means?"

His words made her want to laugh.

"What does it mean? What does it have to do with you?" Judging from his tone, it seemed that the place of the teaching workshop was a dubious place, but he understood it very well.

But what does he mean by saying this?
Insulting her friends, or insulting herself?

"What does it have to do with me? Don't forget that you are my sister! I am your elder brother!" He emphasized the word "brother" and bit hard.

He is wary of their identities and relationships to each other.

She retorted directly, "Am I your sister? Did you take me as your sister? Didn't you always think that we have no blood relationship with each other? Yes, we didn't have one, I'm not yours younger sister……"

At this moment, he was a little ecstatic.

"What did you say?" His hands unconsciously rested on her shoulders.

He doesn't care what other people think, but as long as she approves, it doesn't matter.

"I hate you!" she said.

"I used to have a very good elder brother in the land of warriors, but after being cursed by the family, he disappeared. I tried very hard to get him back, but he never appeared again. I'm back. You give me back my brother, my brother won't ignore me, he won't get angry with me for no reason, and he won't get angry with me for no reason, I hate you, I hate you to death... ..."

As she spoke, tears flowed down unconsciously.

He felt ashamed.

When she was still looking back on the past, he had already lost all memory of the past.

But the girl in front of him was the one who made him open his heart.

"Nian Nian, I'm sorry, I was wrong." He softened his tone, he didn't want to see her cry, he couldn't see her being wronged.

Because when she wronged her and made her sad, he felt ten times and a hundred times more uncomfortable than her.

"I'm your brother, always have been!"

Wipe away tears for her.

"You lied!" She didn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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