Chapter 121
Then he said: "Even as an adult, you can't be too picky about food. I just think that you love meat too much in normal times!"

Who told her to pick too many vegetables today, and she was a little absent-minded when cooking, and ended up cooking all of them.

So there was such a big oolong.

But he didn't care too much. Although he didn't like to eat vegetables, she cooked them for his sake.

So even if he doesn't like to eat, he has to work hard to eat it.

"I'm not like Xuan Ce, I'm not picky eaters!"

He sat down, feeling a little hungry right now.

At the same time, he also handed her a bunch of candied haws and the gift he bought on the street just now.

"This is for you. It is said that this style is popular in Chang'an City now. I don't know if you like it or not."

Although this hairpin is not very gorgeous, it is very exquisite and beautiful.

Gu Nian liked it very much, and immediately inserted it into the bun.

"Thank you brother, I like it very much, do you think it is pretty?"

Under the light, she turned around, the hairpin was shining, but what was even more beautiful was her natural beauty and incomparable beauty.

In his eyes, it is naturally beautiful!

"Looks good!" He praised sincerely.

She wondered in her heart whether brother Li Bai would praise her for her beauty after seeing it.

But as soon as this thought flashed by, I felt a little dazed today.

Just because Li Bai said two ambiguous words, did she have uncontrollable thoughts?
Could it be that she fell in love with Li Bai unconsciously?
Gu Nian had never been in a relationship before, so she was taken aback by this sudden thought at first.

I want to go back to my room to clear my mind.

It was the first time he saw that she had such a beauty-loving side. As expected, a girl who had entered puberty was actually very concerned about her appearance. Even though she was already very beautiful, she still wanted to dress up more beautifully.

"Nian Nian!" He called to stop her.

"Do you want to know why I came back so late today?" He wanted to let her talk for a while.

Sure enough, she was still interested in this matter.

"Why?" she asked.

Kayn then told about the attack on the gate of Chang'an City today.

"I also met Master Mozi, the master of mechanism production. I couldn't see through his strength. Chang'an City is indeed the land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." Kayn was a little shocked.

After coming to Chang'an City for so long, it was the first time that such a person made him feel a little awe from the bottom of his heart.

"Of course, Master Mozi is an old antique who has lived for thousands of years. A master of his level is not something we can easily afford!" It's a pity, but it's a pity.

Gu Nian was annoyed, how could she not know about this.

If she had known earlier, she would have joined in the fun.

"By the way, brother, do you know what Master Mozi looks like?"

She thought, she doesn't know what kind of food she likes to eat after living for so many years, it would be great if food can be bribed.

She can change patterns every day to make different things for Master Mozi.

"I didn't see clearly, his whole body was wrapped in a mass of green crystals, and he didn't communicate with me directly, and I just took a look from a distance. Afterwards, he directly devoted himself to researching the destruction of the city gate It's time!"

Di Renjie said not to let anyone disturb Master Mozi, who would dare to disturb him easily.

If this kind of thing hadn't happened, Master Mozi wouldn't have come out to meet people in normal times.

It's normal for production masters like them who are dedicated to researching mechanism techniques not to come out to meet people for three to five months, because ordinary things don't interest them.

It's better to stay in your own laboratory and research new finished products to make them happy.

Gu Nian has some regrets.

Actually speaking, there should be no one in Chang'an City who knows better than Master Mozi.

What Noah's Ark, what secrets of the fragments of the book, more or less his old man will know some.

But I couldn't get in touch with him.

Hearing what Kayn meant was trivial things, and it didn't arouse his interest at all. Only tricks, more sophisticated tricks, could make him interested in meeting his opponent.

And at the moment, in a small village not too far from Chang'an City.

A white-haired old man caressed a short, child-like robot, and said, "You are indeed my outstanding work, Luban No. [-], only you have truly succeeded in destroying the city wall that the old man made himself."

"Hee hee hee, I know I'm very good!" A rough robot that looked like a puppet carving, even the expression looked extremely funny and unbeatable.

But what is rare is that it is different from other robots produced, it has its own IQ, and it also has its own mocking effect.

What Master Lu Ban likes is the confident attitude of Lu Ban No. [-].

Unlike other numbers [-] to [-], it is more like a "person".

"Hahaha!" Master Lu Ban stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Yes, yes, No. [-] is indeed very powerful!"

As a result, Luban No. [-] didn't give face.

"Master Luban has an IQ of [-], worship, extremely worship!"

Master Lu Ban was not angry when he heard the words.


The next day, Gu Nian made a special effort to inquire about this matter, talked with Hong Mei, and then went to the east gate to check.

It's a pity that Master Mozi didn't see it, but he saw other mechanism masters, and they were all working together to repair the city wall.

That place was heavily guarded, let alone wanting to cook something to attract attention, even if Gu Nian wanted to walk over, he would be stopped and interrogated for a long time.

After thinking about it, Master Mozi is not so easy to approach.

She asked the guard: "Where does Master Mozi usually live? Why didn't you see him today?"

The guard glanced at her and said: "Master Mozi's mansion is built by government agencies. His old man never let people visit. It is said that the place is more fortified than the imperial palace. So far no one has dared to break into it. Who can disturb Mozi?" Master. As for today, the old man left the blueprints and gave them to the disciples of the sect to deal with. They can repair the city wall. Generally, the master does not handle this kind of thing personally, but the master has spoken, and the city wall will be repaired in a few days It's better to build stronger!"

Gu Nian has actually seen Master Mozi's mansion from afar.

It is near the Ganye Temple. It is said that because the place is quiet and not easy to be disturbed, Master Mozi asked to live there very early.

From the outside, the entire spacious mansion does not look much different from other buildings in Chang'an City.

But the only shocking thing is that this mansion has existed for 4000 years.

Regardless of the change of dynasties, it has always stood there.

(End of this chapter)

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