King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 123 I want to be responsible for you

Chapter 123 I want to be responsible for you
Along the way, the two jumped over many tiled roofs and rushed back because Gu Nian felt that it was getting late.

When he was almost at the door of her house, Gu Nian bid him farewell.

"I'm going back, thank you for sending me back!" She said to him with a smile.

"Thank you, it's just a little effort, but I really don't understand, the two of you are not brothers and sisters, why are you so afraid of his appearance?"

His words made Gu Nian smile: "It's not that I'm afraid, I just don't want him to worry too much!"

"See you tomorrow!" Li Bai said!
"Okay, see you tomorrow!" Gu Nian waved his hand and bid him farewell.

She watched him turn around, and soon, that figure disappeared into the night sky, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

So I also planned to go home, and when I turned around, I suddenly saw a person standing at the gate of the next yard, watching all this silently.

Gu Nianmeng was taken aback by him.

"Why are you here?"

Ming Shiyin was holding a little white milk dog in his arms, this little milk dog still had a memory, and kept wagging its tail when it saw Gu Nian.

Yelling and screaming, wanting to be hugged by Gu Nian.

Ming Shiyin ignored the exchange of puppies, and said flatly: "It's been hot recently, and it's cool to go out at night, but I'm standing at the door of my house, so it's not in the way of your business, right?"

He looked like a smile but not a smile, Gu Nian was embarrassed.

They were indeed standing at the door of his house, but the two were so close that they couldn't be seen without looking carefully.

"Then cool off slowly!" She didn't care about Ming Shiyin's special hobbies, and quietly opened the door of her house with the key.

Then sneaked in again.

Ming Shiyin stroked the puppy, looked thoughtful, then walked back to his courtyard and closed the door.

Even though Gu Nian was extremely cautious, he was still discovered when he appeared in the yard.

Because all the lights in my house were bright, once she appeared, there was nowhere to hide.

"I'm back..." His voice was low and tired.

"En!" Gu Nian nodded, a little guilty.

"I know you're not a child, but don't come back too late after going out to play." He couldn't bear to be harsh on her, after all he searched around Chang'an City, and went to Wangchun Tower to ask Hong Mei, but Hong Mei didn't know.

At that moment, he was something like a headless chicken.

Then stayed at home.

Because he thought, if she just went to play with friends, and when she came back and saw the darkness in the room, she might be worried or very scared.

Thinking of this possibility, he sat in the yard and waited for her to come back.

Gu Nian nodded: "I know, brother!"

After all, she is still a rebellious girl.

However, his eyes still saw the new clothes she was wearing, which looked slim in the night.

"Are you hungry? I just brought back something from the outside." Counting it, he hasn't eaten yet.

Gu Nian shook her head: "I'm not hungry, I want to take a bath, brother, good night!"

She is a little tired today.

Now that I get home, I really want to rest.

"I'll help you boil hot water! Even though it's summer, you can't wash in cold water, for fear of catching cold..."

Gu Nian said, "Okay."

After she returned to the room, not long after, he boiled the hot water and brought it in.

At this time, Gu Nian untied her hair and took off her coat. When she saw him coming in, she asked him to put down the water.

"The rest, I'll do it!"

He tried the water temperature, but it was just right. He looked a little lost in thought, blushed, and quickly walked out of the room.

Close the door.

As soon as he left, she took off her underwear and bellyband.

Under the light outside, a graceful figure could be vaguely seen gradually entering the water under the screen.

The sound of water rushing, but with a bit of charming breath.

In the yard, he felt that the weather was extremely hot.

He really can't stay with her for too long, right? Even if he tries his best to abide by his duty, how can he make up his mind to ignore the thoughts that should not be moved?

Two more days passed.

The opportunity really was found for Li Bai, because on this day, the Empress went on a tour and brought Di Renjie with her.

Kayin didn't plan to go, and asked Gu Nian's opinion.

But Gu Nian didn't have any objections, and felt that he could go whenever he wanted.

He also felt that maybe keeping a little distance quietly could separate the overly intimate relationship between each other.

So he agreed to Di Renjie's request and escorted the empress's tour together.

The empress is on tour and won't be back for a while.

So Li Bai took her to the moat in the middle of the night to check the movement in the water.

In the middle of the night, both sides of the river are still brightly lit.

The two of them were on the boat in the middle of the river, looking at each other.

"Do you really want to dance?" Gu Nian looked at Li Bai uncertainly.

"Of course, don't you dare?" This has been decided for several days.

He didn't believe that the little fox was so timid. When she came to the Ganye Temple, she came as soon as she said, and she planned to come with a praying mantis, a cicada, and an oriole. Now it's just a test to see if there is anything in it. Will be tempted.

In fact, he really saw through her, and she was indeed eager to try.

"There's nothing to be afraid of!" Gu Nian put up all her hair, threw away hairpins and other things, took off her coat, and threw away her shoes.

"Okay, I'm ready, let's jump!"

She was so "bold and unrestrained" that he was taken aback.

"Little fox, do you know what it means to take off your clothes and shoes in front of a man?" Li Bai asked suddenly.

Gu Nian shook his head: "What does it represent?"

"It means that you want me to be responsible for you." He finished speaking, before Gu Nian could react.

Then he took her hand and jumped into the river together.

With a splash, the two of them sank into the river. It was pitch black at night, and nothing could be seen clearly in the water.

And Gu Nian felt that the water was a bit shady and cool, obviously it was still a little hot on the river at this moment, but when it got under the water, it was so cold that it made goosebumps come out.

The more it is at this time, the easier it is to remind people of many legends about "water ghosts".

Gu Nian always felt that there was something pulling her to move under the water.

She was so frightened that she grabbed Li Bai's hand tightly.

But soon, a night pearl appeared in Li Bai's palm, which can glow even in water.

Everything within a radius of several meters can be seen clearly.

He took her to dive deep. If it is an ordinary person, who has not done professional training exercises or professional diving tools, he would never dare to dive in such a deep place, but neither of them is ordinary people. The breath is longer, and holding your breath in the water for a period of time is not a problem at all.

(End of this chapter)

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