King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 126 Did You Stay With Him When You Didn't Return All Night?

Chapter 126 You Didn't Return All Night Because You Were With Him?

It is true that it is impossible to say about emotional matters.

Even at the time, I didn't expect it to go so smoothly.


"Don't be, let's go..."

He took her hand and walked side by side.

Not to mention going out the door and walking to the streets of Chang'an, he has already heard the news of the Empress' return.

Gu Nian thought of Kayn, and guessed that he would be home by now.

Li Bai sent her all the way to the door of the house, and the moment he opened the door, she broke free from his hand.

She didn't like Li Bai's expression, so she just said in a low voice: "Give me a little time, let me persuade him..."

After all, it was the parents, and it was he who made the promise first.

She didn't want to do this all of a sudden, it would give him a lot of stimulation.

Li Bai sighed slightly.


If he found the opportunity, he would personally tell Kayn the same.

Because he felt that relying on this silly girl, it would be difficult for her to speak.

"Go back, good afternoon, sleep well!"

"Okay, have a good night's sleep!" He didn't intend to leave first, but just watched her enter the yard.

When Gu Nian opened the door and went in, he happened to see Kayn coming down the steps.

Under the sun, his armor was shining brightly, his figure was tall and straight, extraordinary, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "Why did you come back so early? Who were you talking to just now?"

How dare she say it's late, she didn't come home all night yesterday.

As for the matter between her and Li Bai, although she didn't plan to say it all at once, she also wanted to let it out.

"It was Li Bai who sent it back just now." She looked at his expression, and she only frowned slightly, but she didn't express much.

"Come here, His Majesty has rewarded a lot of things today, go pick and choose what you like!"

He followed the empress on a tour, although there were no accidents, but he also hunted and killed precious prey, which made the empress happy and asked him what reward he wanted.

He then thought that he just bought a hairpin that day, and she was extremely happy.

Then he asked if he could ask for a reward for his sister.

So everyone knew that he was a sister-in-law, and the empress laughed and rewarded him with a lot of jewelry.

Gu Nian entered the hall and took a look. When these boxes were opened, they were really shining with gold.

When any one of these jewelry is opened, it is extremely precious.

"They are all so beautiful!" She was very happy.

It's just a pity that the things bestowed by the empress can't be sold easily, and it's these jewels that are worn out, so you have to be more careful.

However, the gift from the heavenly family can also be regarded as the empress's regard for him.

"It's better for me to put these things away. If I can take them back to the west and show them to my mother and Luna, they will be very happy!"

Like a little money fan, she wrapped up all the jewelry in these boxes.

Seeing him looking at himself with a slight smile, he said with some embarrassment: "I just kept these for you temporarily, and in the future, when you marry a wife and have children, these will also belong to them."

Her words darkened his eyes.

"These are all yours, His Majesty rewarded you, and have nothing to do with me."

If the heart has a belonging, why bother to harm other girls?
When Gu Nian heard this, she smiled, "If it wasn't for my brother, would His Majesty have thought of me? It's all thanks to you."

Either way, putting it away was the right decision.

But after putting it away, I felt sleepy for a while.

But thinking about it, he guessed that he hadn't eaten as soon as he came back, so he suppressed his sleepiness and went to do it.

As a result, when the food was brought to the table, she couldn't eat anymore.

It's just that his expression while eating is very weird.

The meat is not salted, and the fish is too salty.

Even the rice is raw.

Seeing her drowsy expression again, he felt something strange.

"Never mind?"

She glanced at him in a daze, and said, "Brother, is it delicious?"

"good to eat!"

"It's delicious, you can eat more! By the way, I'm a little sleepy, I want to go to sleep!"

She was really sleepy and couldn't stand it any longer.

At this moment, the upper and lower eyelids are fighting, and it feels like there are double images when looking at people.

He wondered if the business of the restaurant was so good that she was too tired.

Seeing that she was about to walk into the room, she almost hit the threshold, so she stood up, but soon, she walked in by herself and closed the door.

This time, I fell into a deep sleep.

Didn't wake up until midnight.

Unconsciously, she found someone sitting on the head of her bed, and she was so scared that she sat down on the spot.

After taking a closer look and seeing that it was Kayn, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"elder brother……"

"You didn't come home last night?" His tone was a little harsh.

Under his icy gaze, she couldn't bite the bullet and say no.

"I have something to do!"

"And what about this sword?"

The sword is Mingwei, the sword that Li Bai gave her before.

"Li Bai gave it to you?"

There is also his writing on this sword, so it is his accompanying sword.

Gu Nian nodded: "My original sword was broken, so he gave me one."

"So you were with him when you didn't come home yesterday?" When he said these words, there were already mixed emotions in his heart.

He didn't speak, but the guilty conscience looking at her eyes, and the drooping of her tail, had seen through everything.

"Why do you not love yourself so much as a girl? You go out with a man in the middle of the night and don't come home?" He asked sharply.

But she was ashamed and a little guilty at first.

Later, his words aroused a bit of rebellious thoughts.

"I don't love myself, and Li Bai and I are not what you imagined, brother, I didn't intend to tell you, but now that you know it, let me tell you, I have fallen in love with him. I know, it was a bit caught off guard, but he didn't do anything to me, I didn't keep my original promise, it was me that was bad, but it had nothing to do with him, he was really good..."

Simply, everything can't be hidden, so just confess!

For a while, he was a little blindfolded.

Didn't know it would be such an answer.

He stared at her in a daze for a while before blurting out: "How long have you been with him? Is it because you like him? It's his family background. You don't know what he came to Chang'an for. How do you know? It must be you who like it?"

"Emotional things are involuntary. If you like him, you just like it. There are not so many reasons. As for his family background, he will tell me after he tells me. Besides, I like him only because of him, not because of him. His family background. Besides, I have a good brother like you, I believe he dare not lie to me, otherwise, you will definitely stand up for me, right? "

After she said it all, she wasn't so panicked anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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