King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 132 Is it because I separate from him that you feel better?

Chapter 132 Is it because I separate from him that you feel better?

She just revealed a tone, and he kept asking what it was.

"Whatever it is, I want to be close to me," he told her.

Gu Nian blushed and answered.

Nowadays, when men and women make love, it must be said to send purses and sachets.

But Gu Nian felt that Li Bai didn't need to use these two things, and his embroidery was a mess, even if he embroidered it, it was not good for him to carry it on his body, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

She had already made up her mind to weave a sword fringe for him. The jade hanging on the sword fringe was the words she specially asked someone to carve today.

However, she didn't say a word, just because she was afraid that he would be proud of it.

"Okay, I'm at the door, you go back first!" My brother didn't like to see Li Bai, so he couldn't invite him in.

Li Bai sighed, there is indeed some great inconvenience between the two of them now.

And it will take another two years to board, although Gu Nian keeps saying that her parents' side is easy to handle.

But Li Bai saw Kayin's attitude of refusing to communicate, and felt that the road to marrying a wife is a long way to go.

"I still watch you go in!"

A lover watched him walk into the house, and the corners of Gu Nian's mouth were always twitching.

After she entered the yard, she was still humming, and she was floating when she walked, but when she saw Kayn standing on the steps, her smile stopped.

"elder brother……"

His expression was calm, but he couldn't see any emotion.

She was a little worried, whether he had heard everything just now.

"It's so early today!" She murmured in her heart that he didn't leave duty so early as usual.

But she didn't see that he had quickly put away the portrait.

When everything was uncertain, he didn't want to tell her the truth.

"Yes, there is nothing going on in Dali Temple recently. That's why Master Di asked me to come back earlier." He didn't say anything, and he resigned!

"Oh!" Gu Nian took out the food box, "This is restaurant food, cooked by Chef Lu, I've eaten it before, so I brought it here for you to try."

She took out all the meals in the food box and arranged the meals.

And she sat down, because she was full outside before, and she is not hungry now.

"Brother, eat slowly, I'm going back to my room first!" She said with a smile to him.

Obviously, the expression was very happy, but having a lover was different. She was thinking about helping Li Bai weave sword tassels, so she went back to knitting as soon as she went back.

These days, he obviously felt that she didn't care about him very much anymore, because she pretended to be the one she loves in her heart, so she couldn't pretend to be others anymore?

After tasting two mouthfuls of the food, it was indeed delicious, but he couldn't eat it right now.

Instead, I took out the wine and drank a few bowls, the spicy taste entered my stomach, and I felt better.

As the night darkened, the lights in her room turned cold, and she could be seen humming a tune in the yard, her clear voice.

He stood at the door and watched for a while. She was weaving sword tassels in her hands, which were concentric knots.

It's cumbersome to weave, but she does it very meticulously.

"If I'm like this, won't it be too eager to weave the concentric knot and give it to him?" Gu Nian hesitated for a while and then said: "If you mix the concentric knot and the peace knot, then he won't see it too much. The meaning is also good."

Thinking of this, she unraveled the knitted concentric knots again.

With a bang, the movement outside the door caught her attention. Turning around, she saw him standing outside the door.

I was stunned for a moment, not knowing how long he had been standing there.

But she looked down and saw the portraits scattered on the ground.

Then he walked over, picked it up, and said with a smile: "Brother, you didn't say a word when you came here, and I was shocked. By the way, I want to weave sword tassels. Do you want to weave a piece for you too!"

Seeing the image of the figure on the scroll, she was stunned for a moment: "Is this me in the painting? It doesn't look very similar."

However, after a closer look, it was signed by Loulan Princess Jialan.

Kayn gave her the original ball of paper: "I didn't want you to know, but you have seen it, so just take a look!"

The ball of paper said that Li Bai had known Princess Jialan of Loulan since childhood, and that he entered Chang'an three times in order to seek justice for Princess Jialan.

"Brother..." She wanted to laugh, but found that she couldn't, and then said, "Where did you get this thing?"

"Don't worry about me, where did you come from? You just need to know that Li Bai approached you with ill intentions..." He said lightly at this moment.

In fact, he looked at the concentric knot in her hands, and a terrible jealousy grew crazily in his heart.

It turned out that he really didn't want to bless, and he couldn't do it.

Thinking of the possibility that they might get married and have children in the future, with a full house of children and grandchildren, he wished to immediately cut off their communication and stop all development from the root.

He was almost crazy in his heart, unable to let go with a smile!

"I see." Gu Nian's heart was not stable.

She saw the attire on the costume, and knew that the person in the portrait was not herself, but just the similarity of eyebrows and eyes made her feel terrified.

No wonder the portrait she picked up immediately, at first glance, she thought it was painted by an artist her brother found somewhere.

If the portrait above is Princess Loulan, then what is she?

On the one hand, he is the lover he admired when he was young, and on the other hand, he is just a stand-in who looks very similar...

Unconsciously, she has made up a lot of plots in her brain.

But after putting away the portrait, she remained calm.

"Nian Nian..." She acted very calmly, she neither questioned his thoughts too much nor even went to confront Li Bai immediately.

It's as if none of this happened.

"Isn't brother going to bed? But I'm going to sleep." After Gu Nian finished speaking, he smiled and said, "Good night!"

The moment she closed the door, he blocked her further movement with his body.

"Come with me, confront him now! With me here, I won't make you a substitute for no reason." He didn't like her calmness, which made him a little flustered.

He would rather her break and question hysterically than be so quiet.

Gu Nian looked at him intently, looked at him for a while and then smiled.

"Why should I do this? For a portrait I don't even know is true or false, for a ball of paper I don't know where I got it, I want to question my lover?" She looked at him suspiciously, and then walked step by step Jin: "Brother, do you still want me to do this? You want me to separate from him, so that you will feel better?"

He was a little flustered by what she said.

The girl's breath and doubts seemed to expose the ugly side of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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