King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 146 Is this a misunderstanding?

Chapter 146 Is this a misunderstanding?

"Nian Nian, let me do the kitchen work! I'm almost done!"

Indeed, the kitchen kept its promises and was well organized. Even though the meal was almost ready, she originally wanted to be busy scrubbing and cleaning, but it seemed that she didn't need it anymore, because the place was clean and she didn't need her labor at all!
"Alright, then I'll set the table and chopsticks!" She rushed out like a gust of wind, keeping the promise and wanting to talk to her.

I couldn't even say a few words.

Set up the dishes.

Served porridge for everyone again.

Today's breakfast was dull, except for Xuan Ce who complained that the porridge was bad, everyone else finished it silently.

During the period, Reg wanted to speak up several times, but was stopped. Everyone was very tacit, and did not ask Gu Nian why they broke up, for fear that she would think of something bad.

Because she was in good spirits today, but after drinking the porridge, she started to clean up, whether it was the courtyard or everyone's house, she started to tidy up.

She was so busy that she didn't need anyone to intervene.

So a group of people sat in the courtyard and watched her busy from morning to afternoon.

"Brother, I helped, my sister kicked me out with a broom!"

"Love is such an unnecessary emotion, because it will make people stupid!" Xuan Ce said with emotion in a timely manner.

Good-natured sister Nian, something is wrong today.

Keeping the promise frowned, but felt that he was still young, so there was no need to educate him about such things.

Gu Nian doesn't like the feeling of being idle. Once she is idle, she will suddenly become idle, not knowing what to do, and thinking about him uncontrollably.

She has never been in love before, but she also knows that first love is different from other loves, it is more unforgettable and very difficult.

So after being broken in love, I worked desperately to do things, and I wiped everything in the house that could be wiped.

In the end, I really had nothing to do, so I planned to go to the kitchen to get busy.

She started to make food, and whenever she could find the ingredients, she started to make them.

Xuan Ce started to swallow his saliva outside, he could smell the smell of meat.

Perhaps, the elder brother will give him meat for the sake of sister Nian's broken relationship, so he took a closer look at the elder brother, and the promise-keeping expression seemed a little worried at the moment.

However, he didn't have any position to persuade Gu Nian, and he didn't know what kind of pain a relationship would bring.

But I felt that if it was me, I would definitely not let her get hurt.

Not long after, bowl after bowl of this dish has been brought out, the sumptuousness makes people drool, even more exaggerated than Chinese New Year.

Kayn couldn't stand it anymore, and finally ran to the kitchen, interrupting everything she had on hand.

"Why torture yourself?"

Gu Nian twitched a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "I didn't torture myself, I am very happy now, don't you see it? I am cooking, and I haven't seen Luna and Fifth Brother for a long time. I want to help my family It's just a meal, can you go out first?"

She was smiling, but the smile was fake and forced.

"Does it have to be like this between us?" He reached out to touch her head, but she dodged subconsciously.

She was so wary of him.

"I'm sorry." She also saw the sadness and hurt in his eyes, "It's my own problem, it has nothing to do with you!"

She didn't know how to face him, she could feel his unbearable pain, sadness, and affection, but she couldn't respond in any way.

She felt that she should be the most selfish person in the world. She knew exactly what he meant to her, but she still wanted their relationship back to the way it was before.

But everything can't go back?
"You don't have to tell me you're sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for me."

Emotional matters cannot be forced. If she likes him a little bit, even if she is carrying a strange vision and risking the world's dissatisfaction, he will definitely fight for it.

But she didn't, everything was just his wishful thinking.

He also didn't want to cause her more trouble.

"Shouyue told me that he will leave Chang'an in three to five days and return to the Great Wall. My plan is to go to Jixia College as soon as he leaves."

Gu Nian was stunned for a moment, "It's so fast..."

"You don't have to worry. Although I lost my memory, I also learned from Luna Reg that the curse is the fate of our Star Family. It has nothing to do with you. You can come all the way to the Great Wall to find me. It's all about you and me. The friendship between brothers and sisters. Since I know the ins and outs of the matter, I should bear the curse, but if I leave, Luna and Reg will inevitably ask you to take care of it..." He It can be seen that in this Chang'an City for a while, she still has a lot of nostalgia and cannot leave.

"elder brother……"

"Now that you have grown up, you don't have to take the responsibility on yourself. It is your own business who you like and who you want to pursue happiness. At the age of 16, you have already grown up in Datang, and you are a warrior. You can also marry in this place. Although I don't know what happened between you and Li Bai, if you still trust me as a brother and you are wronged, you can tell me, and I will make the decision for you. You can be willing to stand up for you, you have to know that behind you is always brother."

The magic blade in his hand can be unsheathed at any time.Whenever she opened her mouth, he was just as happy.

Before leaving, he wanted to ask about the relationship between her and Li Bai, but he was afraid of asking rashly, thinking that he was deliberately breaking up the two of them.

Gu Nian felt sad, obviously he treated her as well as before and put her first in everything, but she couldn't accept it with peace of mind.

"I have not been wronged..."

He said so much, she just responded that she was doing well.

He also felt at ease, and turned around to think about silently touching her head and ears, but only silently grabbed his hand back.

"That's good!"


After he left, she finally squatted down slowly against the wall.

Gu Nian squatted on the ground for a long time, her eyes were red, until Shou Yue came over and knocked on the door.

"Nian Nian, aren't you coming out for dinner? You've been busy all day."

Gentle voice, as always.

Gu Nian stood up, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and opened the door.

Shouyue breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled at her. His smile was very healing, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"I lost Xuan Ce twice, each time I felt boundless despair and pain, enveloped me, I thought, this feeling would swallow all my reason and emotion, but I didn't expect, I have survived, time will heal everything, waiting will usher in new hope."

Gu Nian did not expect that he would say such words to her.

Is this a misunderstanding?

 Thank you Xiaobai [Mengyue] for your reward
(End of this chapter)

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