King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 153 Unless you are not an ordinary person

Chapter 153 Unless you are not an ordinary person
Therefore, he directly threw people into the dungeon, which seemed ruthless, but it was actually a form of protection in disguise.

"Lord Di..." Gu Nian met him face to face, and then greeted him.

No matter what, Xuan Ce would have to rescue her. If Di Renjie walked differently here, she would have rescued him even if he went to Jietian Prison.

Di Renjie waved his hand, and suddenly said to Gu Nian: "Can you trust me?"

Gu Nian was stunned.

"Trust me, leave this case to me!"

Di Renjie seemed to have something in his words, and he was trustworthy, so the case was entrusted to him.Does that also mean that he feels that this case is not the same thing at all?

After all, Gu Nian understood what Di Renjie meant.

"In this case, we will rely on Master Di, but can we go to the prison to see Xuan Ce?"

Everyone cast their expectant eyes.

It stands to reason that before the case is concluded, there should not be too much involvement with the family members.

But extrajudicial is nothing more than human favor, Di Renjie agreed.

"I'll only give you the time for a stick of incense. Kai, I need your assistance!"

Things in the past two days have been a bit tricky. Thinking that Kayn is fine now, he more or less needs someone to assist in the investigation.

But he didn't intend to ask Kayn to assist in this case, but Chang'an City has been full of troubles in recent days, as if the cases that hadn't happened in the past half a year all happened all at once.

They all seem to be convincing, but with his years of experience in solving cases, he feels that every case is not so simple!
Kayn looked at Gu Nian, and Gu Nian nodded to him.

Right now, Shouyue and Xuan Ce may not be able to leave for a while if they want to return to the Great Wall. In this way, their agreement to go to Jixia College may also be postponed!
But the most urgent matter is Xuan Ce's case, no one wants something to happen to Xuan Ce.

Since Di Renjie is willing to let Kaiyin stay by his side, it shows that he is still trustworthy in him, so he can somehow inquire about Di Renjie's plans in his heart!
Several people went to the cell to visit Xuan Ce.

Xuan Ce said honestly: "I didn't use much force at that time, I know that ordinary people like them can't help hitting, but I don't know why he was thrown up, and he died all of a sudden, as if it was him It's like flying out of nowhere..."

This is a bit unbelievable.

If you say that to other people, they will definitely think that Xuan Ce is crazy in order to get rid of the crime, but everyone present believes Xuan Ce's words!
Without him, it's just a kind of trust.

"Ordinary people can't do what Xuan Ce said, unless that person is not an ordinary person..." Gu Nian thought for a while and came to a conclusion.

Her conclusion made everyone look at each other in dismay.

"But if that person has extraordinary strength, if he throws himself up and hits the pillar, wouldn't that be suicide? How is that possible?" Gongsunli found it inconceivable.

But Gu Nian said: "Why is that impossible? What if it's just framed? You have said that those two are vulgar people with dirty words, but at the feet of the emperor in Chang'an City, even ordinary hooligans are molesting others Before, you also have to observe the appearance of other people's clothes, can you provoke them yourself? Among you, there are magicians with sword styles and archers, neither of which is easy to provoke, but what are you doing here to die? "

When she said this, her eyes had already calmed down.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling a little shuddering.

"Xuance, have you said these words to Master Di?" Gu Nian asked again.

Xuan Ce nodded: "I told him when he asked, but he didn't respond, probably he doesn't believe me!"

Xuan Ce felt a bit frustrated, he had been in Chang'an City these days, and he had a bit of admiration for Mr. Di, who was like a god in judging cases.However, the other party didn't seem to express anything about today's matter, so he felt that he had misjudged him.

"No, Master Di believed you, otherwise we wouldn't have let us visit you. It's just that we need more evidence for investigation. Are you afraid of being here alone?" Gu Nian asked again.

Xuan Ce shook his head: "Not afraid!"

Keeping the promise felt sad for a while, my younger brother used to be very afraid of the dark.

He didn't dare to sleep alone at night, and now in the prison, even the day is like night, with lights on, but he said he wasn't afraid, which shows how much darkness this child has seen before he forced himself to overcome it. The fear in my heart!

"Xuance, are you really willing to stay here? Brother, I want to take you away." If Xuan Ce said he was not willing, he would take him out no matter what, even if he was wanted.

"Brother, I really didn't want to kill someone, so I want to be innocent even more!"

He didn't want to be suspected of being a murderer for no reason, and his brother was originally a heroic guard of the Great Wall, a hero who guarded the safety of the people on the border. If because of him, he became a wanted criminal, This is not what he wants to see.

A long time ago, Xuan Ce was no longer a child who could only cry and fuss. He also knew how to distinguish right from wrong, and he knew how to share his brother's worries!
"Okay, brother will definitely seek justice for you!"

The stick of incense didn't last long, and soon someone came over and urged them to leave.

Xuan Ce was also a bit reluctant, everyone went out happily in the morning, but they didn't expect to encounter such an accident on the way.

After everyone came out, Tianlao and the streets of Chang'an seemed to be two worlds, black and white were distinct!

But all of a sudden, it makes people feel a little sad.

But these are not the point.

The point is to investigate!

"Well, let's investigate the life background of these two people first, and see if they have had any contact with suspicious people during this period of time?"

According to Xuan Ce, at least one of those two people is not an ordinary person, but if it is a magician or something, she would really feel unbelievable that she would give up her own cultivation and life to frame others.

What is the purpose of the other party?

Just to frame Xuan Ce?
Xuan Ce is just a child. He has only been in Chang'an for a long time, and he has never offended anyone. Could it be because he keeps his promise to his elder brother?

Gu Nian glanced at Shou Yue, then shook her head to herself.

Impossible, especially Brother Shouyue, he has always been kind to others, he is the most amiable person, and he has never been to Chang'an for so many years, so it is unlikely that he will have an old enemy in Chang'an.

She couldn't figure it out, and she no longer forced herself to think about it.

Instead, he wanted to check the background of the two of them.

In fact, at this time, it is best to give him something to do for keeping the contract.

(End of this chapter)

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