Chapter 162

Even Luna and Reg had made a move. Yi Xing was just watching from the sidelines, but later, Luna was a little unhappy to see him standing.

"A man like you, can't even do your hands? Not even my brother!"

Yi Xing was shocked, so he also started punching and kicking.

"Yes, that's how it should be, but your flamboyant legs are always limp." Luna still felt a little contemptuous.

Yi Xing was stunned, but his weapons were never fists, but chess pieces, and he was also a mage himself.

Never fight anyone!

It's just that after hearing what she said, I also found it a bit interesting. Although my actions were a bit out of line, I actually felt a hearty feeling when I really hit these people with fists.

"Luna, don't talk about him like that, he's already very good." Gu Nian's words made him feel even more embarrassed.

In fact, he didn't contribute much, it seemed that he only made up for the damage twice at the end.

After Gu Nian finished these things, the shopkeepers were all terrified.

However, she prepared all the silver in advance and compensated the shopkeeper.

People from the government outside also arrived, but Gu Nian took advantage of the righteousness and said: "The sending men came just in time. Now that the Great Wall border is in a military emergency, these people slander the generals who are leading the army outside for no reason. They are simply sowing discord and disturbing the morale of the army. Moreover, there is such a long distance between the Great Wall and Chang'an, how could these few people know the inside story of the Great Wall? I suspect that they are simply spies sent by the enemy country to deliberately spread rumors so as to separate the monarch and his ministers..."

Gu Nian's words were full of righteousness and kept people in a daze. The soldiers leading the patrol knew Gu Nian's reputation.

This matter is so serious that he doesn't know how to deal with it.

"Then what about following the girl's opinion?"

"Of course it will be taken back to the government and interrogated strictly. It is best to find out the mastermind behind the scenes, which is a great achievement!"

After Gu Nian finished speaking, the man obediently asked his subordinates to take him away.

In fact, Gu Nian's statement is not groundless. This rumor is true and false. It seems that there is even information about Hua Mulan and King Lanling. Could it be that someone in the Great Wall leaked the secret, and deliberately spread it in Chang'an City? This news.

When the Great Wall was still facing a crisis, it really was his heart to kill!

I don't know if Her Majesty the Empress heard it. If she heard it, even if she loved the general Hua Mulan again, her heart would not be shaken.

Since ancient times, the Sacred Heart is hard to break!

The general will be outside, the three will become tigers, and the most fearful thing is the emperor's distrust!
When the soldiers took the man away, Gu Nian lost his interest. After paying for the store's loss, he took Luna and the others home directly.

Yi Xing hesitated to speak along the way, Gu Nian felt that he had something to ask, but he didn't ask along the way, so he couldn't say anything.

At the gate of the courtyard, it was finally time to say goodbye.

Yi Xing said, "I'm going back!"

"Goodbye!" Gu Nian waved to him.

It's just that before he walked in, he didn't ask what he said after all. After all, in his mind, he was envious of the friendship of the Great Wall Guards.

I also envy Hua Mulan, who has never met in person. When she is being slandered, there are a group of friends who are willing to stand up.

But he also understood that there was probably no way for him to become good friends with them.

So if you have something to say, don’t ask!

After Gu Nian returned home, he heard bursts of laughter coming from the yard, it could be seen that keeping the promise had coaxed people well.

As soon as they entered the yard, they could smell the fragrance.

"You guys are back. I won't cook this time. Brother Shouyue taught me how to make dumplings. I didn't make the stuffing, but I made it. Would you like to try it?" I don't know which method she used to keep the promise, but she quickly regained her original vitality.

Reg stepped forward and said, "Which one did you make? Let me try it!"

Both Gu Nian and Luna wanted to retreat a little bit, they were both full.

"These!" Gongsunli deliberately brought out a bowl, not to mention the appearance, it was indeed similar to ordinary dumplings.

Reg took a sip and nodded immediately: "Delicious!"

"Really?" Gongsunli's eyes lit up.

"Really, it's delicious, Ah Li, you're awesome!" Although he was a little stuffed, as long as Gongsunli is happy, it's fine.

What's more, this time the stuffing is made according to the contract, so it won't be unpalatable.

He was eager to eat, and his eyes were very sincere, Gongsunli really became happy.

Then I gave it to Gu Nian and Luna to taste. They both tasted one casually, but they still said they had eaten outside, so they refused.

But it was also praised.

It's just that what Gu Nian didn't expect was that Lei Ge ate the big bowl made by Gongsunli, and she was a little dumbfounded.

Luna felt that even Gongsunli's eyes were stunned.

Gu Nian obviously saw that he was a bit reluctant to eat later, but there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He seemed to be particularly concerned about Gongsunli's feelings, and his heart skipped a beat.

Fifth brother also fell in love with Ah Li, right?

What a crime!Looking at Shouyue at the side again, he sighed silently, not knowing whether she was right or wrong in making Shouyue and A Li back then.

But she really didn't expect Fifth Brother to like Ah Li too.

She can't get involved in emotional matters, unless the two are in love, otherwise, how can other outsiders help?
Seeing Reg's stupid look, Gu Nian was a little tangled.

In the future, she will not get involved in these messy things.

Just at this time, Baili Shouyue glanced at her.

Gu Nian smiled at him guiltily.

Baili keeps the promise and always feels weird.

Coincidentally, at this time, Kayn came home.

"Big brother..."

When everyone saw him coming back, they asked in unison: "Is there any news from Dali Temple?"

"Not yet, Mr. Di said, even if it is confirmed that Zhao Si has a problem, there is no way to prove that Xuan Ce did not kill him!"

This news made everyone's expressions darken, especially Gu Nian looked at him worriedly.

"However, don't worry, I went to see Xuan Ce today, and he said that he believes Master Di can find out the truth."

But now even the clues on Di Renjie's side have been cut off, and Xuance won't be able to release him for a while.

"There is one more thing..." Kayn hesitated and said: "Today in the courtroom, a bitter master personally surrendered and said that he was a wanted person from the Great Wall Guards. His name was Pei Qinhu, and he said that he was also wanted. A soldier under the Great Wall Guards. In fact, we all know this person, he is a tiger!"

Kayn looked at Gongsunli, who was a little flustered.

(End of this chapter)

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