Chapter 167
"Nian Nian, did you make this?" Gongsunli knows that Gu Nian is good at arranging dishes, and she likes to make food exquisite and beautiful.

Probably this is also the reason why she became a gourmet up host. If she wants to attract people's attention, she has to take good-looking and delicious food photos, so from the appearance point of view, she is indeed superior.

The combination of meat and vegetables is delicate and delicious.

Everyone sat down and boasted a bit before moving their chopsticks. During this period, Gu Nian carefully observed Yi Xing.

This young man is indeed different from others, even if he is sitting in the middle of the crowd, he still feels aloof and independent.

This kind of feeling can also appear in Ming Shiyin's body. The two of them, master and apprentice, seem to be a bit out of tune with this flashy world.

But when he eats delicious food, his eyes will also become satisfied and soft, and it is this young man who has a trace of fireworks.

"Yixing, I don't think your family has a chef, why don't you come to our house for dinner during this time?" Gu Nianzhuang casually mentioned.

His dark pupils looked over at once, those eyes were really beautiful, without any impurities, not stained with dust.

At that moment, Gu Nian almost felt a sense of uneasiness about coaxing children, as if she was a bad aunt.

Although she is not much different from Yi Xing in her current age.

He may have some changes in his heart, but he still refused.

"It's not good to bother you like this, and my master and I are used to it."

"That's okay, you can come whenever you want, Ah Li and Hu have a very good relationship with us, you don't need to be cautious, just treat this place as your home." Gu Nian said friendly.

This young man's vigilance is quite high, and everything had to be done step by step.

But Gu Nian knew that according to the current development, there was no step-by-step effort at all.

Gongsunli interrupted after hearing the words: "Yixing, you heard me, I called you here a long time ago, you are always as old-fashioned as your husband, but you don't have any vitality. It's good to come out to play more!"

Yixing thought of Ming Shiyin, "There is nothing wrong with Master."

"You!" Gongsunli looked at him angrily, not knowing what to say.

Gu Nian sighed, it seems that the route of finding Yi Xing is probably not feasible.

So, I still decided to keep an eye on the next door's every move.

At night, Gu Nian waited until everyone fell asleep, then got up and climbed up to the roof silently.

She didn't dare to get too close to the next door, but from the roof, the lights in the next door were still on, indicating that someone was awake.

She stared straight at it for a while, and then saw someone close the window, and vaguely saw it was Ming Shiyin.

Gu Nian regained his energy, maybe he is going to fall asleep now.

But even if Ming Shiyin fell asleep, there was no guarantee that his yard was not covered with formations and the like, and there was still no way to set foot there.

It's better to summon Xiaoyu and throw stones to ask for directions.

Gu Nian thought so, and did the same thing, Xiaoyu is a ghost, without any consciousness or life, just like a marionette, what he can see is what Gu Nian sees.

After she let Xiaoyu go down, Xiaoyu walked around Ming Shiyin's yard, but found nothing special.

It's just that the peonies bloom more brilliantly at night than during the day. I don't know what the reason is.

It didn't take long to arrive in front of Ming Shiyin's gatehouse. Of course, Gu Nian couldn't let Xiaoyu in, so with Ming Shiyin's mental strength, it is not difficult to perceive Xiaoyu.

So quietly let Xiaoyu cut a hole in the window.

Looked into the house through the gap.

The person who bathed in the bathtub had silver hair like a waterfall, and the lines on his back and arms were extraordinarily beautiful...

Wait, what did she see, Ming Shiyin was taking a shower.

But at this moment, there was a hand on her shoulder behind her, which scared her to call Xiaoyu back immediately, but it also alarmed Ming Shiyin.

"I didn't see anything!" she said without saying anything.

Kayn asked curiously, "What did you see?"

Seeing that it was him, Gu Nian breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn't help complaining: "Brother, why are you walking so silently, I'm about to have a heart attack from your fright!"

But at this time, Gu Nian saw something moving in Ming Shiyin's room.

It didn't take long for everyone to put on their clothes and run out.

Quickly pulled Kayn and jumped off the roof.

She looked guilty, which inevitably made Kayn a little puzzled.

Gu Nian didn't want him to ask more questions, so she dragged him to change the subject.

"Why are you up so late?"

"Can't sleep." In fact, he has been paying attention to her.

Gu Nian can't sleep now either.

I sat with him in the yard and chatted for a while, and then gradually became sleepy, yawned several times, and fell asleep.

"Nian Nian, go back to your room and sleep! It's late!" he said.

Gu Nian nodded, she really couldn't bear it, but she thought in her heart that tomorrow, she must ask Li Yuanfang to find out about Ming Shiyin's background.

What a person wants to do always has a motive.

Even if his purpose is to make a big deal, or to be at odds with the Great Wall Guards, what is the premise?

There is no love for no reason, and no hate for no reason.

Such a magic stick that appeared out of nowhere, with a mysterious past and unknown origin, makes people feel uneasy.

Gu Nian faintly felt that Ming Shiyin's background should be unusual.

When she walked up the steps, she sprained accidentally, probably because she was thinking about something in her heart and didn't pay much attention, but she was quickly picked up by him.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

Gu Nian shook her head: "No, I'm fine."

She just wanted him to put her down, but he carried her back to the room.

At this time, Reg, who had just woken up and was about to go to the hut, saw this scene in a daze, and his whole body shivered, as if he woke up suddenly.

What did he see just now, the elder brother was holding Lucy...

He felt that his world view had been greatly impacted, and he needed to take a break!
Even if he carried her back to the room, he didn't take too many steps. When he returned to the room, he wanted to help her look at her feet.

Gu Nian was immediately embarrassed.

"I, I'm fine, I didn't hurt my foot..." Lonely man and widow, living in the same room, isn't that good!

Gu Nian wasn't sure if he had let go of his feelings for her.

Whether it is put down or not, it is really inappropriate now.

So she stood up, "Look, I'm so..."

When I stood up, I realized that it was really painful, and I sat on the bed all at once.

"Look at you, you are obviously sprained, why are you trying to be brave?"

While he was healing her wounds, he felt a little distressed at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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