Chapter 172

When he said that, Gu Nian also smiled, she was really nervous.


"Good night!" Li Bai said, although he had an impulse not to let her go, but he knew that it would be unrealistic to do so.

Therefore, he could only let go, and touched her ear with some itchiness.

Gu Nian also said good night.

The eyes of the two people met, but they were a little affectionate and lingering!
"These are two people who love each other!" Reg sighed, although he also dislikes Li Bai a little, an older brother always dislikes a man who takes away his sister.

But after thinking about it, he was relieved. Although Li Bai is a little boy, he is also talented and good-looking. The most important thing is that Lucy likes it.

He kept boasting that the two of them were like a pair made in heaven, just hoping that the elder brother beside him could wake up and stop having such unrealistic thoughts.

But in fact, every time he said a word, Kayn's face darkened a bit.

Especially the two of them hadn't separated their hands, they were still holding each other, and he was still touching her head so intimately, as if he was whispering something to her, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was also particularly dazzling.

A match made in heaven?
Ha ha!

He couldn't help but walked over, and directly pulled Gu Nian over.

Reg was stunned by this scene.

"Big brother!"

Gu Nian was also a little nervous about what he wanted to do.

"You haven't married yet. If you stay outside every day and don't go home, won't your family worry about it?"

He put on his brother's face to teach others.

Gu Nian was also a little bit wronged, she didn't spend much time with Li Bai today, because he was about to fall asleep when she came, and she went to cook again when he woke up, so the two of them had a good time on the way back. The chance to be alone.

"I told you this morning. I only went out today because I have something to do! Besides, I'm a magician. In this city of Chang'an, where the law and order is good, nothing will happen to me."

She couldn't help but choked.

Reg wanted to applaud.

That's it, express your position clearly, so that the eldest brother will not have any ideas.

It was the same, in the middle of the night, he had to say that he would come out to find Lucy.

Of course Reg didn't dare to let him look for it alone, and he didn't want them to have a chance to get along alone, so he followed him out.

In the end, when he saw the scene where Gu Nian and Li Bai came back holding hands, he couldn't help but jump for joy, it's pretty good, if he shows his affection like this and spreads dog food, he won't have any ideas!

"Brother, Lucy is right. Besides, she has a lover to send her off. This Li, Li Bai, you will not let our Lucy be in danger, will you?"

It was rare for Reg to look at Li Bai differently, and Li Bai couldn't help being a little surprised. He remembered the first time he met this future brother-in-law, who seemed a little displeased with him.

But now it seems that he is very optimistic about his appearance.

Although this feeling was unexpected, it was a pleasant surprise.

He remembered what Master Lu Ban said before, that he should marry her back as soon as possible.

A little brother-in-law was dealt with, but the "big brother" in front of him seemed to look at him with some hostility.

And this kind of hostility was even more obvious than when he was on the Great Wall, which made Li Bai feel a little tricky and inexplicable.

"What Fifth Brother said is that I will send Niannian back every day in the future, and I won't let her be in danger!"

After Li Bai finished speaking solemnly, the corners of Reg's mouth twitched.

fifth brother?

This man is really shameless, he is only 17 years old, he is older than him, and he insists on calling him brother~
But who made Lucy his sister?
But he can bear it, the purpose is to show the big brother!

"Well, that's right, I will often come to our house to play in the future!" Reg patted his shoulder and said.

Gu Nian felt that the atmosphere between them was a bit weird. When did Reg's view of Li Bai change, and he seemed to be a good buddy.

I can't help but sigh that the feelings between men are sometimes even more unreasonable than women!

But it was a good thing that Fifth Brother accepted Li Bai, and she became happy too!
It just felt like Kayn was not very happy around him.

"Okay, okay, let's go back! Brother Li Bai, you should go back too!"

Gu Nian sighed, fortunately, with Brother Wu by his side, it wouldn't be too embarrassing.

Li Bai nodded, since she had an older brother to take her back, he couldn't follow him anymore, so he waved his hand and said goodbye.

Gu Nian went back with Reg and the others.

On the way, Reg and Gu Nian had a lot of conversations, but Kayn was mostly silent, and he could clearly feel that he was unhappy.

This made Gu Nian feel a little sad. She didn't know how to persuade him to give up this relationship, and she could only pretend that she didn't know anything.

Maybe, when the matter in Chang'an City was resolved and they went to Jixia College, they separated to find the curse. After a long time, he remembered the past, or downplayed the relationship, and there was nothing wrong with it. .

It's better to be far away from each other now!

Seeing that Gu Nian got closer to him instead of following Kayn, Reg was relieved.

After returning home, Luna practiced swords in the yard. She was the most diligent. Even though she came from the west to the east, she never gave up on her sword skills. As for magic, she has always been practicing.

With both talent and diligence, Gu Nian feels that it is only a matter of time before she inherits the family.

As for keeping the promise, he is still busy in the kitchen at the moment, probably cleaning and preparing tomorrow's breakfast.

When Luna saw Gu Nian coming back, she came up to her.

"Sister, where did you go today? Brother is in a hurry?" Luna looked at her somewhat dependently.

Gu Nian smiled: "I just went out to do errands, won't I be back soon?"

"Enn, elder brother bought me a gift today, and also for you, why don't we go in and have a look together?" Luna couldn't do without her elder brother.

Reg's complexion turned a little pale.

He was right in not telling brother Luna what he thought, otherwise this little traitor would have betrayed him sooner or later.

Luna took Gu Nian's hand and went in.

Gu Nian felt that Kayn just bought some things for Luna, and also bought for himself by the way.

She loves Luna very much, and she will not refuse her request. After she came in, she found out that what he gave Luna was a blue gemstone. The energy in the gemstone is helpful for cultivation, and Luna couldn't put it down.

But when she opened her things, she was a little surprised.

A box contained roses and a necklace.

The craftsmanship of this necklace is not like the craftsmanship of Datang, but from Xiyangfang, and the symbol on it is a lifetime of love.

Gu Nian suddenly felt a little bad.

(End of this chapter)

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