King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 177 I Want To See You

Chapter 177 I Want To See You
"It's you two, it's just in time to help me take down this Western demon. I have never seen such a bold demon, who dares to kill in broad daylight!"

It was still dark at this time, and the law and order in Chang'an City was good, which Di Renjie was proud of. However, the recent frequent accidents also made him anxious. At this juncture, someone actually provoked him openly!
Di Renjie was laughed out of anger!

"Killed again?" From the moment the magic armor was summoned again, she had already realized that something was wrong, but at that time she still wanted to leave Chang'an City quickly, but Xuan Ce was arrested and Chang'an City became A cage from which no one can escape.

"It's not just killing people, a family of seven, the old and the weak, women and children are all let go, it's inhumane!" Li Yuanfang was filled with righteous indignation.

Cheng Yaojin wheeled the ax and said: "Master Di, what are we doing with so much nonsense, one word, do it!"

Di Renjie nodded.

"Can Li Bai help me?"

At this time, he has no idea about the opponent's strength, and on the street, although the people have been dispersed, before he can determine the strength of the opponent, he is afraid that if the opponent does not have the strength to kill with one blow, the killing and consequences will occur after the opponent escapes. is not calculable.

And Di Renjie knew that Li Bai's strength was far more than what he showed!

After Li Bai heard about it, he didn't want to stand by and watch, but he was reluctant to let Gu Nian intervene.

"Nian Nian, stay away for a while."

He agreed to Di Renjie's arrangement.

It's just that I didn't expect that at this time, Gu Nian was heading in the direction of the magic armor.

"Niannian..." Li Bai called her, but she didn't look back.

She looked at Kayn and clenched Mingwei tightly in her hand.

"You recognize me and all of them, don't you?" When he killed someone for the first time, she saw it and wanted to cover it up. When she saw him, he quickly showed his true colors.

That day, his emotions didn't fluctuate much, and the magic armor was still under control.

He didn't speak, and the magic armor covered his face, making it impossible to see his emotions clearly.

But when she stood in front of him, she knew that he recognized him without him ever making a move.


Once upon a time, he was a hero in the Land of the Warriors, who single-handedly rushed into the enemy camp to save himself.

He also helped the people of the Land of Warriors and killed bandits and demons.

But now he aimed the magic blade in his hand at the civilians and the innocent.

He became the devil in the world's population.

He has changed beyond recognition, and he is no longer his brother.

In reality, however, Kayn wasn't killing innocent people indiscriminately.Because that family has been brought under control, the army of demons from the west has entered Datang. Although it is only a small part, only he can sense it.

But he didn't really want to explain this kind of thing, he just wanted to see if she, like everyone else, regarded him as a heinous devil.

At this moment, he saw Mingwei in her hand. The Mingwei sword hadn't been unsheathed yet, and her hand holding the sword was trembling slightly.

He was thinking that she had already started to hate him, if she wanted to kill him, maybe he would be willing.

"I, want to see you..." He said slowly, his voice hoarse.

He couldn't find her and knew she was hiding.

But I don't know how long she will go to hide, whether she will never want to see him for the rest of her life.

Thinking of this possibility, he felt extremely heartbroken.

Gu Nian thought about it and never thought it would be such a reason.

Just because of this, is it necessary to swing a sword to kill innocent people?
She can't accept it.

But at this time, Li Bai had already come over with the Qinglian sword, and with a blade, he swept across.

"elder brother……"

Gu Nian realized that something was wrong and wanted to rush over.

However, everyone else also shot together.

"Qinglian Sword! I've heard that your swordsmanship is superb. I want to see it today, but the small sword array can't trap me!"

When he spoke, Li Bai was a little distracted.

The magic armor can weaken the attack of the sword formation. Li Bai didn't use all his strength at the moment. To him, it was just a scratch on his boots, and he easily resolved it with the magic blade.

But at this time, Li Bai still pulled his hand!
He didn't want to fight it, but Kayn couldn't wait for the chance.

His magic blade has been unsheathed.

This unsheathed magic blade is bound to see blood.

As he watched, the sword blade slashed across and stabbed at Li Bai's back, Gu Nian pushed Li Bai away and went head-on.

The blade pierced her chest, but it wasn't very deep, but fresh blood still flowed out, staining her clothes through.

"Give it up!"

"You for him..."

He suddenly realized that he had really suffered a crushing defeat today and brought shame upon himself.

And he hurt her too.

The magic blade fell directly to the ground, and at the same time swords and crossbows and attacks from all directions followed.

But he gave up the magic armor and gave up resistance.

It seemed that he vaguely remembered that his magic blade had pierced her chest during the parting night.

He hurt her twice.

"Remember, the cursed name Kayn!"

The three axes knocked down his back, Li Yuanfang's darts, Di Renjie's six orders to chase the murderer...

There are also swords and crossbows flying across the sky.



She doesn't need to be sorry, she wants him to live.

She just doesn't want him to keep making mistakes!

"do not want!"

She summoned Xiaoyu, and also used the fireball technique to the extreme, blocking some attacks, but not enough, far from enough.

"You make a move!"

Why don't you do it?

Why not resist?

She doesn't want him dead.

What's the point of doing all this if he's dead?
She couldn't bear it any longer.

He was injured in the first place, but now, he has to consume all his mental strength.

"Live! Kayn, I want you to live!"

After she finished speaking, she spat out a mouthful of blood, as if she really couldn't hold on any longer, and she was spinning.

Maybe, none of them can live today, they all have to die!

When she was in a daze, she seemed to see him finally standing up.

In the blue-black armor, the magic blade was once again clenched in his hand.

What he said, she couldn't hear.

But in the dark blue eyes, there were also tears flickering, he should be deeply blaming himself!
But she is very tired.

She even had hallucinations and heard Li Bai calling beside her.


After all, she owed Kayn, she couldn't do it, she turned a blind eye to him and stood by, even if he was heinous, she still wanted to use her own power to pull him back from the brink of hell.

After doing so much, she was actually very tired.

Next time, if there is a next time, she doesn't want to be his sister, nor does she want to know him...

As if they were strangers to each other.


(End of this chapter)

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