King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 187 My Father Never Hit Me

Chapter 187 My Father Never Hit Me

It feels like this word is very familiar, but it is also strange. It turned out that in the days when she woke up, she had no friends by her side.

In fact, she is also very eager for friendship. Now she depends on him to survive, but she also hopes that she can become stronger, not just a dodder.

"She is a witch from the West. Do you remember I told you that the words of a witch cannot be trusted?"

A lie needs to be filled with countless lies.

He had no way out, he could only drag her to a darker place to find the light.

He was afraid that the beautiful dream he had woven would be punctured all at once.

By that time, each other was dripping with blood and suffering terribly.

Therefore, even if it is a muddle-headed life right now, I am unwilling to face such bloody pain.


"Yes, she still has magic books in her hand. Nian Nian, you have to trust me, not others." He kissed her forehead.

Gu Nian nodded: "En! I believe in Ah Kai!"

Yeah, it's hard for her not to trust him, because he is the best and best person in the world to her, if even he lied to her, she can't imagine how messed up her life is now.

"I want to leave here. There is a war in Shu right now, so it shouldn't be the place for us to stay."

The place where the three countries meet is troublesome, and there are always disputes.

He originally thought that this place was inconspicuous, even if the war was chaotic, he would be able to keep her safe alone, so how could he expect to meet Angela.

Angela seems to have seen something now. As a witch, maybe she can revive Gu Nian's memory, which is not what he wants to see.

Only take her away.

Although he spoke extremely calmly, for some reason, Gu Nian had a feeling that he wanted to escape.

Just because of what the girl said just now, he seems to be facing a big enemy?

Could it be that they were enemies?

She suddenly felt that she was completely blind to everything in the past. Who is she, who are her parents, and where did she come from?

Don't remember, don't remember anything?

I feel that I am trying hard to recall, but my mind is blank, and even my chest is aching.

The pain made her feel suffocated.


She clutched her chest, and he was extremely nervous.

"What's wrong, miss?"

She turned pale and shook her head: "It's okay."

Then hugged him: "A Kai, I want to know who I used to be?"

Originally, her throwing himself into his arms made him very happy, but what she said out of her mouth pierced his heart again.

"We are neighbors, childhood sweethearts..."

He told the story of a beautiful childhood sweetheart, but in fact it was just a tampering, after all, he did watch her grow up.

Gu Nian stabilized a lot.

At dusk, I retreated from the inn, wanting to blend in with the crowd and leave the city.

However, due to the reoccurrence of the war, it has already spread to the city, and the gates of the city are closed. At this moment, it has fallen into a first-level battle.

Many people ran home immediately, and the soldiers mobilized very diligently.Pedestrians on the street gave way in a hurry, and most of them had already formed a sense of self-protection.

I ran home immediately.

As for Gu Nian and Kayn, they became idle.

"I can't leave today!" Gu Nian said.

If you can't go, there are already people shouting at the gate of the city.

They avoided the soldiers, hid aside, and saw a young general riding a tall horse, wearing armor and white robes, holding a long spear, going out of the city to fight.

There is also Liu Chan, the little overlord of Rongcheng, who is also driving his No. [-] machine to keep up with his tall horse.

"Uncle Zilong, wait for me."

It's a pity that there are people on the left and right trying to stop him.

"Master, I want to join the battle too, why are you stopping me?"

He believes that his tricks can change the situation of the battlefield, but these people always use his safety as an excuse, really annoying!

Gu Nian recognized this young man, he was the one who rescued Angela at noon today.

She was still a little curious about him.

Liu Chan was left behind, although he fought hard, but these people didn't believe in his strength, which also made him very upset.

But he couldn't do anything yet, but he felt a curious gaze cast towards him from the side, and he also looked over.

This was incredible, and he actually saw the person who bullied Angela at noon.

"It seems that young master, I have found my target again!"

He decided to stand up for his goddess.

Unsurprisingly, he was beaten up by Kayn.

There are some things that can't be made up for by mastering advanced organ skills.

For example, someone has mastered the pure magic way, and the magic way has incorporated a more domineering evil spirit.

The first time the young master ran home without dignity, he didn't want to cry, but it was really embarrassing to be beaten violently.

Feeling aggrieved, he began to wonder, could his tricks really help his father annex other countries, and even destroy the world?

As soon as he got home, he bumped into his father and teacher. Because of his disheveled face and bruises that burst into purple, he was immediately caught by his father.

"What's going on, A Dou, are you injured? Did you run out of the city gate disobediently again?"

The young military adviser fanning his body looked at the wound on his body, shook his head, and said in a clear and pleasant voice, "This is caused by a fight with someone!"

"Fight?" Liu Bei was suddenly confused.

His son is in the territory of Shu, no one has ever dared to beat him, right?

Who is this so bold?

The young strategist nodded, and then his lips twitched into a smile: "Not only did he fight, but he also lost the fight. He was beaten up unilaterally. It seems that he must be a member of the devil's way. This method is as simple and rude as ever..."

The teacher is very good at predicting things, and the young master has completely lost face.

With a wow, I cried aggrievedly.

"Father, you have to make the decision for me..."

Ever since he was a child, his father has always spoiled him and pampered him. He has never beaten him, but today he was beaten by a foreigner.

So sad.

From his intermittent sobbing words, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang glanced at each other, and saw a trace of surprise in each other's eyes.

In just a few days, three strong men from the west appeared in the city!
I don't know the purpose of their coming, but in this case, they must be guarded against!


Kayn didn't know they were being targeted now, but it didn't matter if he knew.

He has no interest in participating or intervening in the battles between these small countries.

All he cared about was one person, but the battle here restricted them from leaving.

As a last resort, I had no choice but to continue to live and rent a house in a remote place from the city center. It is remote, but it is better than there are no houses around, and it is much quieter.

Moreover, Angela and the young master seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, which made him feel a little better.

It's just that what she didn't know was that Angela didn't leave, and secretly passed a note to Gu Nian!

(End of this chapter)

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