King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 193 Sir, let's start

Chapter 193 Sir, let's start
This is what Liu Chan came to tell her on purpose, and he also helped a lot in this. It is estimated that Zhuge Liang still wanted to get some clues because of her identity as a soul from another world.

But no matter what, with the book in hand, it is not difficult for her to restore her memory.

When Gu Nian walked out of the room, she saw Li Bai, Li Bai's eyes darkened, and when she saw Kayn coming out of her room, she even took a provocative glance.

There was a dull pain in his heart.

Gu Nian didn't dare to look any further.

Angela asked if she would regret it, but she didn't know.

She doesn't have so many memories now, and she doesn't have deep emotions about the past. She doesn't know what kind of relationship they have. In the end, why did she lose her memory and stay in the small mountain village for so long?
She didn't dare to think deeply, she was afraid that the answer she would get would be unacceptable to her.

She followed Angela out step by step, followed by several people behind her. Once she entered the military adviser's mansion, she still set up a gossip formation, but this time, a little boy came out to lead the way.

"Which one is Ms. Gu, come with me!" The little boy looked handsome, his eyes swept around in front of everyone, and finally stopped on Angela and Gu Nian.

So Angela pushed Gu Nian in.

"is her!"

When leaving, Gu Nian looked back again.

"Niannian..." Kayn called to stop her, "Isn't that good for us?"

He didn't even have that much confidence in those past events. If she remembered them all, what kind of status would he have in her mind?

However, she stepped forward firmly.

She wants to understand the past that belongs to her, maybe no one wants to live in this world without knowing it!
Obviously, the courtyard was not big, but Gu Nianleng was the little boy who went around and around, crossed the rockery, small bridges, flowing water, and stone arches, and came to an elegant bamboo forest.

In the bamboo forest, I saw a man in blue clothes, tall and tall, with his back to them, flipping through a book in his hand.

After the little boy came in, he said respectfully, "Sir, Miss Gu has brought you in."

Hearing this, he turned around and waved his hands, and Xiao Tong retreated directly.

Gu Nian stood for a while, seeing that the other party seemed to be in some kind of confusion, and ignored her.

Looking around again, although it is only a bamboo forest, it feels like every plant and tree in it is placed deliberately.

The reason why they feel this way is because they hit a wall one after another yesterday, they were being played around in the yard. The man in front of him looked young, but as a rare genius in Jixia Academy for thousands of years, he was in the office. For the attainments above the formation, except for the three sages of Jixia, it is estimated that it is difficult for others to hold a candle to him.

She continued to look around, but in the end, her legs were sore from standing, and she didn't see any movement from him, so she couldn't help but boldly said: "Since the sir called me in, I don't think he came here to punish me , why not start?"

The other party was immersed in the world in the sea of ​​books, and after hearing her words, he turned around.

Only at this moment did Gu Nian get a clear picture of the handsome man in front of him. His face seemed to have been finely crafted, his facial features were three-dimensional, and he was impeccable. His blue eyes were different from Kayn's sharpness, but deep, deep. Like the vast starry sky, one can see through people's hearts and secrets at a glance, and his thin lips are tightly pursed, with a gentle arc. As soon as he opened his mouth, he directly admitted and apologized.

"Sorry, I was looking through some information just now. I heard that you are not from the Continent of Kings. I was just wondering if there was such a precedent before."

He apologized simply, his voice matched with his perfect smile, which made people feel like a spring breeze, without any discomfort.

But Gu Nian's past was all she heard from other people's mouths, and she had already forgotten everything.

"Sir, you should act so rigorously, so there is no need to apologize. As for me... I don't know if I am a person from another world, but I hope that I can find my memory. Therefore, please help me, sir."

Gu Nian's voice was soft and waxy, but it was also loud, and his eyes were clear, even though he was praying, he was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Help you?" He hooked his lips: "But as far as I know, all you people want are the fragments of the heavenly book in my hand..."

This Gu Nian is not clear, she knows that Angela wants it.

But she has no memory of what the fragments of the heavenly book are used for.

"What you are using to negotiate now is just a memory that is not useful to me. If you really come from everything, it's easy to say, but if not, do you have anything else to convince me?"

To put it bluntly, he doesn't mind helping her, if he is a native of Shu and loyal to the lord, everything is easy to talk about.

But they are not. These people messed up Chang'an in Tang Dynasty, and then ran to Shu Kingdom, and even came to his military adviser's mansion to threaten him with power. Although he is not afraid of trouble, he doesn't like to provoke him people.

It's just that he was a little tempted by Angela's proposal, so he called people in to have a look.

Gu Nian was stunned for a moment, never thinking that at this moment the other party didn't say to help her.

Is there anything she can get out of her?

She has nothing, she doesn't know who she was before she lost her memory, and after losing her memory, she lives by Kayn...

She took out the soul jade bracelet.

"I have nothing now, only this jade bracelet, which can drop blood to summon souls, but so far I have lost my spiritual power, and I can't play any role. I wonder if this can be used as a negotiation with sir?"

It can be seen that she really wants to restore her memory.

With his spiritual sense, he found out that this Soul Jade was a good magic weapon, but now it was damaged, and a lot of the contents inside were also damaged. He shook his head: "I don't need this thing!"

Gu Nian sighed, if she doesn't even need this, it seems that her memory cannot be recovered.

She bowed and turned around to leave, but she heard her say: "If you are a soul from another world, after I help you, I can also get benefits. If you are not a soul from another world in the end, then sign a slave contract three Years, stay here with me as a servant, will you agree to this request?"

For a maid?three years?
This involves whether Gu Nian should believe Angela's words.

Angela said that she herself told her that she came from another world.

She didn't speak, and he was not in a hurry, still waiting quietly by the side.

When he thought that she would leave under this request, he never thought of her but said to him: "Then please start, sir?"

How can she be sure that she is not from the King's Continent?
(End of this chapter)

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