King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 202 Did she break his peaceful life?

Chapter 202 Did she break his peaceful life?
She was a little tired at the end of the draw, and seeing Ming Shiyin's distorted face made her happy.

She knows it's a bit perverted these days.

But she just wanted to watch him suffer!
Taking over Datang, a dream for thousands of years...

He never thought about it, he just wanted to get back everything he had, just wanted to rewrite the history of success and failure...

It's just a little ironic, the person who is now in the stable position is not a descendant of the Li family, but a woman surnamed Wu.

He failed, but he didn't fail either, because he would leave a way out for himself.

Isn't this woman's sarcasm afraid of even greater revenge from him in the future?

However, she has always been stupid!

For the two men, I came to him to settle accounts!

"Are you tired from the cramping? Work harder, don't stop..." He looked at Gu Nian with a smile, with a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth!
Gu Nian: "..."

She felt a little uncomfortable at the moment, she had abused Ming Shiyin for a long time, did she feel good about him, was she a jerk?

"Ming Shiyin, don't you still like being raped?" She was really tired from smoking, and if she had the strength, she would make him feel miserable.

But right now, although it is a little painful for him, it is just a scratch.

It's just that she still has some suspicions that he is abnormal in some way!

"You dead woman..." Ming Shiyin's expression was a little abnormal at the moment, he found that this woman's brain circuit was indeed different from others.

I really want to kill her!
Knowing that his teeth were itching with hatred, Gu Nian laughed, "You said it earlier, Mr. Di has never known what punishment is suitable for you. I guess donkey punishment is not bad..."

"You piss me off!"

"Really? I'm so scared, but now you're in my hands! You should care about yourself..."

Taking advantage of the fact that he can't escape now, and he can't do anything with her, she naturally has a good time to vent.

The sound from inside the room made the jailer outside the door dream about it.

What did Miss Gu do to Lay Peony?
In the end, it was Gu Nian who felt bored. Seeing that his clothes were covered in blood and his eyes gradually filled with resentment, he patted his face and said, "You'd better keep your resentment, don't wait until His Majesty punishes you." Die, if you die, I will have no fun! Because I prefer you to live in pain, and I will be happy when you are in pain..."

After leaving the door, the jailer wanted to poke his head out and look inside.

Gu Nian quickly closed the door.

"Little brother, remember, what should be said and what should not be said today, understand? Otherwise, it will reach Mr. Di's ears, and his eyes can't be rubbed with sand!" Gu Nian looked at him with a smile.

The jailer nodded quickly: "Understood, understood!"

As for Ming Shiyin himself, Gu Nian still knew about it, because he had suffered such a great humiliation today, and he was too busy covering it up in time, how could he tell others!

After coming out, Di Renjie asked her if she had gotten any news from Ming Shiyin and Gu Nian shook his head.

She treats Ming Shiyin like this now, even if this guy has a secret, he can't tell him.

Although she was a little impulsive, she unexpectedly felt a lot more comfortable in her heart.

Could it be that she also has a hidden trembling personality?

After throwing away this strange thought, after Gu Nian came out, he joined Angela.

Angela said to her: "In recent days, I have removed the influence of that little loli, and this bible is no longer of much use to me."

Because she is not very interested in mechanics, what she wants is the supreme magic cheats.

So I just threw the fragments of the Heavenly Book to Gu Nian, remembering that she and Kayn left the Great Wall and worked so hard to get the fragments of the Heavenly Book?
Now it is easy to get it, but others...

"What are you thinking?" Angela asked playfully when she saw her dazed.

"I checked it out on purpose. There is very little mention of the curse here, and there is no exact solution to the curse. It seems that all the fragments of the heavenly book should be gathered together to form a complete heavenly book. Only then can the curse be resolved," Angela said.

But in that case, it will be too late in time.

There are less than two years left now.

What's more, no one knows how many fragments of the Heavenly Book are scattered all over the place, and where to find them. Zhuge Liang still has them in his hands. Do they still have the courage to go back and look for them?
If the other party does not come to them, it will be regarded as merciful.

But if it cannot be pieced together, then the curse of the Star Family cannot be defeated, and will even continue.

Angela saw that she seemed to be in a trance, and she was a little absent-minded.

Then he sighed: "I knew I shouldn't mention this to you. I really don't understand how you, a ghost from another world, have to be fettered with the Star Family? At the beginning, I said you liked Kayn, and you I still don't want to believe it, if you didn't like him, you would have already left."

Angela has a bit of hatred for iron and steel, just like she and Arthur, she knows that this body has a deep bond with Arthur.

Including herself, she was full of complicated emotions towards "King Arthur", but the more she was like this, the less she wanted to be troubled by herself.

Regardless of love or hatred, they are all under their own control, so they would rather endure the pain than escape.

Now that I don't have that kind of bondage, I feel at ease, and I can go back some things, and get them back slowly.

Gu Nian listened to her words and said, "Did you really think I liked Kai... him?"

"I don't like what you're doing here? You were willing to take his sword and summon demons at the entrance of the cross, just to solve the curse. You don't even know whether I'm good or bad, so you dare to come to negotiate with me? What are you going to do when you come to the border of the Tang Dynasty? You Mao has learned well, so you are quite courageous?!"

It turned out that Angela thought so, Gu Nian clutched her chest.

She knew that if she didn't have such feelings, she just wanted a home too much, and the greatest warmth of this home was given by him, so she couldn't help but move closer to him.

But even this is beyond the ordinary brother and sister relationship!
When he was drunk and dragged her to sleep, she should have understood his intentions, but she was just wishful thinking about that.


"Angela, I really envy your determination..."

She is now thinking that if she hadn't come, he would still be in the Great Wall Guard Army. There are his comrades in that place, who can easily hand over his back. Comrades who don't need to be wary are also close friends.

The Great Wall makes you forget that you are alone!
But her arrival broke his peaceful life.

(End of this chapter)

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