King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 217 Love Is Not a Good Thing

Chapter 217 Love Is Not a Good Thing
"He?" Gu Nian sighed, "I fell into his hands twice, logically, I should search all over the world to settle accounts with him, but now I'm a little afraid of him."

Ming Shiyin's life experience is pitiful and deplorable, and he doesn't even know how his missing childhood passed.

He said that his heart no longer rests on anyone, and this is true because he has no heart.

Yi Xing has a heart, even though he knows that his master is wrong, he still persists in waiting. Ah Li also has a heart, knowing that he is being used, he can't bear it.

Only him, he is cruel to the people around him, and he is also cruel to himself, even his body can be given up, so what does he care about.

Thinking of the technique of reincarnation mentioned by the Empress, Gu Nian felt an unspeakable fear of Ming Shiyin.

Maybe it's because he doesn't want to provoke such a person.

Because she has a weakness, but he doesn't, if provoked, he can be destroyed, but she has a lot of worries.

But now, thinking of the peony flower branded on her waist, she understands that the thing she has provoked, maybe sooner or later, if she doesn't look for him, he will come.

He would make her miserable, just as she hated him deeply, hated his Forgetfulness Pill, hated her Peony Brand, and she also hated him for ruining the situation he had carefully planned...

Gongsunli didn't quite understand what Gu Nian was talking about.

She remembered now, "Nian Nian, I just heard you say that you are going back to the West, so what about Li Bai? And Brother Kai?"

Finally asked this stubble.

Gu Nian smiled bitterly, the experience of the past six months, sometimes I really wish it was a dream, but the naked reality told her that everything she experienced was real.

She has nothing now, and she can't go back.

She briefly shared her experience, but for a while Gongsunli didn't know how to recover her.

After thinking for a long time, he hugged her and said, "Nian Nian, you are suffering too much."

Is it bitter?

Naturally it was bitter, but in fact it didn't have to be so bitter. When she just recovered her memory, Li Bai told her that he didn't mind what happened, as long as she was still willing to be with him, they could go back to the past.

But she can't pretend that nothing happened, her life has been disrupted, and the time in the small mountain village seems to be a memory from another time and space, reminding her from time to time that she is married to Kayn, and there is even something in her heart. his shadow.

Kayn also told her that when they go back, no matter whether she beats him or scolds him, he is willing to bear it, as long as everything goes back to the way it was before.

If she lied to herself and pretended she didn't know anything, she could feel at ease and accept his admiration. She knew that he liked her very much, but she just couldn't pass the psychological barrier.

Now that it's time to return to the Land of the Warriors, can you be with Kayn?
They can't go back to the past either.

"Let's not talk about that, let's talk about how the Great Wall solved the crisis? I don't know how the captain is doing now? What about Uncle Su Lie and the little lunatic Xuan Ce?"

Gongsunli knew that Gu Nian had avoided that topic on purpose, and it was an embarrassing past for her.

So here, I picked up a more interesting topic.

"Uncle Su Lie was able to solve the crisis of the siege that day because of sister Jia Luo's arrival. As for Xuan Ce, I really don't know how to make him like me. He always feels that I robbed him brother."

Another brother control, obviously Gongsunli felt that he was already flattering Xuan Ce, but for some reason, he still felt that the little lunatic seemed unhappy, although he was already very restrained.

Gu Nian can understand this feeling. He has been dependent on his elder brother since he was a child, and he always remembers the agreement with his elder brother.

Selfishly speaking, he takes his elder brother very seriously, but now that there is another woman in his elder brother's life who is inserted between them, he feels that he is not so important to his elder brother.

Although he knew that he shouldn't take his anger out on Gongsunli, but he couldn't restrain himself and wanted to destroy it.

"Xuance loves to eat meat, but he doesn't want to keep the promise. I'll teach you a few vegetarian dishes later on. If you learn how to cook them carefully, he will like it. In fact, the reason why Xuan Ce cares about keeping the promise so much is because He had a very hard childhood, he had no other relatives and friends, and he relied on his elder brother wholeheartedly. He was afraid that you would take him away, but in fact, you can use your actions to make you understand that you are not here to take away the promise, but to have more He came to love him alone. I think Xuan Ce will understand if you exchange your sincerity for your sincerity."

Gu Nian's words made Gongsunli's eyes widen, "Thank you, Nian Nian!"

Her most difficult problem for many days was solved by her.

"Then you must stay a few more days and teach me how to cook?"

"Okay!" Gu Nian said.

She did stay in the Great Wall Guards' station for a few more days, but Xuan Ce welcomed him very much, and intentionally acted very close.

In fact, Gu Nian felt that he came to the kitchen every day to watch her cook with Gongsunli. In fact, most of the time, he also knew that the dishes that Gongsunli cooked were because of him.

At dusk, Gu Nian saw him sitting on the city wall alone, watching the clouds in the sky and Yun Shu also climbed up.

"Xuance, you have grown a lot taller, and now I admit that you are taller than me!" Gu Nian stood side by side with him, feeling that the young man's brows and eyes gradually faded, and gradually took on the shadow of his brother, but in terms of temperament, , Xuan Ce is even more wild, completely different from the promise-keeping gentleness.

Hearing this, he smiled: "That's because you are short!"

Gu Nian: "..."

She found that she couldn't talk to this kid at all, because he could always choke her when he spoke.

However, she lowered her head and looked at her height sadly. Originally, she still had a chance to grow taller, but she was injured intermittently, and she was deficient.

Height has always been her pain.

He sighed silently.

Xuan Ce asked: "What is it like to be in love?"

His sudden doubt made Gu Nian stunned. What is love like? If it was first love, Gu Nian would answer, love is like candy, sweet and sweet, but if it is now, there will be a throbbing pain in my heart...

"Actually, it's not all sweet. Sister Nian, you are the same as the captain. You are obviously sad, but you still pretend that nothing happened. It can be seen that love is not a good thing." He has some annoyed.

Between Mulan and King Lanling, there is also a relationship that is constantly cutting and chaotic.

They were supposed to be in a hostile relationship, and the two people who should not have had love at the very least had developed feelings.

One is unwilling to give up the hatred of the country and the family, and the other is unwilling to give up the hometown she guards. They are also two people who are clearly in love with each other, but they can only kill each other.

Therefore, what Xuan Ce saw was the pain between the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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