King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 225 I don't want to be raped, relax

Chapter 225 If you don't want to be raped, relax

Gu Nian has never been like this moment, looking forward to Kayn's return.

But she didn't know when he would come back.

They passed each other, did he know she was back?

She is exhausted physically and mentally now, but she still has to deal with it.

Raphael's offensive was very fierce, and most of his thoughts were not spent on the people of the Star Family, because he disdained to deal with the brothers of the Star Family. Alger's strength had regressed, and it had happened a long time ago. Brothers in the family, not everyone has excellent aptitude. Kane has attainments in mechanics, but he learned it too late.

Oakes, William, and Reg are very strong in fighting skills, and they are considered young heroes in the Warriors' Land, but now they may not even be able to compare with the adjutants around Raphael, let alone Raphael who is not sure if he is with the devil opponent.

She invited him, and she was going out.

When he didn't go once, the brothers refused, and he taught them a lesson mercilessly. When the powerful magic on his body was revealed, they didn't even have the ability to resist.

She knew that this man must have had an adventure.

Her heart suddenly became cold.

But there was still a calm smile on his face: "General Raphael, why are you so angry? Didn't you agree, can you show me something good today?"

She smiled cleverly and looked forward to her beautiful eyes, which made him lose his mind for a moment.

"Take you to see a good thing today?" He took her hand and walked into the car with his belt around his waist.

Gu Nian heard the voices of his brothers behind him, "Lucy, don't go!"

But soon, the car started, and the sound gradually faded away.

With a bang, Reg's hand slammed on the iron door.

"I'm really useless, I can't stop him!"

"Me too!"

The brothers felt frustrated. As men, they could feel that Raphael looked at Lucy with aggressive eyes every day, and the opportunity to be alone like this became much more dangerous.

Kane's complexion changed a lot.

But at this time, all of them felt the same way, hating their own strength, not being as good as him!

"It would be great if the elder brother was here!" Oakes said.

"Brother now..." They were all thinking, when will Big Brother come back?
Whether the eldest brother can compete against him with his strength, but they also thought that if the eldest brother came back and found that they couldn't even do such a simple thing as protecting Lucy, would they be extremely disappointed?

Or, if Raphael did something to Lucy, with the temper of a big brother, all of this would be unimaginable!


Raphael said that the gift that was sent to him, when he opened it, what Gu Nian saw was a purple nightmare flower, which bloomed very gorgeously and magically.

She was shocked: "what?"

"I know that hybrid demons have a unique talent for cultivation. Your body is too weak now, and the Nightmare Flower is very suitable for you."

She knew that it turned out that Kayn was also looking for the Nightmare Flower for her.

"This thing is in the forbidden area!" Why can he go to a place like the forbidden area?

For a moment, her hands were tightly clenched, and she didn't even know if the person in front of her was Raphael, or was it possessed by some demon?
Some unstoppable trembling.

"I know, I only found one plant in the forbidden area, so it's extremely rare." When he had a whim, he liked to make her happy, such as taking her to see the arena, taking her to play in the city of the sky, holding a dance party for her, Even invite the best stylists in town to create her the dreamiest outfits.

Of course she understood that he was trying to curry favor, and she was also very afraid of what he would ask while she was pretending.

Simply, he didn't say anything, but now he even took out the Nightmare Flower.

He didn't see her joy, but saw her panic and uncontrollable fear.

"Are you afraid of me?" He raised her chin.

A bit of panic can be seen from her eyes: "I don't like the way you are afraid of my eyes, do you know? When I first saw you, you were so calm and composed, like the legion behind me , it doesn’t exist in your eyes, I like your eyes because they are more moving than anyone else’s, but now you are afraid..."

She was also afraid at the beginning, and she also pretended to be calm. She was afraid that he would kill her.

Who knew he would have so many thoughts.

Seeing that he was about to come over, Gu Nian couldn't help but said: "Raphael, I am very grateful for everything you have done to me, but I can't be your lover, I already have a husband."

His pupils shrunk, flashing a dangerous light.

"Who is it?" The little girl he had a crush on earlier was taken away two years later?
"Kayn!" she said, as if she was afraid that he would not believe it, and she continued, "We got married outside, so people in the Land of Warriors don't know about it."

It was the owner of the magic armor, he sneered: "So it was him, isn't he your elder brother?"

"No, we don't have any blood relationship," she argued.

"So what, I don't intend to marry you, I just want you to be my lover." Originally, she was cautious, gentle and considerate, but it was because she had never experienced any love affairs, was ignorant of world affairs, and was afraid of offending her.

But now, she said that she was married to someone, and he was angry, and didn't want to take care of it so much.

Seeing him approaching step by step, Gu Nian couldn't help but take a step back, but there was no way to retreat, so he hugged him horizontally.

"Raphael, let me go."

"Let go? Haven't you been enjoying what I paid for these days? I thought you were already prepared, so relax, or you will get hurt!"

Soon, he hugged her to the bed, his hands were imprisoned, Gu Nian struggled to resist, but the force was like a cat scratching, and the man pressed her up all at once.grabbed her lips...

For a moment she bit his tongue, biting blood.

It made him feel extremely angry, as if a kitten dared to struggle in front of him.

"My patience is limited!"

He no longer had patience, he only wanted to get her, but he didn't dare to be rough.

It was useless for Gu Nian to yell, and it was useless to slap him. For a moment, he thought of death, so he bit his tongue and killed himself.

"Stupid woman!" But suddenly there was a discordant voice in his body.

"If you don't want to be raped, just relax and give me control of your body first!"

This voice, somewhat familiar, was originally the most annoying, but hearing it at this moment is no less than the sound of nature.

"Ming Shiyin..."

Gu Nian has no other choice but to follow the advice.

(End of this chapter)

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