King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 230 Choices and Uncontrollable Love

Chapter 230 Choices and Uncontrollable Love

He chewed her words over and over in his heart, at first he was surprised, but then he smiled wryly.

There are some things that I didn't know at the beginning, but I will be more or less aware of them later. Zhuge Liang helped her unlock her memories, and one of them is probably because she is a soul from another world.

But at that time, he didn't care much anymore.

Now, what's the use of her talking so much?
How can she be as unbearable as she is, if it is purely used, why would she even risk her own life, once or twice is a fake, and then she has sincerity!

Thinking of this, his mind suddenly became clear.

What did she say to him today?Do you want him to give up voluntarily?
But he has actually analyzed his feelings to his father, and if she doesn't accept it, then he won't force it.

Or, she had a struggle in her heart, so she hoped that he could take the initiative to dislike her?
Suddenly his heart beat a little bit, maybe Nian Nian doesn't hate him that much, maybe she likes him too?
So in order to defend him, he made himself feel unbearable.

Thinking of this, he couldn't hold back anymore, jumped up from the bed, he wanted to find her, and express his heart to her again.

But Gu Nian is now deeply trapped in a nightmare, with Kayn on one side and Li Bai on the other...

When he came in quietly, he heard her raving, and vaguely heard her calling Li Bai's name.

The whole person's heart became cold in an instant.

Why does he always have such delusions, thinking that she will fall in love with him?

Isn't it what should be said, is it clear?

But when he was at the door, he seemed to hear her calling his name again.

Unable to bear the pace stopped again.

When Gu Nian was asleep, she dreamed that she fell into the water, and she clearly saw Kaiyin and Li Bai, but they didn't save her.

One said, if it wasn't for you, I would be fine in the Great Wall Guard Army.

The other said, if it weren't for you, my reputation in Chang'an City would be fine...

She wanted to say that she didn't do it on purpose, but when she opened her mouth, it was as if the flood around her had submerged her.

She struggled and wandered in the water.

Seeing other people's accusations, "Look, your coming has brought about completely bad influences. You didn't save anyone, but instead made others like this!"

She couldn't see other people's faces clearly, but these words made her very ashamed.

It seems to be like this, everyone has their own destiny, why should she come and ruin other people's lives into a mess.

So she didn't want to struggle and let herself be submerged in water.

It became difficult to breathe in the dream, and she thought she was dead.

But there was another voice in the ear.

"Niannian..." Who is calling her?

From distant to gradually clear.

"A Kai!" She opened her eyes and saw it was him.

The whole person was sweating profusely, so embarrassed.

She was still a little dazed and didn't understand the current situation, but he hugged her tightly.

"You actually like me a little bit, don't you?" He asked.

Gu Nian didn't answer, her face was a little ugly.

She didn't know if it was true, but she felt it in her heart, and she felt that this was an unspeakable thing.

But he couldn't help but kissed her forehead.

"I won't let go anymore, Nian Nian, I don't care who you were, where you came from, and I don't care who you liked, as long as you like me a little bit in your heart, I can't bear to let go. Nian Nian, you Saying that you have selfishness, why don't I have selfishness in my heart, obviously I should hope that you will be happy, happy, and happy, but as soon as I think of your happiness being given to you by other men, I feel like a knife, jealous My eyes were stunned. I knew it was wrong, but I had to go all the way to the dark. You said, you are not good, but I am not good either, we are not perfect people, can we try to be together?"

His words made her brain buzz a little.

Then I couldn't help crying.

He held her all the time, very tight.

Her body was a little stiff at first, but gradually became softer.

"I liked Li Bai..."

"I know." Now that he thinks about this, he regrets why he didn't see it earlier, or did he want to escape in those few days?
"I feel a little sorry for him!" She was very embarrassed.

Kayn felt a little pantothenic in his heart, wasn't he just one step ahead of him, confessed?
But now that she said she was sorry for him, did she accept herself?
"You have already broken up with him." Kayn said, the two had a hasty meeting when he returned to Chang'an, and it was Li Bai who told him at that time to treat her better in the future.

That's why he rushed back so eagerly.

Gu Nian knows this.

"Yes, but he didn't do anything wrong and was broken up." And he coaxed her into having sex before she broke up with him. From this point of view, she has always been They all felt as if she was skittish, but she didn't have any memories at that time, so she could barely tell the past.

It's just that after she had a memory, she didn't immediately choose to fight against Li Bai.

She knew she was screwed.

She's a real badass!

So neither can accept Kayn nor Li Bai, and can only choose self-abuse to escape!

"After that, let's make up for it slowly. No matter what he wants, help him if you can..."

She fell into his thoughts unconsciously, but didn't hear what he said about us.Then he said again: "No, he is very strong, maybe he doesn't need help. Besides, he will definitely feel uncomfortable when I appear in front of him, but Noah's Ark, I don't know whether Master Lu Ban has unlocked the magic trick at the bottom of the lake. secret……"

She was rambling on, but she didn't expect her lips to be blocked soon.

Although he knew that he was sorry for Li Bai, he was not happy to hear that she was planning for him everywhere.

Gu Nian's eyes widened, how dare he do this?
This is still at home!
It's probably because I haven't touched her for a long time, and now I have a taste of her, and it feels good, she can't breathe from being kissed.

Can't help but pat his chest, it's like a cat's scratch to him.

But her eyes were filled with tears.

He stopped and wiped away the tears for her.

"You are too much, how can you do this?"

"I'm sorry!" As soon as she cried, he felt uncomfortable: "I can't help it."

But she couldn't stop crying.

He used to be incapable of being in love, and when he was incapable of being in control, he made her lose her memory, and then became his wife inexplicably, he is also like this now, she didn't even agree, why is he like this?

Seeing her crying so much, he panicked completely.

 PS: ε=(ο`*)))

(End of this chapter)

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