King of Glory: Brother, let's have dinner

Chapter 234 Why Didn't You Tell Him?

Chapter 234 Why Didn't You Tell Him?
If there was such a powerful technique of reincarnation in the world, she would not have been trapped in the bubble for nearly a thousand years, waiting alone. If it hadn't been for that little girl who inadvertently broke in, maybe she would have waited until the sea dried up and her soul died. , forever silent...

May I ask, who doesn't want eternal life, who doesn't want eternal youth?
So even if it wasn't for Gu Nian, she still wanted to get this secret!

Gu Nianmo also knew what Angela was thinking, but she didn't care. To put it bluntly, if Ming Shiyin could really be forced out, then let Angela fight with Ming Shiyin. She just wanted to lure this time bomb away. , and then take good care of your body, and practice slowly by yourself.

As for the technique of reincarnation, she felt that it was not her turn to think about it.Having made up her mind, and with Angela as her protector, she began to take flower petals.

Originally, I used it too much yesterday, so I shouldn't take it again today. Once I take it, I will feel the vigorous power in my body, and it will blow her up. She can't bear such a domineering power.

But at this time, Angela's hand was attached to her back, giving her another peaceful force, guiding the energy of the Nightmare Flower, and it was running quickly...

It lasted for several hours before Gu Nian managed to finish the three petals, which was thanks to Angela.

But Gu Nian did not perceive Ming Shiyin's existence, neither did Angela.

The two looked at each other, and both sighed.

"I'll come back tomorrow!" Kana had knocked on the door several times before, calling for food. If the two of them stayed any longer, it would probably attract suspicion, so it was time to go back.

Gu Nian sent Angela out, and it happened that Kayn also arrived home.

As soon as Arthur came back, the Land of the Warriors had a backbone. In fact, he didn't need to settle many things, and he seemed to be doing nothing all of a sudden.

So in the afternoon, he practiced sword with Gu Nian.

After going through so many things, Gu Nian regretted a little. She obviously had a talent later on, but she didn't cultivate well, so she was hindered. If she could be better, she wouldn't be so afraid of Ming Shiyin that she would die. way to resist.

After all, it was still not hard enough, so she forced herself to work harder.

But she forgot that nothing can be achieved overnight. Even a gifted genius would not be a blockbuster if it hadn't been accumulated for decades. She is too young, even if she works hard, she still can't take the lead all at once!

However, even if her efforts don't show results now, Kayn is still happy to see the results, at least her physical fitness can be improved a lot.It's just that when it comes to practicing swords, there will inevitably be some contact.

William, who was watching their eyebrows not far away, sighed with emotion: "Sure enough, a daughter-in-law is different from a younger brother, and she is reluctant to use heavy hands. If we practice swords like this, the elder brother will beat us to death, right?"

Oakes gave him a blank look: "Dream, brother won't talk to you at all!"

It seems to be the same. When they were young, they practiced swords except moves. After the elder brother taught them once, he threw them under the sun to practice by themselves.

How can it be like this now, with water and a handkerchief in her hand, thinking that she is thirsty and tired, so she can rest on the sidelines.

Even the movement guidance is done carefully. If a move is practiced three or four times, it can actually be considered complete, and he still needs to correct it.

It's clear that you just want to hold her hand tightly, right?
"Brother is so scheming!" William said, "Tell me, why didn't I realize that Lucy looks so good-looking before?"

After Reg heard this sentence, he was in a bad mood.

"You, what do you want to do? Stop dreaming, you will be your sister-in-law in the future, don't you think about it?"

He glanced at the elder brother in the distance, looked over, and quickly grabbed William away.

William felt baffled, and Oakes also glared at him.

"Why do you all have such expressions? I just want to say that if I knew that Lucy was so good-looking before, I would definitely protect her well. I have to teach him to guard against others, right?"

If the brothers had taken precautions earlier, the elder brother would not have succeeded so easily. He just thought that one thing would give the elder brother a headache, so it must have given him a headache too, right?
As a result, where did they all think of their eyes?

Especially Reg, he pulled him away, and he was extremely disgusted with the warning.

"Don't have any wrong thoughts, she can only be your sister-in-law in the future!"

"I know. By the way, when the eldest brother holds the wedding ceremony, we can get married too, right?" William said enthusiastically.

As soon as he changed the subject, Reg was relieved.

He knew that the second brother went directly to the Holy Knight Church today to avoid the eldest brother and Lucy. In fact, there is no need for his help, but he himself does not want to see the two of them get along well. What he fears most is other people. The brothers also had strange thoughts about Lucy.Fortunately, his worries were completely unnecessary.

Oakes frowned and asked, "Have you fallen in love with someone?"

It is true that their brothers have reached the age of marriage. They used to worry about the curse. Although the curse has not been resolved now, they all have some inexplicable trust in the elder brother. It seems that with him, they can break through the shackles of the curse.

A beautiful figure appeared in William's mind. Her figure was slim and charming, but she didn't seem to care about it.

What distressed him the most was that she was much stronger than him. As one of the knights who had been instructed by her, he should have no sense of existence in her eyes.

"You say, if I like a girl who is better than me in every way, is it possible for her to like me?"

Oakes and Reg looked at each other and shook his head: "Nothing!"

William was a little frustrated. She was really much stronger than him. Except for his elder brother, he didn't think anyone else was as powerful as her, and there were too many people around her. Too much, he looks so inconspicuous, and bears the curse of the family.It's impossible for Xiao to miss her in this life, right?
At this time, Reg thought of the beautiful girl in the east again. Gongsunli was also very strong and cute, but it seemed that at that time, no matter how he hinted at her, she didn't take it to heart.

Now she finally got her wish and found her true lover.

His secret love and first love ended without a problem, and he still feels a little sour when he thinks about it.

He sighed and said: "If you really like you very much, even if there is a gap, you must work hard to pursue it. Even if she doesn't like you, you won't have any regrets if you pursue her. The most fearful thing is, Do nothing, watch her meet a better man, pursue her and protect her, and in the end you won't even leave a shadow in her heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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